Becoming a Good Leader
An academic described leadership as the initiation and direction of endeavor in the pursuit of consequences. I prefer to simply define leadership as a process whereby one individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal. That definition presumes a) that you have followers and b) that both you and your followers know where you are going. Franklin Roosevelt said: "It's a terrible thing to look over your shoulder when you are trying to lead and find no one there." And one would prefer that the followers are willing followers.
During my years in the business world—in all corners of the world—I have observed a wide variety of leaders operating in several different societies and cultures. Despite the significant cultural differences, those who were successful seemed to display certain behavioral patterns and leadership qualities that allowed them to stand out and achieve exceptional organizational and personal gains. They were consistently influential in meetings with almost everyone, and inspired their employees to win.
Over the years I have studied and observed many different types of leaders to understand the attributes, techniques and behavioral patterns that represent common characteristics of successful leaders. These characteristics define who you must be, things you must know and what you must do. If you can master these attributes, you will develop an executive stature that is necessary to be successful as a leader.
1. Control Your Destiny
Jack Welch said: "Control your destiny, or some else will." And it's true. It's your life and you should be in control of it to the best of your ability; if you are not, you had better know who is. Don't be a passenger in life; instead get a good grip on the wheel. Of course, if you take control of your destiny, you must also take responsibility for it. That may seem a bit scary, but would you rather consciously or subconsciously abdicate that responsibility to someone else and hope it works out? So far, I have never met a person that I would rather have control over my life than me.
Life is a continuous series of choices and everyone must make them. The ability to think, to evaluate, and to choose is the supreme characteristic that makes you human. Every choice leads inexorably to right or wrong, good or bad, success or failure—according to how one defines those terms. Every choice is a building block of the structure of your life, and every one counts, whether large or small. We have the free will to either create destructive social environments through ignorance and maliciousness, or, through enlightened self-interest, to create a free and civilized society in which we can achieve our values and flourish. By making good choices you can live a flourishing life as a proud, independent sovereign individual with inalienable rights.
Choices and decisions should follow a structured process: 1) define the problem or situation that requires a decision, 2) carefully assess the facts; 3) evaluate the available alternatives, and, finally, 4) select the best one. When a decision is made according to that process, it will be a good decision, regardless of the outcome—good because the correct process was followed. If the outcome happens to be different from what was expected, then it was the wrong decision; however, it was nevertheless, still a good decision because the correct decision-making process had been followed. Life does not always turn out as expected despite our best efforts.
On the other hand, decisions based on gut-feel, intuition, premonitions, mystical revelations, superstitions, or emotions are inherently bad decisions, regardless of the outcome. In these instances, if the outcome meets expectations, it must be attributed to good luck rather than good judgment.
There are a few techniques that I have found useful in maintaining control of my destiny over the years. I share them with you in the hope that you too, will find them useful.
2. Leadership vs. Management
Now that you have control of your destiny, let's examine what it takes to become a good leader. First, it is important to understand that leadership is not management. Leaders lead and managers manage. Managers kill the alligators, whereas the leaders drain the swamp so the alligators go away and quit biting you in the butt. Consider another example. An airline pilot is a manager—he manages the plane in flight. The leader is the one who selects the crew, determines the destination, the flight plan, and convinces the crew it's the right thing to do. Leaders make the plans and organize the resources, and the managers execute the plans.
Of course, there is overlap between the two disciplines, and depending on the situation, a manager can lead and a leader can manage from time to time. However, it is important to distinguish between the fundamental responsibilities of the two functions. The best salesman seldom makes a good leader of the sales department, and there is no guarantee that a good quarterback will be a good coach.
During the early 1980s, the business world went through an economic upheaval. During that period, I was able to observe how different leaders and managers behaved as they dealt with the stressful, challenging situation.
Some seemed unable to escape the drudgery of day-to-day trivia; they always looked busy, energetic and active; but careful examination revealed they were usually "fighting fires" and "killing alligators" in a haphazard manner without due consideration instead of preventing the fires and draining the swamp. They never managed to escape the dark shadows of the trees in order to rise up and look down on the forest in the clear light of day.
In contrast, others seemed to handle difficult challenges effortlessly with dispassionate thinking, a clear sense of purpose, and a laser-like focus on achieving results, never losing sight of the overall goal. They had the natural talent to see and understand the long term and the "big picture," even in stressful situations.
