How to Stop a Dog Fight
- 1). Remain calm. Keep from yelling at the dogs that are fighting as it will increase their anxiety. Speak in a strong voice and tell your dog to stop or say "no."
- 2). Leave the dog on the leash if you had one on. This helps you gain control more quickly and easily. Use the leash to quickly tug the dog in a corrective manner without harming him, then relax your pull slightly. Walk away from the other dog as quickly as possible.
- 3). Pull your dog away from the other one while keeping a close watch on both dogs. They both may continue advancing so be sure to say "no" or "stop" in a strong voice. Separate the dogs as quickly as possible by pulling their back legs off the ground and use their tails to drag them away from each other.
- 4). Distract the dogs if you're still unable to pull them away from each other. Make a loud noise, pour water on them or throw a blanket on them to disorient them. This works well if you are working alone to pull two or more dogs apart.
- 5). Turn your dog away from the other dog as soon as you pull them apart. Praise your dog if she stays away, correct by saying "no" or quickly pulling the leash and then relaxing. Keep doing this until your dog is away from the other dog or until she stops showing signs of aggression.