Help! I Can"t Stop Scratching!
Updated October 29, 2014.
Itching is a common reason for people to see an allergist. Many of those with itching have a rash, others do not. Some people suffer from itching for many years, while others have symptoms for only a few days or weeks. So, what causes an itch to occur? Why do some people itch from head to toe, while others itch only in certain areas? If you, or someone you know, has a problem with itching or a rash that won't go away, read the following articles, then see your doctor.
You too can be itch free in no time!
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Itching is a common reason for people to see an allergist. Many of those with itching have a rash, others do not. Some people suffer from itching for many years, while others have symptoms for only a few days or weeks. So, what causes an itch to occur? Why do some people itch from head to toe, while others itch only in certain areas? If you, or someone you know, has a problem with itching or a rash that won't go away, read the following articles, then see your doctor.
You too can be itch free in no time!
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