If you seem to be continually focused on the immediate moment, or if you often feel overwhelmed by the day-to-day activities going on around you, or if your thoughts seldom go beyond next week or next year, you may not have this talent.
Those who have this talent think deeply about life and other important matters. You know who you are. You have little concern for the details and trivia of your day-to-day existence. Of course, you deal with them as best you can and kill the alligators because they are an irritation, but your main focus is draining the swamp so the irritations go away.
You monitor world events and focus on doing the important things that you must do to control your life and improve your situation. You maintain focus on controlling your destiny and achieving your long-term aspirations and what you must do to live a flourishing life. And you know that if you do not control your destiny, someone else will—and that is unacceptable.
Leaders with this talent maintain a view of the big picture while at the same time paying attention to the details. They scan the horizon and maintain an overall perspective of the broader situation in general, and about the organization in particular. An effective leader comfortably works within the forest amongst the trees, and routinely gets in her helicopter and rises above the trees to look down on the forest. This talent has been called the "helicopter effect" and it is critical for effective leadership.
Some will disagree, but in my 40 years of experience I have observed this is a talent you either have or you don't. I specifically call it a talent, rather than a skill, because, although it can be developed and honed, it can seldom be learned. Use this talent to your advantage, and be alert for people with this talent … they are potential leaders.
3. Effective Leadership Style
In my experience there are only two fundamental styles of management, namely a) the autocratic style, and b) the participative style. I adopted the participative style early in my career because that is what works about 95% of the time. The different characteristics of the two styles are illustrated below:
Autocratic Style
Participative Style
The leader who follows the participative style sees himself as a Coach. The responsibilities of a coach are to select the team members, provide support in the form of proper tools, training, and motivation, and to create a working environment that is conducive to high productivity. Another important responsibility of the coach is to develop a "game plan"—a strategy for execution that defines where they are going and how they are going to get there.
It is important to understand that the coach is responsible for the success of the team, but he never "scores"; he can only create the system and environment that allows the players to score. In order to be a winning coach, all players must work together as a close-knit team, perform their individual responsibilities, and execute the plan.
An autocratic leadership style may be effective in an adversarial working environment or an emergency situation; however, in my experience a command and control management style is not appropriate when the employees are some of the brightest knowledge workers on the planet. Knowledge-workers never responded well to autocratic leadership, nor do they perform well in a culture of fear and intimidation. Therefore, I strongly recommend you learn, adopt and practice a participative leadership/management style if you expect to succeed.
4. Set a Good Example:
What kind of example do you set for your people? The example you set affects the quality of the people working for you, as well as the quality of the work they do. And it also influences the way your supervisors manage their teams and the results achieved by levels way below you. Your leadership behavior has a heightened impact as it is copied and practiced by others—either for good or for bad.
Paying particular attention to the following key habits will ensure that you are setting a good example that will inspire dedicated willing followers who enjoy their work and want to be part of a winning team.
5. Be Supportive and Dependable:
The first and best way to be supportive is to give the employees what they need to do the job, including a clear strategic direction. Then loosen the reins so they can all charge off in the same direction with the tools, training, motivation and encouragement. As they develop their own momentum, you, as the leader, must always be there to lend support when needed.
You must be seen as accessible so the team members feel welcome to come to you for help, either with an inquiry, complaint, status report or a personal problem. In any organization there are rumours and you should be open and willing to discuss how much truth there is behind the rumours. Keep them filled in on what is happening with respect to how the year is unfolding, the plans for the division and the outlook for the coming months.
Being supportive also means sticking up for your team. For example, during times of urgent family situations or the need for extra time off, make exceptions from time to time when justified. Monitor their work-life balance and make sure they do not burn out because of over work or other stress factors. Protect them from difficulties with other managers.
Acknowledge ideas that offer value to others and share them up the hierarchy. Give your team appropriate access to your boss and others higher up the line. If that is not appropriate, be sure to give credit to your team for their accomplishments. Remember, as the coach, you do not score, it's you team members that get the work done and score.
From time to time your people will get an opportunity to be promoted into other work groups. In these instances, be sure not to be an obstacle to their progress; in fact, you should encourage them to accept the opportunity.
By following these guidelines, you will be a supportive boss your employees can count on, and you will be able to count on them too, to do their best.
6. Communicate Effectively:
Communicating effectively covers a very broad subject and I do not intend to review the "how" of communication. Instead, I want to review the way in which you should communicate to be a good leader.
