California Enterprise Zones
The California local government, under the supervision of the California Department of Housing and Community Development created 4 programs called Geographically Targeted Economic Development Areas (G-TEDAs) whose sole purpose is to open an avenue of economic development in the states most distressed areas. To be eligible and designated in G-TEDA, community areas must exhibited devastated conditions of high poverty or high unemployment rates. There are currently 4 G-TEDAs:
Enterprise Zones (EZs)
Local Agency Military Base Recovery Areas (LAMBRAs)
Manufacturing Enhancement Areas (MEAs)
Targetted Tax Areas (TTAs)
There are currently 42 EZs, 8 LAMBRAs, 2 MEAs and 1 TTA scattered in the 54 Assembly Districts and 34 Senate Districts of California. The G-TEDA programs were formed under the belief that allowing small communities to have economic incentives helps them become more industrially competitive. This, in turn, helps those communities become less reliant on government services. Out of the four G-TEDAs programs, the California Enterprise Zones serve as the voice of workers. It empowers the communities through job creation.
The California Enterprise Zones is a twofold purposeful program established in 1984, stimulating industrialization in the distressed areas of California and increasing job availabilities for all Californians. Selection of enterprise zones is based on a certain economic and social criteria that each eligible area must meet. Each zone is given a designation for 15 years. Incentives are awarded to businesses that invest and establish operations inside these Enterprise zones.
Enterprise zones initially started in Great Britain in 1981, producing followers in other countries including the US. The first advocate of enterprise zones in the US was President Ronald Reagan. He introduced the initiative as an instrument in alleviating poverty. Enterprise zones first proliferated at the state level in the 1980s when state programs were devised to address economic issues faced by the state. Special tax incentives reflecting the states unique economic policies are included in these programs to attract businesses. Although businesses were the prime targets of enterprise zone programs, other avenues such as job creation and child care, were also ventured to enhance the programs.
Aside from California, there are 37 other states follow the enterprise zone economic development program or any program similar to it.
Enterprise zones are selected via a competitive method based on the applicant that proposes regulatory tax incentive packages which appear to be more innovative and comprehensive. The tax incentive packages must be attractive enough to the public sector who will invest in that particular area. The applicants that have the proposed tax incentive packages should demonstrate undoubting capabilities and capacities to carry out the proposed incentive programs.
California Enterprise Zones were established in 1984 through the implementation of two separate programs, the Enterprise Zone Act and the Employment and Economic Incentive Act. Although the Acts may appear similar, both have different objectives. The Enterprise Zone Act provides tax credits for businesses established in an enterprise zone while the Employment and Economic incentive Act provides special incentives to businesses that hire a number of residents of a specific depressed area.
Enterprise Zones (EZs)
Local Agency Military Base Recovery Areas (LAMBRAs)
Manufacturing Enhancement Areas (MEAs)
Targetted Tax Areas (TTAs)
There are currently 42 EZs, 8 LAMBRAs, 2 MEAs and 1 TTA scattered in the 54 Assembly Districts and 34 Senate Districts of California. The G-TEDA programs were formed under the belief that allowing small communities to have economic incentives helps them become more industrially competitive. This, in turn, helps those communities become less reliant on government services. Out of the four G-TEDAs programs, the California Enterprise Zones serve as the voice of workers. It empowers the communities through job creation.
The California Enterprise Zones is a twofold purposeful program established in 1984, stimulating industrialization in the distressed areas of California and increasing job availabilities for all Californians. Selection of enterprise zones is based on a certain economic and social criteria that each eligible area must meet. Each zone is given a designation for 15 years. Incentives are awarded to businesses that invest and establish operations inside these Enterprise zones.
Enterprise zones initially started in Great Britain in 1981, producing followers in other countries including the US. The first advocate of enterprise zones in the US was President Ronald Reagan. He introduced the initiative as an instrument in alleviating poverty. Enterprise zones first proliferated at the state level in the 1980s when state programs were devised to address economic issues faced by the state. Special tax incentives reflecting the states unique economic policies are included in these programs to attract businesses. Although businesses were the prime targets of enterprise zone programs, other avenues such as job creation and child care, were also ventured to enhance the programs.
Aside from California, there are 37 other states follow the enterprise zone economic development program or any program similar to it.
Enterprise zones are selected via a competitive method based on the applicant that proposes regulatory tax incentive packages which appear to be more innovative and comprehensive. The tax incentive packages must be attractive enough to the public sector who will invest in that particular area. The applicants that have the proposed tax incentive packages should demonstrate undoubting capabilities and capacities to carry out the proposed incentive programs.
California Enterprise Zones were established in 1984 through the implementation of two separate programs, the Enterprise Zone Act and the Employment and Economic Incentive Act. Although the Acts may appear similar, both have different objectives. The Enterprise Zone Act provides tax credits for businesses established in an enterprise zone while the Employment and Economic incentive Act provides special incentives to businesses that hire a number of residents of a specific depressed area.