Exercise Tips That Actually Work! Discover How to Get a Slim Body Before Summer is Coming
Don't you just hate to read about things that don't work? When scammers try to deceive you with quick-fix solutions that won't work? Let me give you simple tips on what works when it comes to exercising and how to stay motivated- so you get the body you deserve before summer is coming.
Up to now, getting a slim body might not have been easy for you.
In fact, for many it's as hard as quitting smoking.
You'll probably have to make some changes in your life- and these do not come easily.
You might have to give up junk food, and start eating 5-6 healthy, small meals every day.
You might have to start an exercise program, although your body isn't used to it.
To keep you motivated, make some realistic goals.
Often it helps to be clear on how many pounds you can lose every month, so you know when you will get to your dream weight.
Or, if you want to get a nice, slim body before a specific date, you can calculate how many pounds you have to lose per month until that date.
I strongly recommend doing your housecleaning before you start a weight loss program.
"Housecleaning" means in this case: Getting rid of all temptations and clean up your environment.
You might have learned not to throw away food.
Get over this mental barrier and put all unhealthy food in the trash can.
This will signal yourself that you are serious about getting a slim body.
Then, make a simple exercise plan.
It is much more important that you are able to stick with it than to follow the newest fancy fitness advice.
Especially if you are new to exercise start small, and build up the intensity and duration of the individual workout over time.
You need an exercise plan for 6 days of every week- one day is free.
Schedule for every exercise day when, where and how long you are exercising.
Next, get a meal plan.
Your meal plan must support your exercise plan.
You need to eat lots of lean protein and choose a timing for your meals that goes well with your exercise plan.
As always, your exercise and meal plans must be designed for your specific situation.
What works for somebody else will likely not work for you- we are all different and have different needs.
Up to now, getting a slim body might not have been easy for you.
In fact, for many it's as hard as quitting smoking.
You'll probably have to make some changes in your life- and these do not come easily.
You might have to give up junk food, and start eating 5-6 healthy, small meals every day.
You might have to start an exercise program, although your body isn't used to it.
To keep you motivated, make some realistic goals.
Often it helps to be clear on how many pounds you can lose every month, so you know when you will get to your dream weight.
Or, if you want to get a nice, slim body before a specific date, you can calculate how many pounds you have to lose per month until that date.
I strongly recommend doing your housecleaning before you start a weight loss program.
"Housecleaning" means in this case: Getting rid of all temptations and clean up your environment.
You might have learned not to throw away food.
Get over this mental barrier and put all unhealthy food in the trash can.
This will signal yourself that you are serious about getting a slim body.
Then, make a simple exercise plan.
It is much more important that you are able to stick with it than to follow the newest fancy fitness advice.
Especially if you are new to exercise start small, and build up the intensity and duration of the individual workout over time.
You need an exercise plan for 6 days of every week- one day is free.
Schedule for every exercise day when, where and how long you are exercising.
Next, get a meal plan.
Your meal plan must support your exercise plan.
You need to eat lots of lean protein and choose a timing for your meals that goes well with your exercise plan.
As always, your exercise and meal plans must be designed for your specific situation.
What works for somebody else will likely not work for you- we are all different and have different needs.