Need an Alkaline Diet Food List?
It isn't difficult to find an alkaline food list on one of the many alkaline diet websites.
But if you're serious about following the alkaline diet correctly, you rapidly learn that most lists of this type have 3 basic errors: 1.
They're incomplete.
The first problem is that most alkaline food lists omit many foods.
Of course, you might not be surprised that some unusual foods haven't been tested for their effect on internal pH.
But it's a pain to discover that such common foods as turkey, lettuce, and tomato have been left off.
They're inaccurate.
Second, the science that backs up this diet has advanced exceptionally in recent years, but some lists still rely upon outdated references.
They're inconvenient.
What happens when you find an alkaline food list on the Internet? You don't want to have to come back to your computer every time you want to look up a food, so you print it out--and then you discover that it's badly formatted and so long that it uses up your entire toner cartridge.
Introducing the Ultimate Acid Alkaline Food Chart You don't always want to browse through page after page of exhaustively detailed food tables.
Sometimes all you really need is a good one-page chart that makes it easy to understand how your pH is influenced by the foods you eat on a regular basis.
Believe me, I've been just as frustrated as you are.
First I got angry, then I got motivated and created a handsome chart listing 127 common foods.
Color-coded star ratings makes it easier than ever before to learn how your pH will be altered by the foods you eat--before you eat them.
Because I want to give everyone access to this information, I'm making this chart available as a free download from The Alkaline Diet Blog.
But if you're serious about following the alkaline diet correctly, you rapidly learn that most lists of this type have 3 basic errors: 1.
They're incomplete.
The first problem is that most alkaline food lists omit many foods.
Of course, you might not be surprised that some unusual foods haven't been tested for their effect on internal pH.
But it's a pain to discover that such common foods as turkey, lettuce, and tomato have been left off.
They're inaccurate.
Second, the science that backs up this diet has advanced exceptionally in recent years, but some lists still rely upon outdated references.
They're inconvenient.
What happens when you find an alkaline food list on the Internet? You don't want to have to come back to your computer every time you want to look up a food, so you print it out--and then you discover that it's badly formatted and so long that it uses up your entire toner cartridge.
Introducing the Ultimate Acid Alkaline Food Chart You don't always want to browse through page after page of exhaustively detailed food tables.
Sometimes all you really need is a good one-page chart that makes it easy to understand how your pH is influenced by the foods you eat on a regular basis.
Believe me, I've been just as frustrated as you are.
First I got angry, then I got motivated and created a handsome chart listing 127 common foods.
Color-coded star ratings makes it easier than ever before to learn how your pH will be altered by the foods you eat--before you eat them.
Because I want to give everyone access to this information, I'm making this chart available as a free download from The Alkaline Diet Blog.