Solar Energy Facts You Need to Know
General Facts Solar energy is environmentally-friendly Electrical energy production for the heating of water and production of electricity are just two ways in which you gain from utilizing sunlight.
Drying out your clothes in direct sunlight is as well another benefit of utilizing the sun's heat and light.
This energy can also enable you to warmth up your swimming pool as well as power up small appliances or a vehicle.
You are able to make your food with sunlight.
The international need for solar energy continues to grow on a annual basis and is currently bigger than the supply.
Solar Energy Facts Interpreting Usage This energy is usually calculated in what is called "kilowatt hours" (kWh) or 1,000 W, which equals to the amount of electricity needed to light up a 100 W light bulb for 10 hours.
Around 43% of the solar energy consumption nowadays is applied for heating water.
Facts about Systems Utilized for Producing Solar Energy Solar energy systems for the home consist of 6 parts - a battery, a charge controller, an inverter, solar panels, a support structure, and wiring.
Solar systems for the house that are rated as a 1-kilowatt system usually take about 1 to 2 days for installation and usually cost $10,000 or even more depending on the size of the house that is being powered by the system.
A 1-kilowatt system requires a space of roughly 100 square feet for installation purposes and usually consists of 10 to 12 solar electric cells.
If your place receives an average of 5½ hours of direct sunlight per day, a 1-kilowatt this energy system can generate about 1,600 kWh annually.
That figure falls to less than half the output if you live in a climate prone to cloudy days.
A 1-kilowatt system eliminates the burning of about 170 pounds of coal, 300 pounds of carbon dioxide from being released into the air, and saves up to 105 gallons of water supply consumption monthly.
Most of the solar energy systems on the marketplace today have a 5-year warranty although the life of solar panels has been estimated at up to 25-30 years.
Relying on the battery back up, solar panels can supply electrical energy 24x7, even on cloudy days and at night.
Other Interesting Facts about Solar Energy: If the sun suddenly disappeared, we still receive sunlight for 8 minutes Electric ovens take the most amount of electrical energy, followed by microwaves and central air conditioning.
All Television and communications satellites are powered by solar panels.
In one minute more sunlight falls on the earth than what is utilized by the whole population in one year.
Approximately 2 billion people in the world are presently without electrical energy.
In the 1830s British astronomer John Herschel used a sunlight collector box to cook food during an expedition to Africa.
Da Vinci predicted a solar industrialization as far back as 1447.
In 5 billion years the sun will run out of fuel.
Drying out your clothes in direct sunlight is as well another benefit of utilizing the sun's heat and light.
This energy can also enable you to warmth up your swimming pool as well as power up small appliances or a vehicle.
You are able to make your food with sunlight.
The international need for solar energy continues to grow on a annual basis and is currently bigger than the supply.
Solar Energy Facts Interpreting Usage This energy is usually calculated in what is called "kilowatt hours" (kWh) or 1,000 W, which equals to the amount of electricity needed to light up a 100 W light bulb for 10 hours.
Around 43% of the solar energy consumption nowadays is applied for heating water.
Facts about Systems Utilized for Producing Solar Energy Solar energy systems for the home consist of 6 parts - a battery, a charge controller, an inverter, solar panels, a support structure, and wiring.
Solar systems for the house that are rated as a 1-kilowatt system usually take about 1 to 2 days for installation and usually cost $10,000 or even more depending on the size of the house that is being powered by the system.
A 1-kilowatt system requires a space of roughly 100 square feet for installation purposes and usually consists of 10 to 12 solar electric cells.
If your place receives an average of 5½ hours of direct sunlight per day, a 1-kilowatt this energy system can generate about 1,600 kWh annually.
That figure falls to less than half the output if you live in a climate prone to cloudy days.
A 1-kilowatt system eliminates the burning of about 170 pounds of coal, 300 pounds of carbon dioxide from being released into the air, and saves up to 105 gallons of water supply consumption monthly.
Most of the solar energy systems on the marketplace today have a 5-year warranty although the life of solar panels has been estimated at up to 25-30 years.
Relying on the battery back up, solar panels can supply electrical energy 24x7, even on cloudy days and at night.
Other Interesting Facts about Solar Energy: If the sun suddenly disappeared, we still receive sunlight for 8 minutes Electric ovens take the most amount of electrical energy, followed by microwaves and central air conditioning.
All Television and communications satellites are powered by solar panels.
In one minute more sunlight falls on the earth than what is utilized by the whole population in one year.
Approximately 2 billion people in the world are presently without electrical energy.
In the 1830s British astronomer John Herschel used a sunlight collector box to cook food during an expedition to Africa.
Da Vinci predicted a solar industrialization as far back as 1447.
In 5 billion years the sun will run out of fuel.