Unmasking the Terrorists in Our Society
What is Terrorism
Terrorism is the use of violence as a means of coercion. The destruction of lives and property is not the primary objective of terrorists, such is but a means to an end; the primary objective is to create an atmosphere of fear and shock that will eventually undermine authority, hence, gain audience where the main cause will be made known to all. The media plays a pivotal role in the art of terrorism—without the media, the primary objective of terrorists will not be actualized. Terrorism is a demon that reduces men to zombies— he is a dark spirit— when he possesses a being he doesn't loose his grip until he extinguishes the lamp of his host and that of the innocent with its poisonous extremism.
It was during the French Revolution of 1789-1799 that the word terrorism was first used; it was used to describe the newly adopted system of government—the regime de la terreur, which means Reign of Terror. The impetus behind its use was to purify the state by ridding her of the revolution's enemies and to encourage democracy. However, violence and oppression of even the innocent made terreur (terrorism) a feared instrument of the state. From then on, the word terrorism became a hair-raiser as it connotes death and destruction.
Adopted by a group of Russian revolutionaries in the late 19th century, the word terrorism would gain wider popularity. It would be used to describe the group's violent struggle against Tsarist rule; hence, it would assume its familiar antigovernment associations known to all today.
Today, to say that terrorism is a thorn in the flesh of both the government and the governed of all nations of the world would be an understatement—terrorism is rottenness is the bone of human existence!
Everyone or people that accepts the cold embrace of terrorism have one excuse or the other for doing so—there is always an excuse for every wrong, even those that involves the killing of innocent women and children. Man will always have an excuse for every sin he commits and hence, even try to justify his actions. Some terrorist will tell the world that they kill (even the innocent) because their race or religion is under threat. There is always an excuse for robbing families of their peace…plunge a nation deep into the bowels of anguish and sorrow; man will always have an excuse to do even the unthinkable. Other reasons can be political, psychological, economical and historical—or a combination of any of these.
Preys of Terrorism
Who is a terrorist? He is one who terrorizes the weak—his preys are often the innocent poor of the society. Fear is his ultimate weapon—this he uses with the intention of changing human behavior and institutions, or to alter public policies.
Terrorism is systematic, premeditated and well calculated. The targets of terrorist are often the innocent poor of the society—people who have no connection with the terrorists—men, women and little children. Men who scratch the soil each day to feed their families, woman who sweat under the scotching sun just to put a hot plate on the table before their children, innocent little ones with aspirations and dreams bigger than their school bus—these ones would be brutally murdered just to gain the attention of the authority. For the fact that the innocent poor of the society could be brutally slain in such a staggering proportion is what causes terror to the living—this is indicative of the level of insecurity (especially) for the common majority of our society—anybody can be a victim of terrorist attack!
March 17, 1992, Buenos Aires, Argentina, a car bomb destroyed the Israeli Embassy killing 29 people and injured 242 people. August 26, 1992, a bomb exploded at Algerian International airport in Algiers claiming 12 lives and injured about 123 people.
It takes more than the spirit of man to robe oneself in dynamites and stroll down to a place where the majority are the innocent poor of the society; a place where the majority are those who scratch the soil each day for their daily bread; this terrorist would stroll into a place like this and innocent children—even toddlers are ripped open by merciless dynamites—women and honest men are sent to their early graves.
It is true what they say: "The hatred in a man will one day consume him." Small wonder these ones would kill even themselves to kill even the innocent.
In Israel, a suicide bomber blew up a bus on February 25, 1996. Religious extremist are believed to be responsible. Dearth toll: 26. Injured: 80 people. June 25, 1996, a fuel truck carrying a bomb exploded outside a U.S military base housing facility in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia killing 19 people and injured 515.
On February 26, 1993, a group of religious extremist exploded a massive bomb bellow the world trade Centre killing 6 people and injured about 1,000 people. March 20, 1995, members of the Aum Shinkiko carried six packages aboard Tokyo subway trains—deadly sarin gas was released –12 people lost their lives and 5,000 people were injured
A mother told her crying child "wipe your tears, I will be back soon." She kissed her child on the cheek and off she went to the bus stop to board a bus to the market so she could cook dinner for her family. Little did she know that she would break her promise to her child—he would wait endlessly for her return because the bus she boarded (a bus that conveys everyday people to their different places of business) in it was planted a greedy bomb— twenty lives were devoured that day including three school children and a toddler—another lurid tale is added to the anthology of human history!
January 31, 1996, Ethnic terrorists groups ram a truck laden with explosives into a bank in Colombo, Sri, Lanka killing 90 and injured over 1,400 people.
September 11, 2001, members of the al-quada network crashed two passenger planes into the world trade centre—over 5000 were killed. All the victims were innocent—people who had nothing whatsoever to do with the terrorist's avowed cause.
September 9 and 13, 1999 two huge explosions rip through two apartment buildings in Moscow killing 212 people and injured 300 more.
Do you know that as you read this article, somewhere in this world a child has been selected by a terrorist group and presently undergoing orientation to prepare him spiritually, psychologically and emotionally towards the destruction of innocent lives and property? This child will think nothing of the idea of clothing himself with dynamites and walk into a place bubbling with activities—a place of the innocent poor of the society and destroy irreplaceable lives.
A woman is been being terrorized by her spouse or vis-à-vis, and the lot of an innocent child or children is muffled wince.
