Intense Rain
Years after a painful breakup, two ex-lovers are re-acquainted when they discover that they're teachers at the same high school. On sale: February 23, 2011
A new one-shot from the creator ofA Gentlemen's Kiss.
From Digital Manga Publishing:
A new one-shot from the creator ofA Gentlemen's Kiss.
From Digital Manga Publishing:
Takaaki and Ryuji's relationship became too hard and complicated, so they broke up — another young relationship that was supposed to remain a bittersweet memory. But then, when Takaaki becomes a substitute teacher at a high school, he is suddenly reunited with his ex-boyfriend, Ryuji. Takaaki tells himself he has put those feelings of that relationship behind him forever... but are those really his true feelings?
- Release Date: February 23, 2011
- ISBN: 978-1569701645
- Visit Digital Manga's website to read more about Intense Rain
- for Intense Rain