Having an "open-door" policy is one way. This communicates that you are approachable, which promotes more frequent, casual and open dialog. Consequently, from these casual conversations you can often pick up reactions to what is happening; and watching body language can often indicate what is not being said. A positive atmosphere of candor and trust will become evident as people gain a heightened level of security and self-assurance.
When you have an open-door policy it is important not to circumvent the chain of authority. There is also the risk that you may become overly tangled in personal problems, although there are times when it can be beneficial. And make sure people do not camp on your door step to discuss trivial matters just to fraternize with the boss. However, be particularly careful not to let your comments and behavior deter people from asking questions that need to be asked.
As a leader, it is particularly important that you establish informal sources of information throughout the organization to learn about pending events and developments before they happen. This can be tricky. Try to maintain networks with well-placed informants who will alert you to what they are doing and thinking. Usually, the more you probe for information, the more readily it will come to you. And since much of the information may be tentative or confidential, be careful who you share it with and never disclose sources, otherwise you will be cut off. If you can establish informal lines of communication you will be seen as someone "in the know," which will keep you closer to the mainstream.
7. Evaluating Performance:
We all have our own opinions about how to best evaluate performance. Over the years I have come to belief that the formal annual interview to discuss an employee's performance does more harm than good. Feedback on performance must be an on-going practice throughout the year on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. Some employees need more than others. Feedback that is specific, timely, frequent and personal will improve performance.
Feedback should always be aimed at providing employees with the information they must have to do a better job. It may be verbal; it may come from a chart on the wall or a scoreboard of some sort. The people must learn about the results of their work to know how well they are meeting expectations. Whether or not they feel temporarily happy or unhappy is irrelevant.
Feedback on performance is either objective or subjective. Objective feedback is usually quantitative, and subjective feedback is qualitative. Quantitative Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) should be established when objectives are set, and updated as the situation changes. These KPIs become milestones against which the employees can objectively evaluate their own performance in an impersonal and non-judgmental way.
Key Performance Indicators can also be established for qualitative work if careful thought is given to exactly what is expected. The KPIs can describe in writing the expected outcome. Have the employee participate in writing the KPIs and milestones so there is less subjective judgment required when the time comes for an evaluation. These KPIs will usually focus on the quality of the work, rather than the quantity, but even quality can be quantified with clearly written statements. It's usually advisable to evaluate qualitative work more frequently than quantitative work because the results are less specific and more difficult to judge.
All significant feedback should be documented. The design of the forms used is not important; however, the information communicated in both directions (3600 evaluations) should be written down for future reference.
The most important factor in evaluating performance is to make sure there is no doubt about what is expected. That is why it is so important to have a clearly written and communicated Strategic Plan with Critical Success Factors, Goals, Objectives, Individual Work Plans and KPIs.
8. Be Demanding and Fair:
Be careful not to be labeled as a "Tough Boss." Tough bosses always get fired eventually. They usually earn that label by criticizing people in public, making key decisions without collaboration, having a volatile temper and using abusive language. They foster internal competition and play favorites at their whim to keep people insecure. And they are rarely satisfied even when subordinates achieve their goals. I worked for one boss that fit this description, and he did not last long.
Fortune Magazine (October 1993) published an article discussing America's "10 Toughest Bosses" Some were tougher than others, and I would identify a few as demanding rather than tough. I enjoyed working for demanding bosses because you always knew where you stood. They were demanding in the goals they set and the results they expected. They bring out the best in you provided you also have high expectations for yourself. They do not inspire fear and anxiety because they are fair as well as demanding. And they almost always lead successful organizations.
Demanding leaders achieve this balance between high expectations and fairness by developing and practicing four important habits:
If you tend to be a demanding leader, be sure to be fair at all times. Otherwise, your team may jump when you crack the whip, and secretly wait for your failure instead of doing what they can to ensure your success.
9. Be a Peacemaker:
Every once in a while in all organizations there appear signs of discord amongst the staff. If not nipped in the bud, minor disputes can become serious long-standing feuds that hurt the entire organization. Therefore, never wait to take corrective action, hoping the hostilities will be resolved on their own. Get involved and become a peacemaker as soon as possible.
