Recovering From LASIK Eye Surgery: 10 Things to Expect
#1: Mild Pain & General Discomfort Almost everyone experiences some level of burning, tearing and light sensitivity after LASIK eye surgery.
This may be barely noticeable or quite bothersome, depending on the type of technology used and how your eyes react.
It should only last 2-4 hours.
After your procedure is over, it is important to be driven home so you can take a long nap.
In many cases, individuals wake up without much discomfort at all.
However, be prepared to feel like there is something in your eye.
It is important to NOT rub your eyes as this could dislodge your corneal flap.
#2: Redness Your eyes will be red after the procedure.
It is completely normal to have dark red spots on the whites of your eyes for several days.
Similar to bruising, it will take a few weeks before these spots disappear completely.
#3: Use of Prescription Eye Drops & Artificial Tears Another post-op symptom is ocular dryness, which roughly 50% of patients experience after LASIK eye surgery.
Like the above symptoms, dry eye usually only lasts for a few days after your procedure.
Your eye surgeon will supply you with artificial teardrops to minimize discomfort.
In addition to using artificial tears for possible temporary eye dryness, your eye care specialist will also prescribe prescription eye drops to prevent inflammation and infection.
Be sure to only use eye drops prescribed by your eye care specialist.
#4: Follow Up Appointment One day after your LASIK procedure, you will visit your eye care specialist for your first post-op appointment to discuss your vision and any post-op symptoms you are experiencing.
Your eye care doctor will schedule regular checkups, usually at one month, three months and six months, when visual stabilization is complete.
Should your vision need additional tweaking, the six month interval appointment will include next step discussions.
#5: What to Avoid For the first week, you should avoid dust, smoke, yard/garden work and eye make-up.
For the first two weeks after your LASIK procedure, you should not swim, use a hot tub, get soap in your eyes, or submerse your head in water.
During these first two weeks, it is likely your eyes will be dry.
If you use a computer, this can exaggerate dry eye.
Therefore, frequent breaks and artificial tear lubrication are recommended.
Regarding exercise, it is essential to wait two days before resuming your normal regiman.
In addition, ensure you wear special eye protection with racquet sports and be extra cautious when playing contacts sports or sports with a ball for several weeks.
#6: Wearing Eye Shields at Night LASIK eye surgery causes your eyes to be especially fragile during the healing period.
Immediately after your procedure, clear plastic shields will be taped over your eyes to protect them and to prevent you from rubbing them.
Except to administer your drops, leave these shields on until the next morning.
Wear your eye shields for the first four to five nights after your surgery.
If you allow pets or small children in your bed while you sleep, it is recommended you sleep with your shields on for ten nights.
#7: No Eye Makeup or Eye Creams As part of surgery prep, patients should not apply eye makeup one day before LASIK and one week afterward.
Putting on makeup or applying lotions around the eye area can put too much pressure on the operated eye and increase the chances of getting those materials in the eye.
This could increase inflammation and possibly cause pain, infection or post-op damage.
#8: No Swimming or Hot Tubbing As difficult as it may be, fight the urge to jump in the pool or unwind in the hot tub.
Patients should wait two weeks after having LASIK before taking a dip, as chlorinated water irritates the eyes and has the potential to cause post-op issues.
#9: Blurry or Hazy Vision Although you should see well the day after your procedure, your vision may be a bit blurry or hazy for one to two weeks.
The higher your original prescription, the longer it will take for your vision to clear.
#10: Expect Visual Fluctuations If your vision fluctuates after your procedure, there is no need for worry.
Your eye care specialist should tell you what to expect for your specific situation.
It is important to understand your reshaped corneas must stabilize completely before your new, clear vision is solidified.
This means symptoms such as glares, haloes and difficulty driving after sunset may occur for the first few days, week or even months after LASIK.
While fluctuations are expected, be sure to openly communicate all post-op symptoms with your eye care specialist.