Terrorism in Uniform
It is indeed disheartening to know that some law enforcement agents are terrorists—Police Officers who abuse the uniform they wear; though they would not admit to this as they were employed by the government and trained to maintain peace and order, however, their true nature would betray them. This I choose to call "Terrorism in Uniform"
They would mount illegal checkpoints and extort money from public transporters and even private car owners—this rapacious specie of men. They would level all sort of false and unfounded allegations on the innocent all for the sake of making extra money. All terrorist groups have their excuse for being the subhuman that they are. For this rapacious specie of men their excuse is, the government is nonchalant in regards to the welfare of those whom they employed to maintain peace and order in the society. Hence, these terrorists in uniform would unleash terror in the society which they swore by oath to protect. These terrorists in uniform would go about brandishing their weapons of destruction in public places—often times the breath of an innocent pedestrian they would seize, and when questioned, they would blame it on accidental discharge. Majestically they would leave the scene of crime with their hands dripping of innocent blood, leaving behind pain, tears and deep sorrow—the bereaved terror-stricken and hollow.
These terrorists in uniform would make illegal arrests and detentions. A suspect would be detained for up to seven years without trial when the law dictates that no one should be detained in their custody for more than twenty four hours without trial. Money and material gains compose the matter of interest for these terrorists, the wellbeing of the citizens whom they swore by oath to protect is trivial; that is why this category of terrorist would gun down the innocent for a mare twenty naira note if refused to be given to them at their "check points". They call themselves our "friend", yet fear they sow in our land as they terrorize both the innocent and guilty. On January 7, 2011, there was a publication in the Punch Newspaper with the headline: "Police Trains 2,000 Men on Anti-Terrorism Techniques" The bible makes me to understand that demons can never cast out demons, therefore, these boys in black cannot combat terrorism and succeed until they themselves are delivered from the spirit of terrorism.
It is indeed very sad to know that these terrorists are leaving behind prints of their bloody paws on the sand for tomorrow's leaders to follow—our lives are a mirror at which children look to shape theirs.
In one of our local primary schools here in Lagos, Nigeria, some children where asked by a visitor what they would like to be when they grow up. Some kids said this, some said that; but there was a boy who said "I would like to be a Police Officer!" and when asked why, "because I will carry a big gun and people will be afraid of me! And also, I will make lots of money at the bus stops!" came his artless reply. This is indeed very sad for the future of a nation
In 1976 the South African government mandated the use of the Afrikaans language in schools, a language considered by blacks as, the language of the white-ruled nation's dominant Boers, a symbol of white oppression. This sparked student protests, and were violently countered by police—23 persons were killed and 220 were injured.
"Domestic Terrorism"
Domestic violence, this is violence between intimate partners: man and wife, violent act caused by member(s) of a given family against member(s) of same family. This is another form of terrorism as violence is used as a means of coercion hence; the victim(s) live in fear of their oppressor.
If bathing ones spouse or partner with acid (for whatever reason) is not an act of terrorism, then, nothing else under heaven is; but if it is, then the offender is a terrorist. Domestic terrorism may not be politically motivated, but the victims feel same pain and a deep sense of loss like those who suffer in the hands of those terrorist whose course are either inspired by religion, politics or ethnic differences or a combination of these.
The case where the father of the house makes a punching bag of his wife at daytime and a sex slave at night time—he fills the days of his spouse with terror; even his children lives in fear of him—they find no peace. It is often said that home is not a house but a feeling" this is true, when the warmth of home is replaced by the chilling cold of terror and sorrow; such is no longer home but a hell hole. Further, children of such families are terror-stricken hence, have low self-esteem and self-worth.
Victims suffer both physical and psychological injuries. Physical injuries can range from bruises, cuts, fractures and burns to broken bones, stab wounds, miscarriages (in women), and death. Also, victims experience depression and other psychological distress, and they are more likely than other people to contemplate or attempt suicide. Children who witness/experience domestic terrorism may experience depression and psychological distress, moreover, they are more likely than other children to be physically violent—terrorize others—including their own children if they eventually get married and their marriage is consummated.
It is shameful to know that in some parts of Asia and Africa, wife abusers have the backings of customs and tradition, and even that of religion. A religion or customs and tradition that relegate women to the background, stripping them nude of fundamental human rights are fuel for domestic terrorism. We should call for the abrogation of such customs that subjects women to emotional and physical torture—laws that wreak terror on the feminine gender. These customs make mutes out of women—they have no say in matters that borders even on their own existence—their voices are caged like fowls, and if they try to flutter and fly, they are slaughtered.
Terrorism is an act of hatred, and hatred is a predator by instinct, sooner or later it will turn against its host: the hater will one day destroy himself.
Terrorists are predators who pre on the peace of a people. They are armed robbers who would rob even a child of her dreams and ambitions. Terrorism is a constrictor—he would coil his cold self around a nation at peace crushing bones of stability, and swallow her whole—all are plunged deep into the slimy murky sea of sorrow and despair of his bowels
Campus Terrorism
Further, secrete cults have turned our institutions of higher learning into battlefields and places of torment, terror and death. Students have long lost their freedom of movement and speech, because all who speak out against a cultist or group may never leave to see the light of day. A lot of students have lost their lives just by trying to rid their school of cultism. It is indeed very sad to know that some student are forced or tricked into being members of secrete cults—if they refuse to be initiated, they are killed. Girls are forced into having a relationship with cultists—some are rapped. If a girl is approached and she refuses them, her life on campus would be made a living hell. Our institutions of higher learning have become places of death and terror; and the terrorists are members of secrete cults; if apprehended, they should be treated like the terrorist that they are.
