How to File a Notification of Objection in Arizona
- 1). Go to the office of the clerk for the Arizona County Court overseeing your community or district -- or wherever the alleged offense is taking place.
- 2). Provide two current forms of personal identification to the clerk: a passport and Social Security card, for instance. Explain your situation to the clerk and ask for a Notice of Objection form. Filing a Notice of Objection, for example, will legally prohibit a former spouse from carrying out plans to move a child out of state without a court hearing.
- 3). Complete the form in its entirety. Make three copies of the form. Make three copies of every individual piece of supporting documentation necessary to support your objection -- contractual or financial records, for example. Deliver two sets of forms and supporting documentation to the clerk: one for court files and the other for the defendant. Keep the third set of copies for your own files.
- 1). Go to the office of the clerk for the appropriate Arizona County Court regarding your case. Tell the clerk you wish to object to a claim legally made by an opposing party and you wish to file a Counterclaim form. Consult the clerk about deadlines for filing Counterclaim forms. Tell the judge you wish to enter a Counterclaim petition if your matter is already before the court.
- 2). Fill out the form in full. A counterclaim, for example, may be filed by a tenant who objects to a legal allegation made by a landlord. Make at least three copies of the Counterclaim form and all necessary supporting documentation: rental contracts or medical documentation, for example.
- 3). Return two sets of copies to the clerk and keep one for your own files. Send two sets of copies, if necessary -- one to the defendant and one to the defendant's legal representatives -- if guided to do so by instructions on the Counterclaim form.
Notice of Objection