The Book: The Fragile Vessels
Al-hamdu lillah. Indeed, all praise is due to Allah. We praise Him, and seek His help and forgiveness. We seek refuge with Allah from our soul's evils and our wrong doings. He whom Allah guides, no one can misguide; and he whom He misguides, no one can guide.
I bear itness that there is no (true) god except Allah - alone without any parnter, and I bear witness that Muhammad (PBUH) is his 'abd (servant) and messenger.
"O you who believe! Revere Allah the right reverence, and do not die except as Muslims."
"O people! Revere your Lord who has created you from a single soul, created from it its mate, and dispersed from both of them many men and woman. Revere Allah through whom you deman things from on another, and (cherish the ties of) the wombs. Indeed, Allah is ever-Watchful over you."
"O you ho believe! Revere Allah and say just words. He will then rectify your deeds and forgive your sins. He who obeys Allah and His Messenger has certainly achieved a great victory."
Indeed, the best speech is Allah's Book and the best guidance is Muhammand's guidance. The worst affairs (of religion) are those innovated (by people), for every such innovation is an act of misguidance leading to the Fire.
We call upon all Muslims to support us in carrying out this noble trust. This will surely elevate and honour us and spread the eternal message of Islam all over the earth, as Allah promises:
"It is He who has sent His Messenger with Guidance and the Religion of Truth, in order to make it prevail over all (false) religions, however hateful this may be to pagans."
All praise and thanks are due to our Lord who facilitated the completion of this work. May He further reward all the Muslims. Our Lord, forgive us and all of the believers, and bestow Your peace and praise upon our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
In the next few articles e will be talking about the following:
A Fair PartnershipThe Husbands obligationsThe wife's obligationsThe Mothers of the BelieversWith the Prophets & His Wife'sThe Hadith about Umm Zar'.We will be explaining them in more details in the next few articles. So don't miss out. All Praise are due to Allah the All-Knower the Most Beneficent and Most Merciful.
I bear itness that there is no (true) god except Allah - alone without any parnter, and I bear witness that Muhammad (PBUH) is his 'abd (servant) and messenger.
"O you who believe! Revere Allah the right reverence, and do not die except as Muslims."
"O people! Revere your Lord who has created you from a single soul, created from it its mate, and dispersed from both of them many men and woman. Revere Allah through whom you deman things from on another, and (cherish the ties of) the wombs. Indeed, Allah is ever-Watchful over you."
"O you ho believe! Revere Allah and say just words. He will then rectify your deeds and forgive your sins. He who obeys Allah and His Messenger has certainly achieved a great victory."
Indeed, the best speech is Allah's Book and the best guidance is Muhammand's guidance. The worst affairs (of religion) are those innovated (by people), for every such innovation is an act of misguidance leading to the Fire.
We call upon all Muslims to support us in carrying out this noble trust. This will surely elevate and honour us and spread the eternal message of Islam all over the earth, as Allah promises:
"It is He who has sent His Messenger with Guidance and the Religion of Truth, in order to make it prevail over all (false) religions, however hateful this may be to pagans."
All praise and thanks are due to our Lord who facilitated the completion of this work. May He further reward all the Muslims. Our Lord, forgive us and all of the believers, and bestow Your peace and praise upon our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
In the next few articles e will be talking about the following:
A Fair PartnershipThe Husbands obligationsThe wife's obligationsThe Mothers of the BelieversWith the Prophets & His Wife'sThe Hadith about Umm Zar'.We will be explaining them in more details in the next few articles. So don't miss out. All Praise are due to Allah the All-Knower the Most Beneficent and Most Merciful.