How to Train a Young Horse
- 1). Start as early as possible. Work with your young horse starting when he is only a few days old. Get him used to being touched and handled as much as you can. This will lay the groundwork for later training and teach the young horse that humans are nothing to fear. Always keep an eye on the mother horse, of course. If she appears nervous it is a good idea to back off and come back later.
- 2). Place a halter on your young horse as soon as possible. Purchase a foal size halter and slip it over the young horse's head. Attach a lead rope and simply allow him to walk around the stall. After the young horse gets used to wearing the halter you can start leading him at his mother's side.
- 3). Touch the horse all over with the longe whip. Do not hit him, simply touch him with the end of the whip. This will help to desensitize him to potentially frightening objects. You can do the same thing with other objects, like burlap sacks, plastic bags and even tarps. Watch the horse's reaction as you present each item. Take the object away as soon as he relaxes.
- 4). Work with the young horse each day, adding new items as he matures. For instance, when your young horse is over a year old you can begin placing saddle pads and even a lightweight saddle (like a racing saddle) on his back. Do not tighten the girth too much--just let the horse stand with the new object on his back. As he gets used to the weight of the saddle you can ask him to move around a bit on the longe line.
- 5). End every training session on a good note. It is important not to make your training sessions too long--several 10 to 15 minutes sessions each day are much more effective than a single hour long session. Reward your horse when he does what you want, then put him away and let him play and be a horse.