Armed Robbers
Armed robbers are notorious for their acts of greed, violence and sheer wickedness. These terrorist would subjugate homes, workplaces and even worship grounds demanding money and materials things—sometimes, even when their victims comply, because they have an insatiable appetite for violence, these terrorists would rob their victims of their lives.
These terrorists are known for their acts of extreme wickedness—they would rape mothers and daughters before the frightened eyes of fathers and sons.
In their attempt to reap where they did not sow, these terrorist would hold people hostage in their homes or workplaces making their lives a living hell. And if apprehended and asked why they took to armed robbery, one could easily guess the answer, because; most of them would conveniently blame it on poverty.
Government by Terrorists
Any government that is not of the people by the people and for the people is a government of dictators hence, a terrorist government. Such is what I call "Junta-terrorism" Fundamental human right is incapacitated and incarcerated—all are expected to do as the Junta pleases—long jail term, torment and death awaits the intrepid. The majority are terror-stricken when news of mysterious disappearances and deaths escape into town.
Rtd General Ibrahin Babngida, a one time president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria is one of such terrorists. The day was Sunday October 19, 1986, and the place was 25 Talabi Street, Ikeja. Sumonu Oladele Giwa, styled named Dele Giwa, was having a late breakfast with a colleague, Kayode Soyinka when a post man brought a parcel addressed to him. The parcel was delivered to Dele Giwa's first son Billy who was then 19 years old. Billy handed the parcel to his father; after Dele Giwa looked the parcel over he said: "this must be from the President." because it bore the seal of the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria; little did he know that the parcel concealed a ticket to the great beyond—alas, it was a letter bomb, and when he attempted to open the parcel, the whole world exploded in his face! He was rushed to the hospital where he gave up the ghost not before he said "The have got me." At the time of his death, Dele Giwa was the Editor of Newswatch Magazine. His death sent a shockwave throughout the country—some press men had to flee the country for dear lives, those who could not afford to leave the country, terror-stricken, they adopted the life of a mole rat afraid to show their faces in the light of day. Under the ruler-ship of the Tyrant, the people had no voice—speaking your mind or demanding justice meant serving jail terms if lucky—if not, untimely death.
Further, it was still this same tyrant that annulled the 1993 general elections that would have ushered the late Chief Mushood Abiola into Aso Rock as the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria—unfortunately, Chief Abiola who had an auspicious start had a tragic end. The annulment caused a cascade of Armageddon—the arrest and incarceration of Chief Abiola, the murder of Kudirat Abiola, and the eventual murder of Chief Abiola in captivity. Further, the annulment would pave the way for another Tyrant who would seize power from the interim government sworn in by General Ibrahim Babamgida. This tyrant (terrorist) would be the one to hunt and brutally murder Kudirat Abiola with the aid of his well trained and well paid assassins namely: Major Al-Mustafa, Sergeant Rogers and others. This same terrorist would attempt the assassination of prominent citizens of this Nation—this terrorist is no other than the late General Sani Abasha.
Odi, a peaceful settlement in Bayelsa state, Nigeria, was subjugated by heavily armed soldiers who pumped bullets into homes and everything that moved—Odi was massacred. This barbaric and devilish act was ordered by no other than the then President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria Olusegun Obasonjo. Terror-stricken, survivors fled their homes—up till date, their lives are in flakes. Olusegun Obasonjo, the Ex President of the Federal republic of Nigeria is a terrorist for attempting to annihilate the people of Odi.
A President that desires to rule forever, hence, uses violence and tricks to remain in power is a terrorist— a government like that of Maummar al-Qaddafi of Libya is a terrorist government. Another example is the one headed by Hosni Mubarack of Egypt. There are many more of such governments scattered around the world especially in Africa.
The violation of human right is an act of terrorism—a country where one is arrested for speaking his mind—brutalized by the police for needing positive change, such is country ruled by terrorists. Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe is a terrorist. Charles Taylor, a one time president and warlord of Liberia who forced children into taking arms and fight for what they know nothing about is a terrorist. The Revolutionary United Front (R.U.F) was led by terrorists. Every warlord of this great continent called Africa who so abused children—who chopped off the hands and legs of innocent civilians are all terrorists. Ne Win, leader of the Military Revolutionary Council of Myanma Republic of Southeast-Asia is one of such terrorists other terrorists. In his attempt to build an effective totalitarian government between the 1960's and 1970's the Military Revolutionary council abolished independent political parties and independent papers that would have opposed them by publishing the truth, this was replaced by a single paper, The Working People's Daily. Moreover, the military leaders formed the "Burmese Way of Socialism." Students who opposed this took to the streets in protest—they were shot with machine guns like mere armed robbers. The Yangon University Student Union building where Thakin movement had been launched decades before was blown up with dynamites.
Other examples of terrorists are: Adolph Hitler of Germany, Mussolini of Italy, Idiamin of Uganada, Mobutu Sese Seko of Zaire (now Democratic Republic of Congo) and Roman Emperor Nero amongst others.
