How to Stop Smoking and Get Rid of Psychological Addictions
Experts say that the physical addiction to smoking lasts 7 days.
That's how long the nicotine cravings last.
Nicotine triggers your feel-good brain chemistry.
In spite of that, the biggest problem with smoking is the psychological addiction.
This is the real reason you smoke.
Some people smoke so they can have a legitimate reason to take a break.
For others, the deep breaths allow them to calm down.
It can be an escape.
It can allow them to release anger.
It gives a smoker something to occupy their hands.
It may help them fit in a social situation that they are uncomfortable with.
There are probably as many reasons to smoke as there are smokers.
If you are psychologically addicted to smoking, you will get triggered to smoke around other smokers, like at a bar or nightclub.
Even though you may have quit some time ago, your chances of smoking again will be high if your only choice of entertainment is a bar or nightclub, (then again as more and more states make smoking illegal in public places this may become less of an issue for you).
Seeking professional assistance can always help you heal your psychological smoking addiction.
These professionals and programs will give you a step by step action plan that you must follow daily, starting with exercise.
The objective of these programs is to get rid of your physical cravings and then move to heal your mental addiction to cigarettes.
Here Are Some Simple Ways to Start Quitting Now: There are actually some simple ways to help you quit smoking.
Weaning yourself off nicotine addictions by using some replacement products like nicotine gums or patches.
These items can easily be found over the counter.
The second way is to use a different brand of cigarette than your usual brand.
Make sure that it has a lower amount of nicotine and also reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke.
Another way is to write down your smoking triggers - like with coffee and the news in the morning.
Once you know why you are smoking, find a way that you can occupy that time differently, like by taking a walk or meditating instead.
You can also try to make a quit smoking contract with yourself.
Give yourself some small reward whenever you achieve a goal like not smoking for an entire week.
Reward yourself with a bigger prize if you didn't smoke for a month.
This will really increase your desire to never smoke again.
Avoid places where people smoke.
Look for the beautiful scenery of your local park or beach where you can breathe fresh air and relax your mind.
The bottom line is Never quit trying to quit.
That's how long the nicotine cravings last.
Nicotine triggers your feel-good brain chemistry.
In spite of that, the biggest problem with smoking is the psychological addiction.
This is the real reason you smoke.
Some people smoke so they can have a legitimate reason to take a break.
For others, the deep breaths allow them to calm down.
It can be an escape.
It can allow them to release anger.
It gives a smoker something to occupy their hands.
It may help them fit in a social situation that they are uncomfortable with.
There are probably as many reasons to smoke as there are smokers.
If you are psychologically addicted to smoking, you will get triggered to smoke around other smokers, like at a bar or nightclub.
Even though you may have quit some time ago, your chances of smoking again will be high if your only choice of entertainment is a bar or nightclub, (then again as more and more states make smoking illegal in public places this may become less of an issue for you).
Seeking professional assistance can always help you heal your psychological smoking addiction.
These professionals and programs will give you a step by step action plan that you must follow daily, starting with exercise.
The objective of these programs is to get rid of your physical cravings and then move to heal your mental addiction to cigarettes.
Here Are Some Simple Ways to Start Quitting Now: There are actually some simple ways to help you quit smoking.
Weaning yourself off nicotine addictions by using some replacement products like nicotine gums or patches.
These items can easily be found over the counter.
The second way is to use a different brand of cigarette than your usual brand.
Make sure that it has a lower amount of nicotine and also reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke.
Another way is to write down your smoking triggers - like with coffee and the news in the morning.
Once you know why you are smoking, find a way that you can occupy that time differently, like by taking a walk or meditating instead.
You can also try to make a quit smoking contract with yourself.
Give yourself some small reward whenever you achieve a goal like not smoking for an entire week.
Reward yourself with a bigger prize if you didn't smoke for a month.
This will really increase your desire to never smoke again.
Avoid places where people smoke.
Look for the beautiful scenery of your local park or beach where you can breathe fresh air and relax your mind.
The bottom line is Never quit trying to quit.