A Simple Plan Guaranteed To Save You Money As You Go Green
In January many people have made resolutions for the New Year.
And many will fail to achieve them.
I don't want that to happen to you this year, so I want to give you a simple way to virtually guarantee that you will make meaningful progress in achieving your resolutions, using a resolution for going green and saving money a an example.
Here is the resolution: Save $1000 this year on my utility bills.
Sounds great, doesn't it? And it is a great goal for the year.
The next question is "How do I get started?" This is where people often get stuck.
Below is a simple, step-by-step plan of action that almost guarantees success in going green and saving money.
To get unstuck, take 10 minutes and break that larger goal down into smaller goals on the path to achieving the big goal.
It is important to put a time limit on each smaller goal.
I have set the example below using weekly goals.
Here is my example.
Week 1: Get a timer and use it to limit showers to 5 minutes.
The savings will be about $0.
10 per day in water and $1.
00 per day in energy to heat the water for eht typical family.
This adds up to $400 per year.
Week 2: Buy and install 30 compact fluorescent light bulbs throughout the house to replace incandescent bulbs.
This is one of the easiest and most sure-fire ways to save electricity and money.
Each bulb installed will save you about $3.
00 in electricity per year, meaning you will have saved $90 for the year this week.
Week 3: Buy switchable power strips and plug your computer, printers, televisions, DVD players, and other electronics into them.
Use the power strips to turn the devices off each night and whenever you will be away from home for an extended period of time.
You will save $50-100 per power strip each year, recouping the cost of the power strip in a few months.
After that, it is all free cash flow.
Week 4: Get your car tuned and serviced.
The savings in gas alone will surprise you.
A tune up can save you $100 per year.
Replacing the air filter and getting the tires properly inflated and aligned can save an incredible $240 per year each.
The total savings from these simple steps adds up to $580 in gasoline savings calculated at $3.
00 per gallon.
As gas prices move higher, your savings will grow.
There you have it: a larger goal for going green broken down into 4 weekly goals that together will save you more than $1000 this year, and every year after that.
All that remains is to get started.
And many will fail to achieve them.
I don't want that to happen to you this year, so I want to give you a simple way to virtually guarantee that you will make meaningful progress in achieving your resolutions, using a resolution for going green and saving money a an example.
Here is the resolution: Save $1000 this year on my utility bills.
Sounds great, doesn't it? And it is a great goal for the year.
The next question is "How do I get started?" This is where people often get stuck.
Below is a simple, step-by-step plan of action that almost guarantees success in going green and saving money.
To get unstuck, take 10 minutes and break that larger goal down into smaller goals on the path to achieving the big goal.
It is important to put a time limit on each smaller goal.
I have set the example below using weekly goals.
Here is my example.
Week 1: Get a timer and use it to limit showers to 5 minutes.
The savings will be about $0.
10 per day in water and $1.
00 per day in energy to heat the water for eht typical family.
This adds up to $400 per year.
Week 2: Buy and install 30 compact fluorescent light bulbs throughout the house to replace incandescent bulbs.
This is one of the easiest and most sure-fire ways to save electricity and money.
Each bulb installed will save you about $3.
00 in electricity per year, meaning you will have saved $90 for the year this week.
Week 3: Buy switchable power strips and plug your computer, printers, televisions, DVD players, and other electronics into them.
Use the power strips to turn the devices off each night and whenever you will be away from home for an extended period of time.
You will save $50-100 per power strip each year, recouping the cost of the power strip in a few months.
After that, it is all free cash flow.
Week 4: Get your car tuned and serviced.
The savings in gas alone will surprise you.
A tune up can save you $100 per year.
Replacing the air filter and getting the tires properly inflated and aligned can save an incredible $240 per year each.
The total savings from these simple steps adds up to $580 in gasoline savings calculated at $3.
00 per gallon.
As gas prices move higher, your savings will grow.
There you have it: a larger goal for going green broken down into 4 weekly goals that together will save you more than $1000 this year, and every year after that.
All that remains is to get started.