Making a Beat in GarageBand 11
- 1). Click on "Finder" and then click "Applications." Next, click "GarageBand."
- 2). Click "File" and then click "New" to start a new music project.
- 3). Open the selection of loops, which are pre-made sounds used for your beats made by Apple. To do this, click "Control," and then click "Show Loop Browser." The list of loops appears on the screen.
- 4). Find the sounds for the type of beat you want to create. Click on the categories in the far left of the Loop Browser. For example, click "By Moods" to select music that conveys moods such as "Upbeat" or "Sad." Alternatively, click "By Instruments" and then click "All Drums" to select from a list of drum beats. Click a loop name in the browser to listen to it.
- 5). Double-click on a loop in the Loop Browser to add it to your track. Alternatively, click on the loop and drag it to the track time line and then release the mouse button. Click on the loop in the timeline, click "Edit" from the menu and then click "Copy" to add the loop to the clipboard. Next, click "Paste" anywhere in the timeline to add more of the loop. This adds more of the same sound in your timeline.
- 6). Repeat Step 4 and Step 5 to continue building your beat with the sounds that you prefer. Click on a loop or sound and then press "Delete" to remove it from your project.
- 7). Click on "Track" and then click "Add Track" to add another track to your project. This is used to add secondary sounds to your project without affecting the position or timing of sounds in the primary beat.
- 8). Click "Share" and then click "Send Song to iTunes" to export your song into an audio file. A dialogue box allows you to edit the metadata for the song, including the playlist, artist, album and composer information. Click "Share" to send the song to iTunes.