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Indirect access to European countries by virtue of investment:

It is true of the fact that European states only give refuge to those who are rich and depict a sound financial or political background, specifically who has the financial power can easily acquire second nationality by investment.

The poor people from the Mediterranean are left behind dying and ignored and the riches with heavy bank statements and wealth laden are making their way across the European states. If the people want to migrate to European states they have to adopt indirect ways of getting access to 26 European states and earn a wealthy living there. The most accessible, conveniently available,thoughindirect way, is getting your investment fixed in Latvia, and thereby earning a residence permit of 5 years or so. Once you are in Latvia, you are close to the border of 26 European states and you can see your destiny ahead of you.

This investment oriented residence-permit program has attracted an exodus of foreigners to state Latvia. However, Latvia is just a way of entering fortress Europe, and nobody continues to live in Latvia. Following are the few packages that can lead to European states to gain second nationality by investment:

  • Latvian government has made it easy for the immigrants as anyone who has the power to buy property in the provinces  worth of at least 50,000 Lats currency or €71,000 / $96,500 or property in major cities of worth at least 100,000 Lats for instance in Riga gets access to residence permit in Latvia of five years. This is just the token money of entering into one of the many European states and an unrestricted access to Schengen zone border. This is just one way of gaining access to second nationality by investment. The Latvian model of attracting foreigners to their land has lured Hungary, Spain and Greece governments to attract investors to build their economy from around the globe.

  • The Spain government has introduced a new law by force that only those foreigner investors who have spent at €500,000 in buying property can have residence permit. This boosted the real estate industry with 300,000 new buyers of property.

  • The Greece government has been allowing residence permits of five years to any individual having an investment of €250,000 in property. This practice has been exercised since the summer where the permit enables the non-European citizens to spend around 90 days out of the 180 available days in different Schengen states.
  • Portugal has started offering a "golden Visa" package since October 2012, which allows the foreigners to attain two years residency permit in exchange of buying property of €500,000.

Above are just a few examples how the foreigners are indirectly gaining access to European countries which is making Europe lose its essential credibility where anyone who has the power to invest in property can easily gain second nationality by investment.
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