Stop Craving By Hypnosis, How To Lose Weight For Women
Have you ever tried to lose weight? Have you ever tried to diet? Have you ever wished you could stop craving by hypnosis. Have you ever tried a diet? Have you ever lost weight only to regain it, and more, a few weeks later? Well what you need is something different. Diets and hypnosis DO work, but only to a limit. That limit is you. By that I mean you are limited by your own mind. Since birth, your mind has been programmed by events that happen to you. Also it is trained by the events you allow to happen to you. The way the brain works is obviously very complex, but we are beginning to get more understanding of how the brain works.
When a thought occurs in your brain, you can either ignore that thought or follow it through. If you ignore it, that particular thought goes away and another thought will pop into your head. If on the other hand you grasp that thought it will generate feelings for you. Those feelings are either good feelings, or bad feelings. Dependent on the feelings will be the direction you then take. If the feelings are good, you will go on to either think or do something which you like. If the feelings are bad you will go on to think or do something which you do not like.
For example. If the thought is about running, you will either like or dislike running. So you will either end up going for a run if you like running, or if you dislike the thought of running because it hurts and it is hard work, you will not end up going for a run. Get the idea? Like the thought of eating. If you think about food, you want to eat. If you eat you might not lose weight. So what has this got to do with losing weight. Well, the whole process of eating starts with the brain. The brain knows your body needs food to survive. So when the brain senses that the body needs food, it will create a thought in your brain about food and or eating. That will start the process which will end up in you going to the fridge and or cooker to get some food to eat. Throughout evolution species have survived because of this process. Knowing this can be the start of helping you control what you eat, with mind control or hypnosis. If you can control what you eat you can control your weight. Thus it follows that you need to be able to control your thoughts. Self hypnosis can work.
This is where hypnosis comes in. Most people react automatically to their own thoughts. It is not a conscious reaction, it is usually just habit practiced all your life.
The trick is knowing how to react to thoughts or how to control thoughts in the first place. A hypnotist can help you train towards this goal.
This is a basic concept used by hypnotists and hypnotherapists. When a thought occurs a chemical is released (dopamine) in the brain to give either a pleasant or unpleasant feeling. To give another example, the thought of a spider to some people gives a horrible feeling, which leads to a phobia. A hypnosis technique can be used to change that feeling by anchoring, as it is widely known, the thought of a spider to something pleasant to the person instead. So, when the thought of a spider occurs, the person then thinks of something nice, and thus the phobia or fear of spider is changed to something nice. Phobia cured. Obviously this is a very simplified argument, but it never the less holds true. Some people call it mind over matter. Some would call it a miracle. A world renowned expert in this field is Ali Campbell who has written books about his experiences in helping celebrities and even royalty all over the world. One of these is called The Slim Girls Book of Secrets and you can find out more on this subject at craving.htm or you can find it at
In this book he maps out his techniques which are specifically aimed at women who want to lose weight, but it also goes into other areas as well. It links to exercise routines, self hypnosis methods, styling, health. Well worth a read.
My conclusion is that hypnosis only works if you want it to work, but if other diets haven't worked, you can give this alternative a try and find out for yourself.
When a thought occurs in your brain, you can either ignore that thought or follow it through. If you ignore it, that particular thought goes away and another thought will pop into your head. If on the other hand you grasp that thought it will generate feelings for you. Those feelings are either good feelings, or bad feelings. Dependent on the feelings will be the direction you then take. If the feelings are good, you will go on to either think or do something which you like. If the feelings are bad you will go on to think or do something which you do not like.
For example. If the thought is about running, you will either like or dislike running. So you will either end up going for a run if you like running, or if you dislike the thought of running because it hurts and it is hard work, you will not end up going for a run. Get the idea? Like the thought of eating. If you think about food, you want to eat. If you eat you might not lose weight. So what has this got to do with losing weight. Well, the whole process of eating starts with the brain. The brain knows your body needs food to survive. So when the brain senses that the body needs food, it will create a thought in your brain about food and or eating. That will start the process which will end up in you going to the fridge and or cooker to get some food to eat. Throughout evolution species have survived because of this process. Knowing this can be the start of helping you control what you eat, with mind control or hypnosis. If you can control what you eat you can control your weight. Thus it follows that you need to be able to control your thoughts. Self hypnosis can work.
This is where hypnosis comes in. Most people react automatically to their own thoughts. It is not a conscious reaction, it is usually just habit practiced all your life.
The trick is knowing how to react to thoughts or how to control thoughts in the first place. A hypnotist can help you train towards this goal.
This is a basic concept used by hypnotists and hypnotherapists. When a thought occurs a chemical is released (dopamine) in the brain to give either a pleasant or unpleasant feeling. To give another example, the thought of a spider to some people gives a horrible feeling, which leads to a phobia. A hypnosis technique can be used to change that feeling by anchoring, as it is widely known, the thought of a spider to something pleasant to the person instead. So, when the thought of a spider occurs, the person then thinks of something nice, and thus the phobia or fear of spider is changed to something nice. Phobia cured. Obviously this is a very simplified argument, but it never the less holds true. Some people call it mind over matter. Some would call it a miracle. A world renowned expert in this field is Ali Campbell who has written books about his experiences in helping celebrities and even royalty all over the world. One of these is called The Slim Girls Book of Secrets and you can find out more on this subject at craving.htm or you can find it at
In this book he maps out his techniques which are specifically aimed at women who want to lose weight, but it also goes into other areas as well. It links to exercise routines, self hypnosis methods, styling, health. Well worth a read.
My conclusion is that hypnosis only works if you want it to work, but if other diets haven't worked, you can give this alternative a try and find out for yourself.