5 Reasons to Use a Daily Cat Flea Treatment
With effective month-long protection from fleas provided with topical spot on cat flea treatments why on earth would you want to use a daily tablet version of cat flea medicine? In fact although they sound like more work they really do have their place in the fight against fleas.
There are times when a daily cat flea treatment such as Capstar really is what you need to deal with your cats 'friends'. Safe to use in conjunction with other products you may choose to use Capstar as an ad-hoc addition weapon in your fight against the flea or you may find it really is the only product you need.
Here are the top five reasons to use a daily cat flea treatment.
So there you go, a daily cat flea treatment might make sense for you and your cat after all.
For more information about daily cat flea medicine and other options for your cats flea treatment visit the Cat Flea Treatment site.
There are times when a daily cat flea treatment such as Capstar really is what you need to deal with your cats 'friends'. Safe to use in conjunction with other products you may choose to use Capstar as an ad-hoc addition weapon in your fight against the flea or you may find it really is the only product you need.
Here are the top five reasons to use a daily cat flea treatment.
- Saving Money. If your cat doesn't come into contact with fleas on a regular basis why waste money on continual protection?
- Immediate Flea Relief. If your cat is hypersensitive to fleas or just has an inordinately huge number residing in her fur there is no quicker way to kill them. Within twenty minutes dead fleas will be falling from your furry friend and after six hours 98% will be deceased fleas.
- Flea-Ridden Days Out. Whether you use another cat flea treatment or not there will be occasional trips to flea 'hot spots' which are worth considering. Places like the vets waiting room, cat shows and catteries may be areas with significant numbers of fleas. Using Capstar will stop your cat bringing any fleas home during the 24 hours of protection.
- Worried About Topical Treatments. Though topical flea treatments are widely used by many thousands of cat owners there are occasional stories of allergic reactions. Occasionally, not least through web escalation this may lead to owners worrying about continuing use of such products. If you want a guaranteed effective alternative to flea drops, daily oral treatments will be a serious contender.
- Safety for Kittens and Breeders. This form of flea control is so mild it can safely be used to prevent fleas in pregnant and nursing cats and kittens from only 4 weeks old. For breeders this really is the only option for effective and safe flea control.
So there you go, a daily cat flea treatment might make sense for you and your cat after all.
For more information about daily cat flea medicine and other options for your cats flea treatment visit the Cat Flea Treatment site.