How Expensive Is Your Debt?
Having debt helps you to know that you are not alone, for each month or each week when you do not pay your bill they call you.
You are always connected with debt and lots of emotional shame for not doing better for you or your family.
The price you pay for debt is very high because you do not see it on a daily basis you may feel the effects in your relationships to family friends and the end of the month when the bills comes in.
Credit card debt The average family has at least two months income on their credit card bills.
Having credit card bills is now for many families a way of life and the children is following in their foot steps.
Credit card company objectives are to have every one with a credit card in their wallet.
Banks are happy Yes banks are happy that you do not pay your credit card bill on time for that is where they make their money.
Quick fix For some it is a quick fix for a bad day, it helps to take their mind of the problem so they add more debts.
For many people they cannot hold themselves back from buying because of the bargain they will get, a feeling of satisfaction that they got a deal or they care for others so they have gifts in case of emergency.
Temporary fix Many people get in debt because of losing their job or that sudden problem and so they get into that temporary fix hoping they will solve their problem and sometimes do not get out.
Debt expense Debt expense is very expensive with interest rates, late fees, and over the limit fees and for some it does not go away.
Getting rid of debt To get rid of your debt is to understand why you had debt in the beginning.
You may notice with this process that you have not done a good job of balancing your money or spending beyond your means.
The big lesson is your spending is out of control you are spending greater than your take home pay.
Necessary debt Necessary debt is having a car to take you to work, paying your mortgage or taking a course that will give you more money in the future and that is the debt is working for your future.
Breaking the pattern The simplest ways to break the pattern get out of debt and not create more, is to cut back on things that is not needed and is considered a luxury.
Start saving money that will only be use for emergency and put back when you solve the problem.
Conclusion: Creating debt can be very expensive and may last a life time when you are not taking care of you.
You are always connected with debt and lots of emotional shame for not doing better for you or your family.
The price you pay for debt is very high because you do not see it on a daily basis you may feel the effects in your relationships to family friends and the end of the month when the bills comes in.
Credit card debt The average family has at least two months income on their credit card bills.
Having credit card bills is now for many families a way of life and the children is following in their foot steps.
Credit card company objectives are to have every one with a credit card in their wallet.
Banks are happy Yes banks are happy that you do not pay your credit card bill on time for that is where they make their money.
Quick fix For some it is a quick fix for a bad day, it helps to take their mind of the problem so they add more debts.
For many people they cannot hold themselves back from buying because of the bargain they will get, a feeling of satisfaction that they got a deal or they care for others so they have gifts in case of emergency.
Temporary fix Many people get in debt because of losing their job or that sudden problem and so they get into that temporary fix hoping they will solve their problem and sometimes do not get out.
Debt expense Debt expense is very expensive with interest rates, late fees, and over the limit fees and for some it does not go away.
Getting rid of debt To get rid of your debt is to understand why you had debt in the beginning.
You may notice with this process that you have not done a good job of balancing your money or spending beyond your means.
The big lesson is your spending is out of control you are spending greater than your take home pay.
Necessary debt Necessary debt is having a car to take you to work, paying your mortgage or taking a course that will give you more money in the future and that is the debt is working for your future.
Breaking the pattern The simplest ways to break the pattern get out of debt and not create more, is to cut back on things that is not needed and is considered a luxury.
Start saving money that will only be use for emergency and put back when you solve the problem.
Conclusion: Creating debt can be very expensive and may last a life time when you are not taking care of you.