On one occasion I faced a serious management problem as soon as I became President of the organization. Unscrupulous practices had been going on for a while and causing serious discord between management and the union workers. Unscrupulous behavior always poisons an organization and is detrimental to productivity, quality, morale, and general performance. "Bad apples" have to be dealt with expeditiously; otherwise, people assume that unscrupulous behavior is acceptable, and the rot grows.
Being new to the organization, it was critical to make haste slowly and deliberately to ensure that my actions were fair and just. Within a few short weeks I had discovered what I needed to know in order to make a decision. At that point I acted to remove the poison, and the organization quickly became revitalized and eager to get back on a winning track.
When dealing with hostilities and discord there are certain guidelines to follow in order to make peace and turn the situation in a more positive direction.
10. The Drive to Achieve:
As a leader, you will discover that the drive to achieve is not evenly distributed amongst all you employees. Most leaders continually keep pushing themselves for excellence. When you reach a milestone, you will likely want to set a new target — whether it is higher production, more market share or lower cost reduction. After all, your drive to achieve is one factor that helped you to become a leader.
However, as you look around your organization, you will notice that everyone does not have the same desire to achieve. That is normal. Many have different priorities and have discovered that shooting for the stars is not worth the sacrifices required. Mediocrity applies to most people; nevertheless, they want to perform well and are good employees. Your role as a leader is to motivate your people to reach exceptional performance for their own benefit and for the benefit of the organization.
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"Don't be irreplaceable. If you can't be replaced, you can't be promoted."
Paul Dickson
During my years in the business world—in all corners of the world—I have observed a wide variety of leaders operating in several different societies and cultures. Despite the significant cultural differences, those who were successful seemed to display certain behavioral patterns and leadership qualities that allowed them to stand out and achieve exceptional organizational and personal gains. They were consistently influential in meetings with almost everyone, and inspired their employees to win.
Over the years I have studied and observed many different types of leaders to understand the attributes, techniques and behavioral patterns that represent common characteristics of successful leaders. These characteristics define who you must be, things you must know and what you must do. If you can master these attributes, you will develop an executive stature that is necessary to be successful as a leader.
1. Control Your Destiny
Jack Welch said: "Control your destiny, or some else will." And it's true. It's your life and you should be in control of it to the best of your ability; if you are not, you had better know who is. Don't be a passenger in life; instead get a good grip on the wheel. Of course, if you take control of your destiny, you must also take responsibility for it. That may seem a bit scary, but would you rather consciously or subconsciously abdicate that responsibility to someone else and hope it works out? So far, I have never met a person that I would rather have control over my life than me.
Life is a continuous series of choices and everyone must make them. The ability to think, to evaluate, and to choose is the supreme characteristic that makes you human. Every choice leads inexorably to right or wrong, good or bad, success or failure—according to how one defines those terms. Every choice is a building block of the structure of your life, and every one counts, whether large or small. We have the free will to either create destructive social environments through ignorance and maliciousness, or, through enlightened self-interest, to create a free and civilized society in which we can achieve our values and flourish. By making good choices you can live a flourishing life as a proud, independent sovereign individual with inalienable rights.
Choices and decisions should follow a structured process: 1) define the problem or situation that requires a decision, 2) carefully assess the facts; 3) evaluate the available alternatives, and, finally, 4) select the best one. When a decision is made according to that process, it will be a good decision, regardless of the outcome—good because the correct process was followed. If the outcome happens to be different from what was expected, then it was the wrong decision; however, it was nevertheless, still a good decision because the correct decision-making process had been followed. Life does not always turn out as expected despite our best efforts.
On the other hand, decisions based on gut-feel, intuition, premonitions, mystical revelations, superstitions, or emotions are inherently bad decisions, regardless of the outcome. In these instances, if the outcome meets expectations, it must be attributed to good luck rather than good judgment.
There are a few techniques that I have found useful in maintaining control of my destiny over the years. I share them with you in the hope that you too, will find them useful.
- Keep Score: Keep score of your accomplishments. Keep a daily diary and write down the important things you do. Make a one-page summary at the end of the year. It is a good reminder of what you are doing with your life. You will find it fun and useful. I was late getting started, but for the last 45 years I can tell you where I was and what I was doing on almost any given day.
- Make a Plan: Make a career and Life plan … and write it down. A plan that is not written down is just a dream or a fantasy. Update the plan often; when you are young, it will get out of date quickly as you raise your sights and climb the mountain. What it says in not too important; what's important is that you have a plan and you believe you can achieve it. Every Life plan should include a goal to enjoy your work. If your job or career does not give you satisfaction, make a plan to change it. That is a very important part of controlling your destiny.
