Body Building Weight Training Technique For Muscle Growth
Weight training has long been known to improve health, improve strength, step up vigor, and improve the physique. Men have been taking advantage of this fact for many years now, but many women have avoided weight training and continue to do so because they see it as a masculine thing meant to bulk up muscle.
There is much to gain from a successful weight-training program. Physically stronger and bigger always tops the list. Nonetheless if we look deeper, successful weight trainers gain much more than bigger biceps or broader well-defined deltoids.
In brief, this article will list and discuss 5 main and common attributes that you will gain and enhance when coming out from a successful weight-training program. And these attributes not only help during training time but they play very important roles in other aspect of your life.
So what does weight training consist of? Weight training usually involves the lifting of weights and then gradually increasing the amounts of weights in the later stages. There are a variety of weight training exercises and it is best to ask a gym instructor who will assess your individual's needs and objectives. He or she will then give you a specific set of weight training exercises. If you feel uncomfortable doing any of the exercises, then you should immediately tell the gym instructor and request modification to your exercises.
In body building, in order for the muscle development process to occur, there needs to be a high intensity stimulus placed upon the musculature system. When your muscles are overloaded in force greater than at a previous time, the human body requires that particular muscle group to hypertrophy, or increase larger. Thus, there is an rise in muscle strength, and size. The muscle system adapts to any added stress placed upon it.
The human muscle system can lift up to 40% more weight during the eccentric contraction as compared to the concentric muscle contraction. The concentric muscle contraction, or positive motion during a lift, is when there is a shortening of the muscle fibers. Another words, the positive motion is considered movements such as curling, pressing, or pulling down the resistance.
When doing a negative it is always best to utilize a spotter or two at your side to help lift the heavier weight back to its normal starting position so you can attempt to hold the weight up again for yet another rep as gravity helps force it down. Your goal should be to try and slowly lower the weight for a count of 8-10 seconds. Continue to fight the repetition by not letting it get back down to its original starting point of a repetition until these 8-10 seconds have expired. Do to such an extremely high weight training intensity, it is recommended not to perform this highly effective muscle building technique more than a few times each month for each of your main weightlifting movements.
Other specific examples included doing a bench press. When you push the bar all the way into full arm extension you slowly lower the bar back down to your chest. Slowly lowering the bar down, trying to hold the load up, is what is called an eccentric contraction.
There is much to gain from a successful weight-training program. Physically stronger and bigger always tops the list. Nonetheless if we look deeper, successful weight trainers gain much more than bigger biceps or broader well-defined deltoids.
In brief, this article will list and discuss 5 main and common attributes that you will gain and enhance when coming out from a successful weight-training program. And these attributes not only help during training time but they play very important roles in other aspect of your life.
So what does weight training consist of? Weight training usually involves the lifting of weights and then gradually increasing the amounts of weights in the later stages. There are a variety of weight training exercises and it is best to ask a gym instructor who will assess your individual's needs and objectives. He or she will then give you a specific set of weight training exercises. If you feel uncomfortable doing any of the exercises, then you should immediately tell the gym instructor and request modification to your exercises.
In body building, in order for the muscle development process to occur, there needs to be a high intensity stimulus placed upon the musculature system. When your muscles are overloaded in force greater than at a previous time, the human body requires that particular muscle group to hypertrophy, or increase larger. Thus, there is an rise in muscle strength, and size. The muscle system adapts to any added stress placed upon it.
The human muscle system can lift up to 40% more weight during the eccentric contraction as compared to the concentric muscle contraction. The concentric muscle contraction, or positive motion during a lift, is when there is a shortening of the muscle fibers. Another words, the positive motion is considered movements such as curling, pressing, or pulling down the resistance.
When doing a negative it is always best to utilize a spotter or two at your side to help lift the heavier weight back to its normal starting position so you can attempt to hold the weight up again for yet another rep as gravity helps force it down. Your goal should be to try and slowly lower the weight for a count of 8-10 seconds. Continue to fight the repetition by not letting it get back down to its original starting point of a repetition until these 8-10 seconds have expired. Do to such an extremely high weight training intensity, it is recommended not to perform this highly effective muscle building technique more than a few times each month for each of your main weightlifting movements.
Other specific examples included doing a bench press. When you push the bar all the way into full arm extension you slowly lower the bar back down to your chest. Slowly lowering the bar down, trying to hold the load up, is what is called an eccentric contraction.