Any government that chops off the hands of its citizens merely because they stole a cup of rice or a tuba of yam to keep from dying of starvation is a government headed by terrorists—alas, Sharia breeds terrorism; it undermines the teachings of the Holy Qur'an that teaches peace and forgiveness.
The Church is a place of refuge for the weak, especially homeless children, but not so the Catholic Church in Ireland. According to The Irish Times children are abused –"beating children whose crime it was that lice had infested their head." Even sexual abuse has blemished the history of the Catholic Church in Ireland. And what is the government doing about this? Nothing because of its misguided loyalty to the absolute authority of the Catholic Church.! Therefore, these children live in terror of the church that is should be a sanctuary. The doctrine of this church undermines the teachings of the Holy bible. The Catholic Church in Ireland (and any other part of the world where such is practiced) is headed by terrorists.
Politicians in Terrorism
The Nigerian Presidential elections of April 2011 was conducted in a peaceful atmosphere in most states around the federation, however, the reveres was the case in Bauchi and Kanduna state—after the results were announced, a wave of violence swept through these two states—the hands of men mete out violence—the victims were members of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC)who were employed by the Federal Government to work with the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) as Poling Officials. Coppers were brutally murdered by political thugs who were not pleased with the final result; they believed that members of the NYSC who worked with INEC were loyal to the ruling party (PDP), hence, rigged the election to its favour. Youth Coppers were hunted down like dogs and murdered in cold blood—the fate of all Youth Coppers in these states was that of a cockroach. Suffice to say that Politicians with rabid lost for power are nothing but terrorists.
The Gubernatorial elections was conducted nationwide on the 25th of April, but was postponed till the 28th in Bauchi and Kaduna States due to the wide spread of violence that robbed these states of valuable lives and property after the results of the presidential elections were released. On the 28th of April, the election was conducted in an atmosphere like that of a graveyard—most people were terrified hence, stayed away from polling station—many rather be disenfranchised than to loose dear lives. Like one man said, "I rather stay at home than to go out and fraught with death." Politicians with rabid lost for power are nothing but terrorists.
Chief Lamidi Adedibu, the late People's Democratic Party Chieftain (PDP) was a terrorist. He would prey on the peace of his own people (the people of Oyo State) with the aid of political thugs demanding outrageous royalties from the state government.
Supper Powers in Terrorism
Any country in possession of weapon of mass destruction is a country governed by terrorists. What makes it wrong for one country to be in possession of weapons of mass destruction but right for another to be in possession of same? This is part of the injustice rooted in insanity that our world is fast and sadly drowning in— feces is feces whether in the face of a king or a fool. Any country in possession of these weapons wants the rest of the world to live in fear of them—they keep these weapons only to use them to terrorize the world in some future time. Therefore, all weapons of mass destruction should be made to meet with extinction.
The Way forward
The earlier we learn to respect life, the earlier we will rid our world of terrorism. The way forward is love and respect—respect for the life of every individual, every race, religion and tribe.
Hatred, prejudice, selfishness and greed, these are responsible for terrorism; until we free our world from the clutches of these four, terrorism will remain a scourge.
Evil begets evil: bad leadership breeds terrorism. When the right of a people is trampled upon— they are pushed to the wall—having no where to turn but to lash back at their oppressors; when this is done they are tagged terrorists. No doubt they are terrorists, but these breed of terrorists are but the offspring of the "mother-terrorists" which happens to be bad government—the womb of bad governance fashions terrorism.
No man, no race, no tribe or gender is too small to be acknowledged—"everyone is somebody no matter how small." Therefore the right of all should be respected.
Religious leaders should cease to instigate their flock against members of other religions—let God be the judge—He alone knows who is serving him right.
Police officers should bear in mind that the uniform on their backs does not make beasts out of them, rather, civilized and government employed law enforcers; hence, they should cease to abuse the uniform by respecting the rights of every individual whom the law dictates that they should protect.
Osama Bin Ladin, leader of the al-Qaeda network was pronounced dead by the US government after he and some members of the al-Qaeda network were engaged in a gun battle with a team of US Naval SEAL. However, skeptics are of the view that Bin Ladin is still alive, incarcerated somewhere by the US government for questioning. Osama Bin Laden could be buried somewhere dead—Osama bin Ladin could be musing somewhere incarcerated. Whatever state he may be, incarcerated or dead, peace lovers of this world should be thankful that now lay silenced a peace foe we all for a decade dread.
The face of Terrorism has changed over the years since that dark egg was laid and ached in 1789 by the French Revolutionists. The constrictor has evolved—he bears multiple names: "Bioterorism," when he uses biological weapons against the peace of men, "Cyberterrorism," when personal information and that which bothers on national security is accessed by hackers, or harmful computer viruses are used to hinder the progress of the economy. "Ecoterrorism," when facilities, public buildings or infrastructures are either blown up or vandalized by those who claim to be protectors of nature. Still on the payroll of this serpent called terrorism are Dictators, Military Juntas, Corrupt Police officers, spouse and child abusers, countries in possession of weapons of mass destruction, Politicians with rabid lost for power and members of secrete cults in our institutions of higher learning. However, whichever way terrorism seek to further torment the living, he will only succeed if hate, greed, selfishness and prejudice still occupy their cozy room in our hearts; because in the absence of these dark tenants of the human heart, terrorism does not exit.
