What Are Venus Flytraps Immune To?
- Venus flytraps are carnivorous plants.Hemera Technologies/Photos.com/Getty Images
Venus flytraps (Dionaea muscipula) are carnivorous plants native to parts of the Southeast. They use spring traps to catch and digest small insects. Venus flytraps are usually found growing in stagnant bogs. They are also a favorite of plant collectors and can be grow indoors in a terrarium. Venus flytraps are distinctive in that they are immune to some common environmental conditions that plague many other plants. - Venus flytraps are immune to poor soil. Unlike most plants, they actually thrive in soils that have very few nutrients. This is because they have adapted to receive some of their nutrients from the insects they consume. Insects are the primary source of nitrogen for Venus flytraps. For this reason, you should never fertilize one of these plants. Ants are the primary insect that these carnivorous plants eat due to the fact that they grow so low to the ground, but they will also eat other insects that wander or fly into their traps.
- Many plants do not do well in soil that is very acidic, but Venus flytraps thrive in it. They are immune to high pH levels and, in fact, will grow very poorly if planted in alkaline soils. The pH level should be around 5.0, and no higher than 6.0, for these plants to grow well. Use a soil-testing kit (available at any garden center or nursery) to test the soil of your Venus flytrap planting site or terrarium. Sphagnum moss makes a good planting medium because it usually has the correct amount of acidity.
- There are very few plants, save aquatic plants and marsh weeds, that can thrive in very wet soils. That is because too much water in the soil will cause the roots of most plants to rot away. Venus flytraps, however, are immune to this problem. They need very wet soil in order to grow well. In fact, Venus flytraps can actually live underwater for several months, according to the Botanical Society of America. These plants also need high levels of moisture in the air. For this reason, most indoor home gardeners grow Venus flytraps in covered terrariums, which help keep the soil moist and provide the high levels of humidity the plants need to grow and thrive.
Nutrient Poor Soil
High Acidity
Very Wet Soil