How to Grow Watermelons in Pots Indoors
- 1). Fill a plant pot with two parts compost to one part peat moss. The pot should be at least 18 inches deep and have drainage holes in the bottom.
- 2). Insert the dwarf watermelon seed into the soil to a depth of 1 inch. Water until the soil settles.
- 3). Set the pot in a window that gets a full eight hours of direct sunlight daily. Set a garden trellis next to the pot so the vines can grow up it when they get long enough.
- 4). Continue watering frequently enough to keep the soil evenly moist to the touch. Stop watering when the melons reach full size, which will be about 4 inches in diameter for a dwarf variety. Water the soil directly, not the plant.
- 5). Apply a 5-5-5 fertilizer to the soil every two weeks, according to the package directions. Use a small paintbrush to paint the inside of the male flowers and then the inside of the female flowers to cause pollination.
- 6). Wrap the vines around the trellis as they grow. When fruit appears, support it by tying an old pantyhose to the trellis and making a hammock for the fruit. Pick the fruit when it makes a dull sound when you thump the side.