Terrorism is the use of violence as a means of coercion. The destruction of lives and property is not the primary objective of terrorists, such is but a means to an end; the primary objective is to create an atmosphere of fear and shock that will eventually undermine authority, hence, gain audience where the main cause will be made known to all. The media plays a pivotal role in the art of terrorism—without the media, the primary objective of terrorists will not be actualized. Terrorism is a demon that reduces men to zombies— he is a dark spirit— when he possesses a being he doesn't loose his grip until he extinguishes the lamp of his host and that of the innocent with its poisonous extremism.
It was during the French Revolution of 1789-1799 that the word terrorism was first used; it was used to describe the newly adopted system of government—the regime de la terreur, which means Reign of Terror. The impetus behind its use was to purify the state by ridding her of the revolution's enemies and to encourage democracy. However, violence and oppression of even the innocent made terreur (terrorism) a feared instrument of the state. From then on, the word terrorism became a hair-raiser as it connotes death and destruction.
Adopted by a group of Russian revolutionaries in the late 19th century, the word terrorism would gain wider popularity. It would be used to describe the group's violent struggle against Tsarist rule; hence, it would assume its familiar antigovernment associations known to all today.
Today, to say that terrorism is a thorn in the flesh of both the government and the governed of all nations of the world would be an understatement—terrorism is rottenness is the bone of human existence!
Everyone or people that accepts the cold embrace of terrorism have one excuse or the other for doing so—there is always an excuse for every wrong, even those that involves the killing of innocent women and children. Man will always have an excuse for every sin he commits and hence, even try to justify his actions. Some terrorist will tell the world that they kill (even the innocent) because their race or religion is under threat. There is always an excuse for robbing families of their peace…plunge a nation deep into the bowels of anguish and sorrow; man will always have an excuse to do even the unthinkable. Other reasons can be political, psychological, economical and historical—or a combination of any of these.
Preys of Terrorism
Who is a terrorist? He is one who terrorizes the weak—his preys are often the innocent poor of the society. Fear is his ultimate weapon—this he uses with the intention of changing human behavior and institutions, or to alter public policies.
Terrorism is systematic, premeditated and well calculated. The targets of terrorist are often the innocent poor of the society—people who have no connection with the terrorists—men, women and little children. Men who scratch the soil each day to feed their families, woman who sweat under the scotching sun just to put a hot plate on the table before their children, innocent little ones with aspirations and dreams bigger than their school bus—these ones would be brutally murdered just to gain the attention of the authority. For the fact that the innocent poor of the society could be brutally slain in such a staggering proportion is what causes terror to the living—this is indicative of the level of insecurity (especially) for the common majority of our society—anybody can be a victim of terrorist attack!
March 17, 1992, Buenos Aires, Argentina, a car bomb destroyed the Israeli Embassy killing 29 people and injured 242 people. August 26, 1992, a bomb exploded at Algerian International airport in Algiers claiming 12 lives and injured about 123 people.
It takes more than the spirit of man to robe oneself in dynamites and stroll down to a place where the majority are the innocent poor of the society; a place where the majority are those who scratch the soil each day for their daily bread; this terrorist would stroll into a place like this and innocent children—even toddlers are ripped open by merciless dynamites—women and honest men are sent to their early graves.
It is true what they say: "The hatred in a man will one day consume him." Small wonder these ones would kill even themselves to kill even the innocent.
In Israel, a suicide bomber blew up a bus on February 25, 1996. Religious extremist are believed to be responsible. Dearth toll: 26. Injured: 80 people. June 25, 1996, a fuel truck carrying a bomb exploded outside a U.S military base housing facility in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia killing 19 people and injured 515.
On February 26, 1993, a group of religious extremist exploded a massive bomb bellow the world trade Centre killing 6 people and injured about 1,000 people. March 20, 1995, members of the Aum Shinkiko carried six packages aboard Tokyo subway trains—deadly sarin gas was released –12 people lost their lives and 5,000 people were injured
A mother told her crying child "wipe your tears, I will be back soon." She kissed her child on the cheek and off she went to the bus stop to board a bus to the market so she could cook dinner for her family. Little did she know that she would break her promise to her child—he would wait endlessly for her return because the bus she boarded (a bus that conveys everyday people to their different places of business) in it was planted a greedy bomb— twenty lives were devoured that day including three school children and a toddler—another lurid tale is added to the anthology of human history!
January 31, 1996, Ethnic terrorists groups ram a truck laden with explosives into a bank in Colombo, Sri, Lanka killing 90 and injured over 1,400 people.
September 11, 2001, members of the al-quada network crashed two passenger planes into the world trade centre—over 5000 were killed. All the victims were innocent—people who had nothing whatsoever to do with the terrorist's avowed cause.
September 9 and 13, 1999 two huge explosions rip through two apartment buildings in Moscow killing 212 people and injured 300 more.
Do you know that as you read this article, somewhere in this world a child has been selected by a terrorist group and presently undergoing orientation to prepare him spiritually, psychologically and emotionally towards the destruction of innocent lives and property? This child will think nothing of the idea of clothing himself with dynamites and walk into a place bubbling with activities—a place of the innocent poor of the society and destroy irreplaceable lives.
A woman is been being terrorized by her spouse or vis-à-vis, and the lot of an innocent child or children is muffled wince.
