What Is in Egyptian Tombs?
- The main object put in an Egyptian tomb is the body of the tomb's owner, which had undergone the process of mummification. Other than this, the Egyptians included the personal effects of the person and items they'd need in the afterlife.
- Items put into Egyptian tombs can include furniture (such as couches, chests and chairs), toys, makeup, perfume, jewelry, pets, cloth, dishware, weapons, food and drink.
- Some items were symbolic and included ushabti, small person-shaped statues to perform work in the afterlife, and model equipment, such as boats and tools, to represent actual equipment.
- The ancient Egyptians believed that the afterlife was like this life and that they would need the same things as in this life. When the gods wanted a dead person to do work, the person could send an ushabti to do it instead.
- The interior walls of an Egyptian tomb are covered with hieroglyphics and art, such as depictions of family, daily life or religious rituals.
Symbolic Items