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The Alternative Modeling Industry Is Slowly Gaining The Diy Attitude

The Do-It-Yourself movement has always been a necessary staple in the realms of the Punk rock culture. However, it is only recently that the movement has been gaining speed as it also seeps into all facets of alternative counterculture. Cybergoth movement is probably the fastest growing and the most mentionable culture, which has been grasping on to the Do-It-Yourself or DIY ethics in the fashion industry. Stemming from Industrial and rave culture, the Cybergoth culture, is a futuristic branch that is a little different from the traditional forms of the Goth style.

Cybergoths build their wardrobes and accessories from a variety of synthetic materials. These synthetic materials may include the iconic "Cyberlox"; synthetically made dreadlocks are typically handmade from yarn, PVC tubing, rubbing tubing and metal wiring, thus, creating an individualized look for the wearer. This unique and individualized look allows the Cybergoths, and similar DIYs to create a trend and space that belongs to them only.

A newly budding cousin of the Cybergoth movement, which has been gaining immense popularity in recent times, is the Steampunk movement, which is considered by many as a fashion styling that is almost 100% DIY. Fans of the Steampunk style typically borrow bits and pieces of clothing staples from all other alternative culture. However, the most common alternative culture, from where a lot is borrowed, is the Victorian period clothing that involves the use of fitted jackets, top hats and corsets among several others.

The DIY attitude lies in the steam part of Steampunk. It takes the 19th Century ideals on science fiction, such as the futuristic steam driving technologies and incorporates it into the fashion. However, the movement is pushing its way into the spotlight. Until very recently, these fashions could not just be bought at your local alternative clothing outlet. Enormous amounts of time and tremendous efforts had to be put into the process of molding the various pieces of traditional alternative clothing, and transforming them into stunning pieces, which may be noted to be worthy of an H.G. Wells novel.

However, it is not just the new off shoots that are taking a firm grasp of the DIY movement. Very recently, the Goth community has emphasized a love and desire for making something by their own, which would also be considered their own. Many Goth culture enthusiasts have taken to basic crafting facets in order to customize their looks completely. Small business owners in the alternative community have taken to handcrafting corsets, tailoring custom fit jackets, creating their own jewelry and accessories and doing many other things for the purpose.

This step "backwards", away from the mainstream marketing, is pushing alternative cultures to a level that has been lost for some time now. This throwback, to handmade fashions, not only gives these pioneers a truly individual look of their own, but revives emphasis on the quantity and mass productions of the fashions. The many DIYs do not forge the style and fashion from a counter culture, nor do they appreciate the quality behind them.
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