Terrorism in Uniform
It is indeed disheartening to know that some law enforcement agents are terrorists—Police Officers who abuse the uniform they wear; though they would not admit to this as they were employed by the government and trained to maintain peace and order, however, their true nature would betray them. This I choose to call "Terrorism in Uniform"
They would mount illegal checkpoints and extort money from public transporters and even private car owners—this rapacious specie of men. They would level all sort of false and unfounded allegations on the innocent all for the sake of making extra money. All terrorist groups have their excuse for being the subhuman that they are. For this rapacious specie of men their excuse is, the government is nonchalant in regards to the welfare of those whom they employed to maintain peace and order in the society. Hence, these terrorists in uniform would unleash terror in the society which they swore by oath to protect. These terrorists in uniform would go about brandishing their weapons of destruction in public places—often times the breath of an innocent pedestrian they would seize, and when questioned, they would blame it on accidental discharge. Majestically they would leave the scene of crime with their hands dripping of innocent blood, leaving behind pain, tears and deep sorrow—the bereaved terror-stricken and hollow.
These terrorists in uniform would make illegal arrests and detentions. A suspect would be detained for up to seven years without trial when the law dictates that no one should be detained in their custody for more than twenty four hours without trial. Money and material gains compose the matter of interest for these terrorists, the wellbeing of the citizens whom they swore by oath to protect is trivial; that is why this category of terrorist would gun down the innocent for a mare twenty naira note if refused to be given to them at their "check points". They call themselves our "friend", yet fear they sow in our land as they terrorize both the innocent and guilty. On January 7, 2011, there was a publication in the Punch Newspaper with the headline: "Police Trains 2,000 Men on Anti-Terrorism Techniques" The bible makes me to understand that demons can never cast out demons, therefore, these boys in black cannot combat terrorism and succeed until they themselves are delivered from the spirit of terrorism.
It is indeed very sad to know that these terrorists are leaving behind prints of their bloody paws on the sand for tomorrow's leaders to follow—our lives are a mirror at which children look to shape theirs.
In one of our local primary schools here in Lagos, Nigeria, some children where asked by a visitor what they would like to be when they grow up. Some kids said this, some said that; but there was a boy who said "I would like to be a Police Officer!" and when asked why, "because I will carry a big gun and people will be afraid of me! And also, I will make lots of money at the bus stops!" came his artless reply. This is indeed very sad for the future of a nation
In 1976 the South African government mandated the use of the Afrikaans language in schools, a language considered by blacks as, the language of the white-ruled nation's dominant Boers, a symbol of white oppression. This sparked student protests, and were violently countered by police—23 persons were killed and 220 were injured.
"Domestic Terrorism"
Domestic violence, this is violence between intimate partners: man and wife, violent act caused by member(s) of a given family against member(s) of same family. This is another form of terrorism as violence is used as a means of coercion hence; the victim(s) live in fear of their oppressor.
If bathing ones spouse or partner with acid (for whatever reason) is not an act of terrorism, then, nothing else under heaven is; but if it is, then the offender is a terrorist. Domestic terrorism may not be politically motivated, but the victims feel same pain and a deep sense of loss like those who suffer in the hands of those terrorist whose course are either inspired by religion, politics or ethnic differences or a combination of these.
The case where the father of the house makes a punching bag of his wife at daytime and a sex slave at night time—he fills the days of his spouse with terror; even his children lives in fear of him—they find no peace. It is often said that home is not a house but a feeling" this is true, when the warmth of home is replaced by the chilling cold of terror and sorrow; such is no longer home but a hell hole. Further, children of such families are terror-stricken hence, have low self-esteem and self-worth.
Victims suffer both physical and psychological injuries. Physical injuries can range from bruises, cuts, fractures and burns to broken bones, stab wounds, miscarriages (in women), and death. Also, victims experience depression and other psychological distress, and they are more likely than other people to contemplate or attempt suicide. Children who witness/experience domestic terrorism may experience depression and psychological distress, moreover, they are more likely than other children to be physically violent—terrorize others—including their own children if they eventually get married and their marriage is consummated.
It is shameful to know that in some parts of Asia and Africa, wife abusers have the backings of customs and tradition, and even that of religion. A religion or customs and tradition that relegate women to the background, stripping them nude of fundamental human rights are fuel for domestic terrorism. We should call for the abrogation of such customs that subjects women to emotional and physical torture—laws that wreak terror on the feminine gender. These customs make mutes out of women—they have no say in matters that borders even on their own existence—their voices are caged like fowls, and if they try to flutter and fly, they are slaughtered.
Terrorism is an act of hatred, and hatred is a predator by instinct, sooner or later it will turn against its host: the hater will one day destroy himself.
Terrorists are predators who pre on the peace of a people. They are armed robbers who would rob even a child of her dreams and ambitions. Terrorism is a constrictor—he would coil his cold self around a nation at peace crushing bones of stability, and swallow her whole—all are plunged deep into the slimy murky sea of sorrow and despair of his bowels
Campus Terrorism
Further, secrete cults have turned our institutions of higher learning into battlefields and places of torment, terror and death. Students have long lost their freedom of movement and speech, because all who speak out against a cultist or group may never leave to see the light of day. A lot of students have lost their lives just by trying to rid their school of cultism. It is indeed very sad to know that some student are forced or tricked into being members of secrete cults—if they refuse to be initiated, they are killed. Girls are forced into having a relationship with cultists—some are rapped. If a girl is approached and she refuses them, her life on campus would be made a living hell. Our institutions of higher learning have become places of death and terror; and the terrorists are members of secrete cults; if apprehended, they should be treated like the terrorist that they are.
