How Can I Tell if I Have Conduit?
- 1). Look for conduits entering and emerging from the ground. Detached garages, other outbuildings and pole lamps are often supplied electricity that travels through underground conduits.
- 2). Mark a straight line between conduits that enter and emerge from the ground with hazard tape. Assume a conduit lies below the tape and proceed with caution.
- 3). Sweep any area you intend to excavate with a metal detector. If a conduit is marked with detectable underground tape, you can find it this way.
- 4). Find conduits in old, commercial structures, under parking lots and roads or in any location about which you are uncertain with ground-penetrating radar. These devices can be bought or rented. But they require training to use properly, so many contractors engage a ground-penetrating radar service to search for conduits before beginning to dig.