The Best Bodyweight Exercises for Strength
In case you haven't noticed, there's a new exercise trend that's spreading like wildfire.
And unlike most of the hot fads, this one has been around for a long time and isn't going away anytime soon - not like that ab gizmo you bought one time and is now collecting dust.
I'm talking, of course, about bodyweight exercises.
The Best Bodyweight Exercises for Strength Before gyms became mainstream, how do you think people stayed in shape? Most of the old-school strongmen relied on a lot of bodyweight exercises for their impressive physiques.
Also, if you've ever seen a gymnastic event on TV, you'll know how unbelievably ripped those people are.
Guess what? Gymnasts train almost exclusively using only their own bodyweight as resistance! Whether you are looking to amp up your exercise program, or just trying to save a few bucks by not having a gym membership, learning these exercises will help you build a strong and attractive body.
The Push Up If you don't know this one, you probably never showed up to gym class.
Nevertheless, the push up is an important upper body exercise that cannot be neglected.
The Pull Up Another "phy ed classic," the pull up will work all the muscles in your upper body that push ups do not.
This is another must! The Plank The plank is the only abs exercise you'll ever need.
People are used to doing crunches and may not be too familiar with this one.
It resembles the "up" position of the push up, but you lower down to your forearms and hold yourself completely straight as long as you can.
The Squat "The king of exercises" needs no additional weight to be effective.
In fact, you will save your back long-term by ditching the barbell.
Just make sure you squat ALL the way down to get the most of this exercise.
This is one exercise that will work every muscle group in your lower body.
Putting Together a Workout Routine Now that you know the "big four" best bodyweight exercises for strength, it's time to throw them together in a workout routine.
With just these exercises, you can work every muscle in your body to ensure an even development.
" It is important you stop before failure while your form is still perfect to avoid injury.
If you do this routine 2-3 times per week, you will get closer to building the body of your dreams every day.
And unlike most of the hot fads, this one has been around for a long time and isn't going away anytime soon - not like that ab gizmo you bought one time and is now collecting dust.
I'm talking, of course, about bodyweight exercises.
The Best Bodyweight Exercises for Strength Before gyms became mainstream, how do you think people stayed in shape? Most of the old-school strongmen relied on a lot of bodyweight exercises for their impressive physiques.
Also, if you've ever seen a gymnastic event on TV, you'll know how unbelievably ripped those people are.
Guess what? Gymnasts train almost exclusively using only their own bodyweight as resistance! Whether you are looking to amp up your exercise program, or just trying to save a few bucks by not having a gym membership, learning these exercises will help you build a strong and attractive body.
The Push Up If you don't know this one, you probably never showed up to gym class.
Nevertheless, the push up is an important upper body exercise that cannot be neglected.
The Pull Up Another "phy ed classic," the pull up will work all the muscles in your upper body that push ups do not.
This is another must! The Plank The plank is the only abs exercise you'll ever need.
People are used to doing crunches and may not be too familiar with this one.
It resembles the "up" position of the push up, but you lower down to your forearms and hold yourself completely straight as long as you can.
The Squat "The king of exercises" needs no additional weight to be effective.
In fact, you will save your back long-term by ditching the barbell.
Just make sure you squat ALL the way down to get the most of this exercise.
This is one exercise that will work every muscle group in your lower body.
Putting Together a Workout Routine Now that you know the "big four" best bodyweight exercises for strength, it's time to throw them together in a workout routine.
With just these exercises, you can work every muscle in your body to ensure an even development.
- Push ups: 3 sets of reps to fatigue.
- Pull ups: 3 sets of reps to fatigue.
- Planks: 3 sets of holds to fatigue.
- Squats: 3 sets of reps to fatigue.
" It is important you stop before failure while your form is still perfect to avoid injury.
If you do this routine 2-3 times per week, you will get closer to building the body of your dreams every day.