Everything About Dog Heat
Heat is commonly known as the estrous cycle.
During this cycle, your pup may become pregnant.
It's equivalent to human menstruation.
For small dogs, it's usually not much and you may need to pay close attention to your puppy to identify her first cycle.
Mature female dogs go into heat approximately twice a year, which basically means that they will be on their mating period.
Dogs that have been spayed do not undergo estrus.
By mature dogs I mean dogs that are above six months of age.
A number of dogs will experience this late, especially the big breeds, which sometimes takes up to 2 years to experience their first heat.
During this period a dog might become expectant.
Legitimately, the estrus cycle has four main stages: Pro-estrus During which bleeding through the virginal begins.
The approximate time for this is about four days to a week, and you may realize that your dog needs to pee frequently.
Even though male dogs can be sniffing her out, she will not mate them during this particular period.
An extra sign is a swollen valve, which may not be noticed with smaller dogs or those that are hairy.
Estrus phase This is the time when your pup is actually on heat.
Pregnancy might occur in this stage, so it's advisable to keep your pup away from other dogs if you really don't want more puppies in your home.
The main noticeable sign at this stage is that her vaginal discharge turns to color yellow rather than bloody.
If you do not want your dog to mate in your absence, restrain her or even smear some menthol on her tail to counteract the hormone that attracts other male dogs.
In addition, you can try giving her some extra care and try to avoid activities which will heighten her anxiety.
The met estrus also called die estrus If your pup is actually pregnant, then the signs will automatically start to show, and approximately after sixty days, she will give birth.
Nevertheless, fake pregnancies also occurs, therefore do not panic instantly if you think your pup is carrying the next generation.
An-estrous This is the last stage and least stage, since although ovarian activities can continue taking place inside, you cannot see any exterior symptoms.
Generally, this is your pups sexual and hormonal down time, and it starts roughly two to three months after met estrus period.
Some dogs have much shorter estrus period or begins later or earlier.
Also, dogs of a particular breed can show diverse biological normality's.
This really comes down to learning your pet well and realizing that some unusual is taking place.
One note on the dog's pregnancies is that, even though a young six-month old dog can conceive, giving birth at this level can really be complicated to both the mother and to the young ones.
As usual, the detailed research you do on this topic, the more you will have the ability to deal with issues concerning your dog heat.
Basically the heat period goes along with little impact, and it can last for a few days for some dogs.
An easier solution is to look for a dogs diaper during this period of time, or maintain her in a place where her discharge will not stain any clothing in your house.
There is no need for tension during the estrus phase, since the heat will pass and everything will be back to normal.
During this cycle, your pup may become pregnant.
It's equivalent to human menstruation.
For small dogs, it's usually not much and you may need to pay close attention to your puppy to identify her first cycle.
Mature female dogs go into heat approximately twice a year, which basically means that they will be on their mating period.
Dogs that have been spayed do not undergo estrus.
By mature dogs I mean dogs that are above six months of age.
A number of dogs will experience this late, especially the big breeds, which sometimes takes up to 2 years to experience their first heat.
During this period a dog might become expectant.
Legitimately, the estrus cycle has four main stages: Pro-estrus During which bleeding through the virginal begins.
The approximate time for this is about four days to a week, and you may realize that your dog needs to pee frequently.
Even though male dogs can be sniffing her out, she will not mate them during this particular period.
An extra sign is a swollen valve, which may not be noticed with smaller dogs or those that are hairy.
Estrus phase This is the time when your pup is actually on heat.
Pregnancy might occur in this stage, so it's advisable to keep your pup away from other dogs if you really don't want more puppies in your home.
The main noticeable sign at this stage is that her vaginal discharge turns to color yellow rather than bloody.
If you do not want your dog to mate in your absence, restrain her or even smear some menthol on her tail to counteract the hormone that attracts other male dogs.
In addition, you can try giving her some extra care and try to avoid activities which will heighten her anxiety.
The met estrus also called die estrus If your pup is actually pregnant, then the signs will automatically start to show, and approximately after sixty days, she will give birth.
Nevertheless, fake pregnancies also occurs, therefore do not panic instantly if you think your pup is carrying the next generation.
An-estrous This is the last stage and least stage, since although ovarian activities can continue taking place inside, you cannot see any exterior symptoms.
Generally, this is your pups sexual and hormonal down time, and it starts roughly two to three months after met estrus period.
Some dogs have much shorter estrus period or begins later or earlier.
Also, dogs of a particular breed can show diverse biological normality's.
This really comes down to learning your pet well and realizing that some unusual is taking place.
One note on the dog's pregnancies is that, even though a young six-month old dog can conceive, giving birth at this level can really be complicated to both the mother and to the young ones.
As usual, the detailed research you do on this topic, the more you will have the ability to deal with issues concerning your dog heat.
Basically the heat period goes along with little impact, and it can last for a few days for some dogs.
An easier solution is to look for a dogs diaper during this period of time, or maintain her in a place where her discharge will not stain any clothing in your house.
There is no need for tension during the estrus phase, since the heat will pass and everything will be back to normal.