Armed Robbers
Armed robbers are notorious for their acts of greed, violence and sheer wickedness. These terrorist would subjugate homes, workplaces and even worship grounds demanding money and materials things—sometimes, even when their victims comply, because they have an insatiable appetite for violence, these terrorists would rob their victims of their lives.
These terrorists are known for their acts of extreme wickedness—they would rape mothers and daughters before the frightened eyes of fathers and sons.
In their attempt to reap where they did not sow, these terrorist would hold people hostage in their homes or workplaces making their lives a living hell. And if apprehended and asked why they took to armed robbery, one could easily guess the answer, because; most of them would conveniently blame it on poverty.
Government by Terrorists
Any government that is not of the people by the people and for the people is a government of dictators hence, a terrorist government. Such is what I call "Junta-terrorism" Fundamental human right is incapacitated and incarcerated—all are expected to do as the Junta pleases—long jail term, torment and death awaits the intrepid. The majority are terror-stricken when news of mysterious disappearances and deaths escape into town.
Rtd General Ibrahin Babngida, a one time president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria is one of such terrorists. The day was Sunday October 19, 1986, and the place was 25 Talabi Street, Ikeja. Sumonu Oladele Giwa, styled named Dele Giwa, was having a late breakfast with a colleague, Kayode Soyinka when a post man brought a parcel addressed to him. The parcel was delivered to Dele Giwa's first son Billy who was then 19 years old. Billy handed the parcel to his father; after Dele Giwa looked the parcel over he said: "this must be from the President." because it bore the seal of the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria; little did he know that the parcel concealed a ticket to the great beyond—alas, it was a letter bomb, and when he attempted to open the parcel, the whole world exploded in his face! He was rushed to the hospital where he gave up the ghost not before he said "The have got me." At the time of his death, Dele Giwa was the Editor of Newswatch Magazine. His death sent a shockwave throughout the country—some press men had to flee the country for dear lives, those who could not afford to leave the country, terror-stricken, they adopted the life of a mole rat afraid to show their faces in the light of day. Under the ruler-ship of the Tyrant, the people had no voice—speaking your mind or demanding justice meant serving jail terms if lucky—if not, untimely death.
Further, it was still this same tyrant that annulled the 1993 general elections that would have ushered the late Chief Mushood Abiola into Aso Rock as the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria—unfortunately, Chief Abiola who had an auspicious start had a tragic end. The annulment caused a cascade of Armageddon—the arrest and incarceration of Chief Abiola, the murder of Kudirat Abiola, and the eventual murder of Chief Abiola in captivity. Further, the annulment would pave the way for another Tyrant who would seize power from the interim government sworn in by General Ibrahim Babamgida. This tyrant (terrorist) would be the one to hunt and brutally murder Kudirat Abiola with the aid of his well trained and well paid assassins namely: Major Al-Mustafa, Sergeant Rogers and others. This same terrorist would attempt the assassination of prominent citizens of this Nation—this terrorist is no other than the late General Sani Abasha.
Odi, a peaceful settlement in Bayelsa state, Nigeria, was subjugated by heavily armed soldiers who pumped bullets into homes and everything that moved—Odi was massacred. This barbaric and devilish act was ordered by no other than the then President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria Olusegun Obasonjo. Terror-stricken, survivors fled their homes—up till date, their lives are in flakes. Olusegun Obasonjo, the Ex President of the Federal republic of Nigeria is a terrorist for attempting to annihilate the people of Odi.
A President that desires to rule forever, hence, uses violence and tricks to remain in power is a terrorist— a government like that of Maummar al-Qaddafi of Libya is a terrorist government. Another example is the one headed by Hosni Mubarack of Egypt. There are many more of such governments scattered around the world especially in Africa.
The violation of human right is an act of terrorism—a country where one is arrested for speaking his mind—brutalized by the police for needing positive change, such is country ruled by terrorists. Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe is a terrorist. Charles Taylor, a one time president and warlord of Liberia who forced children into taking arms and fight for what they know nothing about is a terrorist. The Revolutionary United Front (R.U.F) was led by terrorists. Every warlord of this great continent called Africa who so abused children—who chopped off the hands and legs of innocent civilians are all terrorists. Ne Win, leader of the Military Revolutionary Council of Myanma Republic of Southeast-Asia is one of such terrorists other terrorists. In his attempt to build an effective totalitarian government between the 1960's and 1970's the Military Revolutionary council abolished independent political parties and independent papers that would have opposed them by publishing the truth, this was replaced by a single paper, The Working People's Daily. Moreover, the military leaders formed the "Burmese Way of Socialism." Students who opposed this took to the streets in protest—they were shot with machine guns like mere armed robbers. The Yangon University Student Union building where Thakin movement had been launched decades before was blown up with dynamites.
Other examples of terrorists are: Adolph Hitler of Germany, Mussolini of Italy, Idiamin of Uganada, Mobutu Sese Seko of Zaire (now Democratic Republic of Congo) and Roman Emperor Nero amongst others.