- Update Your Résumé: If you don't have one, write a résumé now. And don't be modest about your accomplishments. Update it at least once a year. Keep the old ones and go back and compare … you will be amazed and encouraged. This action will also help keep you focused on your plan. I would suggest you put it on a website.
- Work Hard: Nothing worth having comes easy. If it does, it will most likely be squandered rather than appreciated. When I emigrated to the U.S., I was fearful of having to compete with graduates of the prestigious American Ivy League schools. I wondered how my education from a small marginalized agricultural college in a sleepy Canadian farming community could ever match up. I figured my only hope was to be diligent about doing the simple things well—come early, stay late, do an honest day's work, don't take unnecessary time off, know the rules, follow the rules, be respectful of others, get along, listen carefully, follow instructions, think before speaking, don't interrupt, don't complain, and always demonstrate a positive attitude—all the things we learned in kindergarten. And don't hang around with people who want to drag you down and hold you back. It soon became evident that there was no reason to be concerned. Throughout my career, I have noticed that those who consistently practiced these simple traits usually stand above the crowd regardless of their innate abilities and intelligence. Consistently practicing these simple habits demonstrates reliability and instills trust—two characteristics of paramount importance in any organization—and also invariably results in better job performance.
- Health: None of the above means anything if you do not have good health. Your health is priority one, above all else. So take good care of your body so it can take care of you. After all it's your future … be there.
2. Leadership vs. Management
Now that you have control of your destiny, let's examine what it takes to become a good leader. First, it is important to understand that leadership is not management. Leaders lead and managers manage. Managers kill the alligators, whereas the leaders drain the swamp so the alligators go away and quit biting you in the butt. Consider another example. An airline pilot is a manager—he manages the plane in flight. The leader is the one who selects the crew, determines the destination, the flight plan, and convinces the crew it's the right thing to do. Leaders make the plans and organize the resources, and the managers execute the plans.
Of course, there is overlap between the two disciplines, and depending on the situation, a manager can lead and a leader can manage from time to time. However, it is important to distinguish between the fundamental responsibilities of the two functions. The best salesman seldom makes a good leader of the sales department, and there is no guarantee that a good quarterback will be a good coach.
During the early 1980s, the business world went through an economic upheaval. During that period, I was able to observe how different leaders and managers behaved as they dealt with the stressful, challenging situation.
Some seemed unable to escape the drudgery of day-to-day trivia; they always looked busy, energetic and active; but careful examination revealed they were usually "fighting fires" and "killing alligators" in a haphazard manner without due consideration instead of preventing the fires and draining the swamp. They never managed to escape the dark shadows of the trees in order to rise up and look down on the forest in the clear light of day.
In contrast, others seemed to handle difficult challenges effortlessly with dispassionate thinking, a clear sense of purpose, and a laser-like focus on achieving results, never losing sight of the overall goal. They had the natural talent to see and understand the long term and the "big picture," even in stressful situations.
If you seem to be continually focused on the immediate moment, or if you often feel overwhelmed by the day-to-day activities going on around you, or if your thoughts seldom go beyond next week or next year, you may not have this talent.
Those who have this talent think deeply about life and other important matters. You know who you are. You have little concern for the details and trivia of your day-to-day existence. Of course, you deal with them as best you can and kill the alligators because they are an irritation, but your main focus is draining the swamp so the irritations go away.
You monitor world events and focus on doing the important things that you must do to control your life and improve your situation. You maintain focus on controlling your destiny and achieving your long-term aspirations and what you must do to live a flourishing life. And you know that if you do not control your destiny, someone else will—and that is unacceptable.
Leaders with this talent maintain a view of the big picture while at the same time paying attention to the details. They scan the horizon and maintain an overall perspective of the broader situation in general, and about the organization in particular. An effective leader comfortably works within the forest amongst the trees, and routinely gets in her helicopter and rises above the trees to look down on the forest. This talent has been called the "helicopter effect" and it is critical for effective leadership.
Some will disagree, but in my 40 years of experience I have observed this is a talent you either have or you don't. I specifically call it a talent, rather than a skill, because, although it can be developed and honed, it can seldom be learned. Use this talent to your advantage, and be alert for people with this talent … they are potential leaders.