In learning how LASIK eye surgery may affect you afterward, take your newfound knowledge to your eye care specialist's office so you can better discuss everything related to laser vision correction during your initial consultation.
This may be barely noticeable or quite bothersome, depending on the type of technology used and how your eyes react.
It should only last 2-4 hours.
After your procedure is over, it is important to be driven home so you can take a long nap.
In many cases, individuals wake up without much discomfort at all.
However, be prepared to feel like there is something in your eye.
It is important to NOT rub your eyes as this could dislodge your corneal flap.
#2: Redness Your eyes will be red after the procedure.
It is completely normal to have dark red spots on the whites of your eyes for several days.
Similar to bruising, it will take a few weeks before these spots disappear completely.
#3: Use of Prescription Eye Drops & Artificial Tears Another post-op symptom is ocular dryness, which roughly 50% of patients experience after LASIK eye surgery.
Like the above symptoms, dry eye usually only lasts for a few days after your procedure.
Your eye surgeon will supply you with artificial teardrops to minimize discomfort.
In addition to using artificial tears for possible temporary eye dryness, your eye care specialist will also prescribe prescription eye drops to prevent inflammation and infection.
Be sure to only use eye drops prescribed by your eye care specialist.
#4: Follow Up Appointment One day after your LASIK procedure, you will visit your eye care specialist for your first post-op appointment to discuss your vision and any post-op symptoms you are experiencing.
Your eye care doctor will schedule regular checkups, usually at one month, three months and six months, when visual stabilization is complete.
Should your vision need additional tweaking, the six month interval appointment will include next step discussions.
#5: What to Avoid For the first week, you should avoid dust, smoke, yard/garden work and eye make-up.
For the first two weeks after your LASIK procedure, you should not swim, use a hot tub, get soap in your eyes, or submerse your head in water.
During these first two weeks, it is likely your eyes will be dry.
If you use a computer, this can exaggerate dry eye.
Therefore, frequent breaks and artificial tear lubrication are recommended.
Regarding exercise, it is essential to wait two days before resuming your normal regiman.
In addition, ensure you wear special eye protection with racquet sports and be extra cautious when playing contacts sports or sports with a ball for several weeks.
#6: Wearing Eye Shields at Night LASIK eye surgery causes your eyes to be especially fragile during the healing period.
Immediately after your procedure, clear plastic shields will be taped over your eyes to protect them and to prevent you from rubbing them.
Except to administer your drops, leave these shields on until the next morning.
Wear your eye shields for the first four to five nights after your surgery.
If you allow pets or small children in your bed while you sleep, it is recommended you sleep with your shields on for ten nights.
#7: No Eye Makeup or Eye Creams As part of surgery prep, patients should not apply eye makeup one day before LASIK and one week afterward.
Putting on makeup or applying lotions around the eye area can put too much pressure on the operated eye and increase the chances of getting those materials in the eye.
This could increase inflammation and possibly cause pain, infection or post-op damage.
#8: No Swimming or Hot Tubbing As difficult as it may be, fight the urge to jump in the pool or unwind in the hot tub.
Patients should wait two weeks after having LASIK before taking a dip, as chlorinated water irritates the eyes and has the potential to cause post-op issues.
#9: Blurry or Hazy Vision Although you should see well the day after your procedure, your vision may be a bit blurry or hazy for one to two weeks.
The higher your original prescription, the longer it will take for your vision to clear.
#10: Expect Visual Fluctuations If your vision fluctuates after your procedure, there is no need for worry.
Your eye care specialist should tell you what to expect for your specific situation.
It is important to understand your reshaped corneas must stabilize completely before your new, clear vision is solidified.
This means symptoms such as glares, haloes and difficulty driving after sunset may occur for the first few days, week or even months after LASIK.
While fluctuations are expected, be sure to openly communicate all post-op symptoms with your eye care specialist.
In learning how LASIK eye surgery may affect you afterward, take your newfound knowledge to your eye care specialist's office so you can better discuss everything related to laser vision correction during your initial consultation.