What Does Eco-Friendly Mean?
Eco-friendly is an overused term.
Today, it has become a tagline that marketing firms use to sell products.
A term that was originally coined by the scientific community to highlight the negative impacts our ways of living have on our planet has become a marketing mantra.
Today, most people understand it as environment friendly.
While that understanding is not entirely wrong, it is only a partial understanding of the true meaning.
This is a word coined from the words ecology and friendly.
Ecology does include the environment, but that is not the only party.
Ecology includes everything in the world.
It includes the planet and all that it possesses, it includes all organisms in the world including humans, animals and microorganisms and ecology includes the entire atmosphere.
Ecology also accounts for the interactions between the living and the inanimate.
It is not confined to energy or the carbon footprint as many may think.
It includes the interaction of bacteria with its environment, the quality of crops grown in a certain area, the immediate impact of a certain industrial project on its surrounding environment and the people who would be working for the project.
Ecology is a term that has a much larger meaning than what is being understood by people across the world at this point in time.
What Is Eco-friendly? Nature has everything poised in balance.
Humans breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide and plants breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen.
This is reversed during the night when humans are supposed to be sleeping and thus would be breathing in less oxygen.
There are microorganisms and plants that breathe in more nitrogen than oxygen or carbon dioxide.
These microorganisms and plants are found in those terrains and subterranean regions of the planet where nitrogen or ammonia gases are found in abundance.
It is nature's way to maintain an ecological balance.
What gives life to something could be fatal for something else.
There are possibilities where microorganisms or even larger animals that can survive on hazardous gases.
The scientific community has enough evidence and theories to suggest that.
Being friendly doesn't solely imply using less energy than what is being used.
That is energy conservation.
It is certainly environment friendly, but to be ecology-friendly, one has to ensure that no harm is being done to the environment.
Let us talk about the heating and air conditioning systems that are sold across the world.
Those are almost always marketed using the gimmick of ecology friendly.
The systems come with three, four or five stars indicating how environment friendly they are.
If such a system uses less energy than another similar system, then it is certainly environment friendly.
But there are toxic materials being used for the heating or cooling effect.
That certainly affects the ecological balance.
The materials that are being used to make those heating and air conditioning units are not always recycled.
If the materials are obtained from mining or manufacturing, then that has an adverse impact on the ecology.
These systems can be truly called friendly when the materials used would be nontoxic, recycled materials would be used in every part where it is practically possible and the systems would use the minimum required energy.
But even then, their friendliness would depend on how we are using those systems.
If we use those systems throughout the day, throughout the year, then we are inevitably leaving a large carbon footprint.
Since ecology includes how we behave and interact with nature or our immediate surroundings and planet earth, the systems cannot be truly eco-friendly unless we too contribute to it.
Eco-friendly Should Become More Than a Marketing Term There are organizations in the world that raise money riding ecology bandwagon.
A lot of that money is seldom used in philanthropic activities or eco-friendly initiatives.
There are organizations which have based their entire existence trying to champion the cause of eco-friendly and yet they have failed to drive home the true meaning of the term.
Companies around the world are using the term to their own benefits.
If there had been an astute understanding of what eco-friendly meant and if everyone was doing the right things, then the ecological condition would not have worsened over the last twenty years.
Today, it has become a tagline that marketing firms use to sell products.
A term that was originally coined by the scientific community to highlight the negative impacts our ways of living have on our planet has become a marketing mantra.
Today, most people understand it as environment friendly.
While that understanding is not entirely wrong, it is only a partial understanding of the true meaning.
This is a word coined from the words ecology and friendly.
Ecology does include the environment, but that is not the only party.
Ecology includes everything in the world.
It includes the planet and all that it possesses, it includes all organisms in the world including humans, animals and microorganisms and ecology includes the entire atmosphere.
Ecology also accounts for the interactions between the living and the inanimate.
It is not confined to energy or the carbon footprint as many may think.
It includes the interaction of bacteria with its environment, the quality of crops grown in a certain area, the immediate impact of a certain industrial project on its surrounding environment and the people who would be working for the project.
Ecology is a term that has a much larger meaning than what is being understood by people across the world at this point in time.
What Is Eco-friendly? Nature has everything poised in balance.
Humans breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide and plants breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen.
This is reversed during the night when humans are supposed to be sleeping and thus would be breathing in less oxygen.
There are microorganisms and plants that breathe in more nitrogen than oxygen or carbon dioxide.
These microorganisms and plants are found in those terrains and subterranean regions of the planet where nitrogen or ammonia gases are found in abundance.
It is nature's way to maintain an ecological balance.
What gives life to something could be fatal for something else.
There are possibilities where microorganisms or even larger animals that can survive on hazardous gases.
The scientific community has enough evidence and theories to suggest that.
Being friendly doesn't solely imply using less energy than what is being used.
That is energy conservation.
It is certainly environment friendly, but to be ecology-friendly, one has to ensure that no harm is being done to the environment.
Let us talk about the heating and air conditioning systems that are sold across the world.
Those are almost always marketed using the gimmick of ecology friendly.
The systems come with three, four or five stars indicating how environment friendly they are.
If such a system uses less energy than another similar system, then it is certainly environment friendly.
But there are toxic materials being used for the heating or cooling effect.
That certainly affects the ecological balance.
The materials that are being used to make those heating and air conditioning units are not always recycled.
If the materials are obtained from mining or manufacturing, then that has an adverse impact on the ecology.
These systems can be truly called friendly when the materials used would be nontoxic, recycled materials would be used in every part where it is practically possible and the systems would use the minimum required energy.
But even then, their friendliness would depend on how we are using those systems.
If we use those systems throughout the day, throughout the year, then we are inevitably leaving a large carbon footprint.
Since ecology includes how we behave and interact with nature or our immediate surroundings and planet earth, the systems cannot be truly eco-friendly unless we too contribute to it.
Eco-friendly Should Become More Than a Marketing Term There are organizations in the world that raise money riding ecology bandwagon.
A lot of that money is seldom used in philanthropic activities or eco-friendly initiatives.
There are organizations which have based their entire existence trying to champion the cause of eco-friendly and yet they have failed to drive home the true meaning of the term.
Companies around the world are using the term to their own benefits.
If there had been an astute understanding of what eco-friendly meant and if everyone was doing the right things, then the ecological condition would not have worsened over the last twenty years.