3. Effective Leadership Style
In my experience there are only two fundamental styles of management, namely a) the autocratic style, and b) the participative style. I adopted the participative style early in my career because that is what works about 95% of the time. The different characteristics of the two styles are illustrated below:
Autocratic Style
- You tell people what to do
- You punish them for mistakes
- You prefer obedience without argument
- You threaten negative consequences
- You discourage initiative
Participative Style
- You solicit opinions and suggestions
- Mistakes are considered learning experiences
- You seek participation in decisions
- You offer positive incentives
- You encourage self-confidence and initiative
The leader who follows the participative style sees himself as a Coach. The responsibilities of a coach are to select the team members, provide support in the form of proper tools, training, and motivation, and to create a working environment that is conducive to high productivity. Another important responsibility of the coach is to develop a "game plan"—a strategy for execution that defines where they are going and how they are going to get there.
It is important to understand that the coach is responsible for the success of the team, but he never "scores"; he can only create the system and environment that allows the players to score. In order to be a winning coach, all players must work together as a close-knit team, perform their individual responsibilities, and execute the plan.
An autocratic leadership style may be effective in an adversarial working environment or an emergency situation; however, in my experience a command and control management style is not appropriate when the employees are some of the brightest knowledge workers on the planet. Knowledge-workers never responded well to autocratic leadership, nor do they perform well in a culture of fear and intimidation. Therefore, I strongly recommend you learn, adopt and practice a participative leadership/management style if you expect to succeed.
4. Set a Good Example:
What kind of example do you set for your people? The example you set affects the quality of the people working for you, as well as the quality of the work they do. And it also influences the way your supervisors manage their teams and the results achieved by levels way below you. Your leadership behavior has a heightened impact as it is copied and practiced by others—either for good or for bad.
Paying particular attention to the following key habits will ensure that you are setting a good example that will inspire dedicated willing followers who enjoy their work and want to be part of a winning team.
- Show Respect: No leader can perform effectively unless they have the respect of those who follow their leadership. And do not confuse respect with affection. It is possible to respect a leader you may not like particularly well, but seldom do you find a likeable person who you do not also respect. Ideally, you should strive to be both liked and respected. And one of the best ways to get promoted is to be both liked and respected by your peers, perhaps even more so than by your boss. Respect is mostly based on three qualities: a) Confidence, b) Trust and Credibility, and c) Fairness. You must inspire confidence that you are working toward realistic acceptable goals; and show confidence that you know what is going on and what needs to be done, and can create a productive working environment. Your subordinates must have trust that you will not exploit or manipulate them for your own advantage. You must be honest about the real reason you are asking them to take action. Showing respect for others builds credibility and inspires trust in you. Build up a reservoir of trust so that in times of difficulty or urgency your guidance is followed without question. Being fair means recognizing and rewarding your employees' achievements appropriately. Show that you understand their personal goals and their need for accomplishment, the same as you. If you feel good about yourself, and respect yourself, there is a good chance that others will feel the same way toward you.
- Set the Right Tone: It is important to set a tone that is collaborative. Maintain a good balance between written and face-to-face communications. Maintain an open, questioning tone that encourages debate and discussion; avoid the brusque, to-the-point style. Share some of your own concerns. Ultimately, the tone results from an accumulation of how you interact with others in the work group, both up and down the hierarchy.
- Describe the "Why?" When assigning work or talking about it, always try to link it to the larger effort of which you are all part. Of course, it is important to explain what is expected, and also its purpose and why it is important to the ultimate success of the organization. Employees who know the purpose of their work will always be more productive and committed to a successful outcome.
- Clarify Expectations: First, write job specifications and expectations as clearly as possible. Then talk openly and frequently about the kind of performance you expect in a non-threatening manner. And make it very clear that they can expect support and assistance from you as required; after all, that's your job as a coach. Establish measurable, quantitative Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and ask the employees to participate in the development of the KPIs whenever possible. By doing so they will "buy-in" and become committed.
5. Be Supportive and Dependable:
The first and best way to be supportive is to give the employees what they need to do the job, including a clear strategic direction. Then loosen the reins so they can all charge off in the same direction with the tools, training, motivation and encouragement. As they develop their own momentum, you, as the leader, must always be there to lend support when needed.
You must be seen as accessible so the team members feel welcome to come to you for help, either with an inquiry, complaint, status report or a personal problem. In any organization there are rumours and you should be open and willing to discuss how much truth there is behind the rumours. Keep them filled in on what is happening with respect to how the year is unfolding, the plans for the division and the outlook for the coming months.