Any government that chops off the hands of its citizens merely because they stole a cup of rice or a tuba of yam to keep from dying of starvation is a government headed by terrorists—alas, Sharia breeds terrorism; it undermines the teachings of the Holy Qur'an that teaches peace and forgiveness.
The Church is a place of refuge for the weak, especially homeless children, but not so the Catholic Church in Ireland. According to The Irish Times children are abused –"beating children whose crime it was that lice had infested their head." Even sexual abuse has blemished the history of the Catholic Church in Ireland. And what is the government doing about this? Nothing because of its misguided loyalty to the absolute authority of the Catholic Church.! Therefore, these children live in terror of the church that is should be a sanctuary. The doctrine of this church undermines the teachings of the Holy bible. The Catholic Church in Ireland (and any other part of the world where such is practiced) is headed by terrorists.
Politicians in Terrorism
The Nigerian Presidential elections of April 2011 was conducted in a peaceful atmosphere in most states around the federation, however, the reveres was the case in Bauchi and Kanduna state—after the results were announced, a wave of violence swept through these two states—the hands of men mete out violence—the victims were members of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC)who were employed by the Federal Government to work with the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) as Poling Officials. Coppers were brutally murdered by political thugs who were not pleased with the final result; they believed that members of the NYSC who worked with INEC were loyal to the ruling party (PDP), hence, rigged the election to its favour. Youth Coppers were hunted down like dogs and murdered in cold blood—the fate of all Youth Coppers in these states was that of a cockroach. Suffice to say that Politicians with rabid lost for power are nothing but terrorists.
The Gubernatorial elections was conducted nationwide on the 25th of April, but was postponed till the 28th in Bauchi and Kaduna States due to the wide spread of violence that robbed these states of valuable lives and property after the results of the presidential elections were released. On the 28th of April, the election was conducted in an atmosphere like that of a graveyard—most people were terrified hence, stayed away from polling station—many rather be disenfranchised than to loose dear lives. Like one man said, "I rather stay at home than to go out and fraught with death." Politicians with rabid lost for power are nothing but terrorists.
Chief Lamidi Adedibu, the late People's Democratic Party Chieftain (PDP) was a terrorist. He would prey on the peace of his own people (the people of Oyo State) with the aid of political thugs demanding outrageous royalties from the state government.
Supper Powers in Terrorism
Any country in possession of weapon of mass destruction is a country governed by terrorists. What makes it wrong for one country to be in possession of weapons of mass destruction but right for another to be in possession of same? This is part of the injustice rooted in insanity that our world is fast and sadly drowning in— feces is feces whether in the face of a king or a fool. Any country in possession of these weapons wants the rest of the world to live in fear of them—they keep these weapons only to use them to terrorize the world in some future time. Therefore, all weapons of mass destruction should be made to meet with extinction.
The Way forward
The earlier we learn to respect life, the earlier we will rid our world of terrorism. The way forward is love and respect—respect for the life of every individual, every race, religion and tribe.
Hatred, prejudice, selfishness and greed, these are responsible for terrorism; until we free our world from the clutches of these four, terrorism will remain a scourge.
Evil begets evil: bad leadership breeds terrorism. When the right of a people is trampled upon— they are pushed to the wall—having no where to turn but to lash back at their oppressors; when this is done they are tagged terrorists. No doubt they are terrorists, but these breed of terrorists are but the offspring of the "mother-terrorists" which happens to be bad government—the womb of bad governance fashions terrorism.
No man, no race, no tribe or gender is too small to be acknowledged—"everyone is somebody no matter how small." Therefore the right of all should be respected.
Religious leaders should cease to instigate their flock against members of other religions—let God be the judge—He alone knows who is serving him right.
Police officers should bear in mind that the uniform on their backs does not make beasts out of them, rather, civilized and government employed law enforcers; hence, they should cease to abuse the uniform by respecting the rights of every individual whom the law dictates that they should protect.
Osama Bin Ladin, leader of the al-Qaeda network was pronounced dead by the US government after he and some members of the al-Qaeda network were engaged in a gun battle with a team of US Naval SEAL. However, skeptics are of the view that Bin Ladin is still alive, incarcerated somewhere by the US government for questioning. Osama Bin Laden could be buried somewhere dead—Osama bin Ladin could be musing somewhere incarcerated. Whatever state he may be, incarcerated or dead, peace lovers of this world should be thankful that now lay silenced a peace foe we all for a decade dread.
The face of Terrorism has changed over the years since that dark egg was laid and ached in 1789 by the French Revolutionists. The constrictor has evolved—he bears multiple names: "Bioterorism," when he uses biological weapons against the peace of men, "Cyberterrorism," when personal information and that which bothers on national security is accessed by hackers, or harmful computer viruses are used to hinder the progress of the economy. "Ecoterrorism," when facilities, public buildings or infrastructures are either blown up or vandalized by those who claim to be protectors of nature. Still on the payroll of this serpent called terrorism are Dictators, Military Juntas, Corrupt Police officers, spouse and child abusers, countries in possession of weapons of mass destruction, Politicians with rabid lost for power and members of secrete cults in our institutions of higher learning. However, whichever way terrorism seek to further torment the living, he will only succeed if hate, greed, selfishness and prejudice still occupy their cozy room in our hearts; because in the absence of these dark tenants of the human heart, terrorism does not exit.