Easy Fundraising Ideas for Small Groups
- Fundraising with a small group can be taxing, as there are not as many people available to set up and run large fundraisers. Choose a fundraiser that does not require a large number of participants to raise money without wearing down the spirit of your group's members. Keep in mind that many businesses are willing to help facilitate fundraisers as long as they are given plenty of time to prepare. Remember to advertise fundraisers in your local newspaper, on electronic memo boards and by posting fliers around town.
- Organize car washes, which can bring in hundreds of dollars each day they are up and running. Contact a local business with a water hose hook-up and ask to use their parking lot to host your car wash. Position group members on the road nearby to promote the car wash and attract motorists. Ask for donations rather than setting a specific price; many people are willing to give more than you would otherwise charge for a car wash. Always set up an alternate date for a car wash fundraiser to account for unexpected weather.
- Hold a barbecue fundraiser featuring lunch boxes for a set price. Prices should cover the cost of supplies plus a profit margin. If well-advertised, barbecue lunches on a Saturday afternoon might replace the fast-food lunch many families might normally eat. Set up a trailer barbecue pit and assign a member to operate the pit for the duration of the fundraiser. Contact local meat markets and ask them to donate or discount the cost of meats, such as sausage or shredded beef. Include bread, pickles, onions, chips and a drink for a well-rounded lunch. Contact local businesses that are open during your fundraiser and offer delivery of the barbecue lunches for an additional opportunity to raise funds.
- Run a bake sale over a number of weekends. Have every member of your group provide two different baked goods packaged for individual sale. Contact high-traffic buildings or stores and ask whether you can set up your sale outside or in the lobby to capitalize on foot traffic. Display signs that give the name of your group and the prices of the goodies. Add that donations are accepted, too.
Car Wash
Bake Sale