Managing Out Of Control Kids - 3 Tips To Help You Get Back In Control
Have you got out of control kids? If you are afraid of them and tend to walk on eggshells around them this could be because they actually physically harm you.
Or there may be situations where they run away and others where they beat up siblings.
Back talking may have reached such a level that ordinary communication is impossible.
So with out of control kids how do you get back in control again? If your teen is keeping toxic company and behaving aggressively towards you, it is because he wants to be part of his peer group and is terrified of not fitting in.
Any parental authority is like an obstacle to that and if he wants to keep toxic company, that is his prerogative.
Peer group affinity is all important for a teen.
But the toxic company he is keeping is leading to activities which may actually be breaking the law.
So the first tip is that you have to set the limits and prohibit underage drinking and use of drugs.
You should point out that these are actual felonies and the laws are there for that purpose.
Ultimately, though, your teen will have to make decisions for himself because there is no way that you have control over him 24/7.
The second tip is to think about what values and beliefs you have instilled in your teen since he was very young.
You have set certain standards from the start regarding not stealing, not lying and so on.
Ultimately it is his decision to follow the example you have set and there will be times when he has to make these decisions alone or go against the peer group.
That would be a sign of real maturity.
The third tip is keep an eye on the electronic media so that we can monitor what is on TV, Internet, Facebook and so on.
There are simple software programs that can do that and help to keep them from falling into a child pornography ring, for example, when they start exchanging nude photos and so on.
You can make it very clear that you have to control the data, information and violent messages coming into your home.
After all, if violence is vaunted and even admired, then that goes against the family rules that you have set up over the years.
If you need more advice on out of control kids, you can get a decent child behavior program which can help you when you have to face these decisions.
Why not check out the one below, written by America's foremost behavioral therapist.
As he spent a lot of his own childhood on the streets I think he knows what he is talking about!
Or there may be situations where they run away and others where they beat up siblings.
Back talking may have reached such a level that ordinary communication is impossible.
So with out of control kids how do you get back in control again? If your teen is keeping toxic company and behaving aggressively towards you, it is because he wants to be part of his peer group and is terrified of not fitting in.
Any parental authority is like an obstacle to that and if he wants to keep toxic company, that is his prerogative.
Peer group affinity is all important for a teen.
But the toxic company he is keeping is leading to activities which may actually be breaking the law.
So the first tip is that you have to set the limits and prohibit underage drinking and use of drugs.
You should point out that these are actual felonies and the laws are there for that purpose.
Ultimately, though, your teen will have to make decisions for himself because there is no way that you have control over him 24/7.
The second tip is to think about what values and beliefs you have instilled in your teen since he was very young.
You have set certain standards from the start regarding not stealing, not lying and so on.
Ultimately it is his decision to follow the example you have set and there will be times when he has to make these decisions alone or go against the peer group.
That would be a sign of real maturity.
The third tip is keep an eye on the electronic media so that we can monitor what is on TV, Internet, Facebook and so on.
There are simple software programs that can do that and help to keep them from falling into a child pornography ring, for example, when they start exchanging nude photos and so on.
You can make it very clear that you have to control the data, information and violent messages coming into your home.
After all, if violence is vaunted and even admired, then that goes against the family rules that you have set up over the years.
If you need more advice on out of control kids, you can get a decent child behavior program which can help you when you have to face these decisions.
Why not check out the one below, written by America's foremost behavioral therapist.
As he spent a lot of his own childhood on the streets I think he knows what he is talking about!