Being supportive also means sticking up for your team. For example, during times of urgent family situations or the need for extra time off, make exceptions from time to time when justified. Monitor their work-life balance and make sure they do not burn out because of over work or other stress factors. Protect them from difficulties with other managers.
Acknowledge ideas that offer value to others and share them up the hierarchy. Give your team appropriate access to your boss and others higher up the line. If that is not appropriate, be sure to give credit to your team for their accomplishments. Remember, as the coach, you do not score, it's you team members that get the work done and score.
From time to time your people will get an opportunity to be promoted into other work groups. In these instances, be sure not to be an obstacle to their progress; in fact, you should encourage them to accept the opportunity.
By following these guidelines, you will be a supportive boss your employees can count on, and you will be able to count on them too, to do their best.
6. Communicate Effectively:
Communicating effectively covers a very broad subject and I do not intend to review the "how" of communication. Instead, I want to review the way in which you should communicate to be a good leader.
Having an "open-door" policy is one way. This communicates that you are approachable, which promotes more frequent, casual and open dialog. Consequently, from these casual conversations you can often pick up reactions to what is happening; and watching body language can often indicate what is not being said. A positive atmosphere of candor and trust will become evident as people gain a heightened level of security and self-assurance.
When you have an open-door policy it is important not to circumvent the chain of authority. There is also the risk that you may become overly tangled in personal problems, although there are times when it can be beneficial. And make sure people do not camp on your door step to discuss trivial matters just to fraternize with the boss. However, be particularly careful not to let your comments and behavior deter people from asking questions that need to be asked.
As a leader, it is particularly important that you establish informal sources of information throughout the organization to learn about pending events and developments before they happen. This can be tricky. Try to maintain networks with well-placed informants who will alert you to what they are doing and thinking. Usually, the more you probe for information, the more readily it will come to you. And since much of the information may be tentative or confidential, be careful who you share it with and never disclose sources, otherwise you will be cut off. If you can establish informal lines of communication you will be seen as someone "in the know," which will keep you closer to the mainstream.
7. Evaluating Performance:
We all have our own opinions about how to best evaluate performance. Over the years I have come to belief that the formal annual interview to discuss an employee's performance does more harm than good. Feedback on performance must be an on-going practice throughout the year on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. Some employees need more than others. Feedback that is specific, timely, frequent and personal will improve performance.
Feedback should always be aimed at providing employees with the information they must have to do a better job. It may be verbal; it may come from a chart on the wall or a scoreboard of some sort. The people must learn about the results of their work to know how well they are meeting expectations. Whether or not they feel temporarily happy or unhappy is irrelevant.
Feedback on performance is either objective or subjective. Objective feedback is usually quantitative, and subjective feedback is qualitative. Quantitative Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) should be established when objectives are set, and updated as the situation changes. These KPIs become milestones against which the employees can objectively evaluate their own performance in an impersonal and non-judgmental way.
Key Performance Indicators can also be established for qualitative work if careful thought is given to exactly what is expected. The KPIs can describe in writing the expected outcome. Have the employee participate in writing the KPIs and milestones so there is less subjective judgment required when the time comes for an evaluation. These KPIs will usually focus on the quality of the work, rather than the quantity, but even quality can be quantified with clearly written statements. It's usually advisable to evaluate qualitative work more frequently than quantitative work because the results are less specific and more difficult to judge.
All significant feedback should be documented. The design of the forms used is not important; however, the information communicated in both directions (3600 evaluations) should be written down for future reference.
The most important factor in evaluating performance is to make sure there is no doubt about what is expected. That is why it is so important to have a clearly written and communicated Strategic Plan with Critical Success Factors, Goals, Objectives, Individual Work Plans and KPIs.
8. Be Demanding and Fair:
Be careful not to be labeled as a "Tough Boss." Tough bosses always get fired eventually. They usually earn that label by criticizing people in public, making key decisions without collaboration, having a volatile temper and using abusive language. They foster internal competition and play favorites at their whim to keep people insecure. And they are rarely satisfied even when subordinates achieve their goals. I worked for one boss that fit this description, and he did not last long.
