How to Write Soldiers Letters from Home
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Soldiers Letters - Be Natural
WRITE LETTERS THAT ARE NATURAL: The best way to write soldiers letters is to simply write as if you were actually talking to them. Talk to them about the things you know are mutually interesting to both of you. Hobbies, sports, movies, etc... If it is something you both care about, write about it. - 2
Soldiers Letters - Be Sincere
WRITE LETTERS THAT ARE SINCERE: Write soldiers letters that are free from flowery exaggeration. Simply say what you feel, without heaps of embellishment. Don't try to be overly flattering with praise, or try to be evasive or misleading. These things will hurt your credibility and make your letters less looked for. - 3
Soldiers Letters - Give 'em the News
WRITE LETTERS THAT ARE NEWSY: Fill your soldiers letters with news of what is happening back at home. News of people, places and things, either within the family, on a national level. The town's new library, Uncle Harry's embarrassing dance at the wedding, who won the Oscar for Best Actor. - 4
Soldiers Letters - Don't worry them
WRITE POSITIVE LETTERS: To write soldiers letters that are a joy to receive, put a check on the doom and gloom. Sometimes sharing difficulties is necessary, but on the whole, don't worry the soldier with problems or complaints they can do nothing about. They need to focus on the job at hand, and stay safe. - 5
Soldiers Letters - Give 'em Love
GIVE EXCITING DETAILS: In person you use inflection in your voice to convey meaning. When you write your soldiers letters, use punctuation to convey intent and meaning; importance (underline), excitement (exclamation mark), side whispers, innuendo and explanations (parenthesis), insinuation(...). Punctuation can add great fun to your soldiers letters. - 6
Soldiers Letters - Use their Name
WRITE PERSONAL EXPRESSIONS: Use your soldier's name, when you write your soldiers letters, throughout the body of your letter. This will grab their attention and make them feel like you are right there talking to them. Ex. "It was so good to get your last letter, Ronny, I appreciate it so much when I get new from you." - 7
Soldiers Letters - Paint a Picture with Words
USE PICTORIAL LANGUAGE: You can write soldiers letters full of vivid imagery using similes and metaphors. Ex. "The dog is as fat as a hog", is much more interesting and fun to read than, "The dog is fat".