Cancer Research, Why Haven" t They Found A Better Treatment?
War was declared on cancer in 1971 and since then billions of dollars have been spent looking for a cure for the disease. Research has concentrated on finding a drug or a better way to treat cancer but so far anything they have come up with has only been marginally better than current treatments. Why haven't they made progress when all other areas of medical science have made huge advancements?
The reason is very simple. Cancer is similar to the diseases Scurvy, Beriberi, Pellagra and Pernicious Anaemia and those diseases are deficiency diseases, in other words the body is deficient in a certain vitamin or mineral and the only way to overcome those diseases is to eat the foods that contain the missing nutrients, the body is lacking in. Cancer is exactly the same, cancer will take hold when our immunity is down because of our modern way of living with our high consumption of processed food, the wrong food we eat, the toxic chemicals we are in contact with daily and our sedentary lifestyle.
Research over the last 30 to 40 years has concentrated on finding a drug or an artificial substance to patent as the potential as a money earner is enormous.
Even the latest drugs for cancer, which are Gleevic for CML (Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia) and Herceptin for a type of breast cancer are only marginally better than other chemotherapy agents that were used in the past. Even then a course of Gleevic was costing $60,000 and for Herceptin, it was even higher.
Nothing, except money is to be gained by pretending that the battle against cancer is slowly but surely being won.
Fortunately public funded research like university's are now looking at our natural food and have discovered many cancer fighting properties within those foods. Many of these compounds, called phytochemicals or phytonutrients have been found to have amazing cancer fighting properties. They are finding most of our basic food items have many benefits to someone whos fighting cancer. These are not only in preventing cancer but stopping cancer once it's established. Our natural food in its fresh form has absolutely no side effects and the cancer fighting properties found to be beneficial to a cancer patient are many and varied.
A few examples that research has found are;
* Cruciferous vegetables in which broccoli is one of them. They may be bland and boring but when it comes to fighting cancer they are unequal.
* Onion family which includes garlic in which research has found to be extremely beneficial. It is well known that in places where garlic consumption is high, cancer incident is low.
* Tomatoes reduce the risk of prostrate and breast cancer.
* Carrots, red capsicum and dark green vegetables, all stimulate the immune system.
* Spinach, beans, peas and other pulses, inhibits all cancers.
* Berries, grapes and citrus fruits have also been found to be beneficial to a cancer patient.
Remember that there is no drug, no surgical procedure or no high technical procedure that comes even close to the amazing healing power of our natural food.
A true cure for cancer will only be achieved when a patient stimulates their own body's defense system and there are only natural ways to do that and thats why they haven't found of will never find a cure for cancer. It doesnt exist in the realms of drug therapy.
The reason is very simple. Cancer is similar to the diseases Scurvy, Beriberi, Pellagra and Pernicious Anaemia and those diseases are deficiency diseases, in other words the body is deficient in a certain vitamin or mineral and the only way to overcome those diseases is to eat the foods that contain the missing nutrients, the body is lacking in. Cancer is exactly the same, cancer will take hold when our immunity is down because of our modern way of living with our high consumption of processed food, the wrong food we eat, the toxic chemicals we are in contact with daily and our sedentary lifestyle.
Research over the last 30 to 40 years has concentrated on finding a drug or an artificial substance to patent as the potential as a money earner is enormous.
Even the latest drugs for cancer, which are Gleevic for CML (Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia) and Herceptin for a type of breast cancer are only marginally better than other chemotherapy agents that were used in the past. Even then a course of Gleevic was costing $60,000 and for Herceptin, it was even higher.
Nothing, except money is to be gained by pretending that the battle against cancer is slowly but surely being won.
Fortunately public funded research like university's are now looking at our natural food and have discovered many cancer fighting properties within those foods. Many of these compounds, called phytochemicals or phytonutrients have been found to have amazing cancer fighting properties. They are finding most of our basic food items have many benefits to someone whos fighting cancer. These are not only in preventing cancer but stopping cancer once it's established. Our natural food in its fresh form has absolutely no side effects and the cancer fighting properties found to be beneficial to a cancer patient are many and varied.
A few examples that research has found are;
* Cruciferous vegetables in which broccoli is one of them. They may be bland and boring but when it comes to fighting cancer they are unequal.
* Onion family which includes garlic in which research has found to be extremely beneficial. It is well known that in places where garlic consumption is high, cancer incident is low.
* Tomatoes reduce the risk of prostrate and breast cancer.
* Carrots, red capsicum and dark green vegetables, all stimulate the immune system.
* Spinach, beans, peas and other pulses, inhibits all cancers.
* Berries, grapes and citrus fruits have also been found to be beneficial to a cancer patient.
Remember that there is no drug, no surgical procedure or no high technical procedure that comes even close to the amazing healing power of our natural food.
A true cure for cancer will only be achieved when a patient stimulates their own body's defense system and there are only natural ways to do that and thats why they haven't found of will never find a cure for cancer. It doesnt exist in the realms of drug therapy.