Fortune Magazine (October 1993) published an article discussing America's "10 Toughest Bosses" Some were tougher than others, and I would identify a few as demanding rather than tough. I enjoyed working for demanding bosses because you always knew where you stood. They were demanding in the goals they set and the results they expected. They bring out the best in you provided you also have high expectations for yourself. They do not inspire fear and anxiety because they are fair as well as demanding. And they almost always lead successful organizations.
Demanding leaders achieve this balance between high expectations and fairness by developing and practicing four important habits:
- Focus on Facts: They tolerate and welcome disagreement provided it is backed up by solid research and investigation. Your opinions and recommendations must be well-informed.
- Treat Everyone Equally: Demanding leaders may be hard critics, but they are equally hard on everyone. They respect those who are not intimidated and do not cower when challenged. And when they make a mistake, they are secure enough in their own skin to quickly admit it and take responsibility.
- Provide Strong Support: Although demanding bosses often expect high performance and exceptional results, they will fight extraordinarily hard to get the resources the team needs to achieve first-rate results and to pay for the rewards deserved for top performance.
- Personal Concern: Demanding bosses often show fairness by caring for their people. They know when it is appropriate to visit someone at the hospital and to empathize when someone is not feeling well and struggling. They are careful not to carry grudges and demonstrate as much care for their people as they do for the work—after all, they know who the coach is and who does the work to achieve the plan.
If you tend to be a demanding leader, be sure to be fair at all times. Otherwise, your team may jump when you crack the whip, and secretly wait for your failure instead of doing what they can to ensure your success.
9. Be a Peacemaker:
Every once in a while in all organizations there appear signs of discord amongst the staff. If not nipped in the bud, minor disputes can become serious long-standing feuds that hurt the entire organization. Therefore, never wait to take corrective action, hoping the hostilities will be resolved on their own. Get involved and become a peacemaker as soon as possible.
On one occasion I faced a serious management problem as soon as I became President of the organization. Unscrupulous practices had been going on for a while and causing serious discord between management and the union workers. Unscrupulous behavior always poisons an organization and is detrimental to productivity, quality, morale, and general performance. "Bad apples" have to be dealt with expeditiously; otherwise, people assume that unscrupulous behavior is acceptable, and the rot grows.
Being new to the organization, it was critical to make haste slowly and deliberately to ensure that my actions were fair and just. Within a few short weeks I had discovered what I needed to know in order to make a decision. At that point I acted to remove the poison, and the organization quickly became revitalized and eager to get back on a winning track.
When dealing with hostilities and discord there are certain guidelines to follow in order to make peace and turn the situation in a more positive direction.
- Gather Background Information: Learn the history of the conflict and understand why the antagonism exists. Talk to those who can provide insight into the conflict. This is necessary so you can be sensitive to the differences of both parties.
- Deal with the Reality: If the hostility has been building for a long time, it will not be easy to get the people to talk it out and shake hands. Nevertheless, try to be a negotiator and get the parties to sit with you and talk about the situation as rationally as possible. This may take a series of diplomatic sessions, but don't drag it out.
- Explain Your Situation: Make it crystal clear why it is important to settle the matter. Explain how the organization will benefit, and also how the antagonists will benefit. Make it clear that there is no other option.
- Seek Small Gains: An agreement might start with a small compromise; seek suggestions from the antagonists; however, you may have to impose small changes yourself. Insist on cooperation and compliance.
- Lasting Agreement: A lasting agreement is essential, so continue with small improvements until a permanent solution is evident. Stay personally involved until it happens. If the situation is not salvageable, or the parties refuse to move in the desired direction, take quick action to replace the antagonists with someone who will work to achieve your goals. Remember, "Bad apples can spoil the whole barrel," and it will reflect on you.
10. The Drive to Achieve:
As a leader, you will discover that the drive to achieve is not evenly distributed amongst all you employees. Most leaders continually keep pushing themselves for excellence. When you reach a milestone, you will likely want to set a new target — whether it is higher production, more market share or lower cost reduction. After all, your drive to achieve is one factor that helped you to become a leader.
However, as you look around your organization, you will notice that everyone does not have the same desire to achieve. That is normal. Many have different priorities and have discovered that shooting for the stars is not worth the sacrifices required. Mediocrity applies to most people; nevertheless, they want to perform well and are good employees. Your role as a leader is to motivate your people to reach exceptional performance for their own benefit and for the benefit of the organization.
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"Don't be irreplaceable. If you can't be replaced, you can't be promoted."
Paul Dickson