Browser Based Applications For Businesses
Businesses today are bombarded with hip jargon lingo as ASP, SaaS, RIA, 'BI/CRM Strategy' to name a few.
Such waterfall of words apparently is the typical sales-pitch for many representatives in the industry and it takes some effort for the unfortunate layman to extract a meaningful message from this mistreatment of language.
It's probably one of the main reasons why companies hire brigades of consultants to setup a common dictionary presented in fancy reports to management.
One thing that is clear however is that executives do want to know if their software and processes are on par with the latest developments and are aligned with their business needs.
In addition companies want to eliminate the continuous aggravation within their IT infrastructure such as viruses, licenses concerns, OS upgrades, dealing with different program versions, installations and maintenance, etc.
Can solutions be offered that do away with these monstrosities? Enter the world of browser-based applications.
Browser based applications run anywhere, anytime on any system.
Maintenance and updates are done centrally without the hassle for upgrades on local workstations.
True, a general perception is that such applications offer a degraded user-experience especially compared to regular desktop software but nowadays functions are on hand that provide virtually the same bells and whistles common to desktop applications.
Such flexibility and independence is making traditional business applications seem like coal powered machinery.
In addition, browser based application tend to be lightweight that do not require hardware renewals over time.
It always baffles me how customary software upgrades tend to grow into bloated atrocities, constantly adding superfluous features and moreover risking incompatibilities thus rendering new versions nothing more than lipstick on a pig.
Web based solutions, for businesses that is, are adequate to handle most functions and requirements: managing client-details, articles, stock, orders, documents, invoices, contracts, subscriptions and correspondence.
Of course desktop software is here to stay; who in their right mind is going to shoe-horn huge complex spreadsheets into a browser? The essence however is that core business data, -methods and -logic are easily accessible and maintained centrally regardless of IT infrastructure and environment, basically recycling the thin-client approach (you know those old desk-aquariums).
The benefits boil down mainly in two categories: access and costs.
access Access, connectivity, web 2.
0 (whatever that means) basically relates to the ease with which internet applications can communicate and be employed.
Things that come in mind are linkage with other websites (e.
web based ordering), outsourcing customer-services, facilitating home employment, email listings, merger of business units and online payments.
I'm sure the list goes on a bit but once management starts to realize and appreciate the potential it will unleash ideas of possibilities.
The acquainted trendy internet terminology will by then make more sense and proudly be espoused during office meetings.
A nice showcase example I participated in was to merge various (international) branches into one database system, where the server was (and still is) physically located in one place.
All methodologies and procedures are shared by employees and management, websites have their ordering directly linked to the database, external call-centers is are used for contacting clients and prospects and third party partners can access real-time information online like billing details, order statuses, stock insights etc.
costs The second benefit is the cost aspect.
Web based solutions are durable meaning they do not tend to require a lot of maintenance once they are up and running.
Fossilized websites from 15 year ago still work fine and are not subjected to change in operating system, updated hardware or reliance on deprecated software.
If a company has in-house developers to manage applications, tools and technologies for web-development are available in a various forms, both proprietary and open-source, so costs can be allocated to line up proposed budgets.
Interface, data and business logic are maintained and backed up centrally and help solve bugs and other defects should they occur.
This way the end-user will always have an up to date application available without the need to deploy or distribute these adjustments.
Also online documentation and manuals remain well supervised.
Moving over? Moving to new technologies requires planning and there certainly must be a compelling business case to do so.
Many companies upgrade their software just to join a bandwagon of techie enthusiasts and as such it performs a nice window dressing tool towards others.
If you think that's farfetched try urging a client if they can resend you an attached document in a WP5.
1-format because you couldn't open it.
You can always defend it by stating you're currently involved in a migration to Windows 3.
11 to add more ridicule to the experiment.
For start-ups or companies that require updated software, for more adapted integration, choosing browser-based solutions seem the most fitting and strategic approach that makes businesses in the long run more independent and unconstrained.
Such applications and services are available out-of-the-box, both for free and licensed, or can be developed custom-made of course.
Such waterfall of words apparently is the typical sales-pitch for many representatives in the industry and it takes some effort for the unfortunate layman to extract a meaningful message from this mistreatment of language.
It's probably one of the main reasons why companies hire brigades of consultants to setup a common dictionary presented in fancy reports to management.
One thing that is clear however is that executives do want to know if their software and processes are on par with the latest developments and are aligned with their business needs.
In addition companies want to eliminate the continuous aggravation within their IT infrastructure such as viruses, licenses concerns, OS upgrades, dealing with different program versions, installations and maintenance, etc.
Can solutions be offered that do away with these monstrosities? Enter the world of browser-based applications.
Browser based applications run anywhere, anytime on any system.
Maintenance and updates are done centrally without the hassle for upgrades on local workstations.
True, a general perception is that such applications offer a degraded user-experience especially compared to regular desktop software but nowadays functions are on hand that provide virtually the same bells and whistles common to desktop applications.
Such flexibility and independence is making traditional business applications seem like coal powered machinery.
In addition, browser based application tend to be lightweight that do not require hardware renewals over time.
It always baffles me how customary software upgrades tend to grow into bloated atrocities, constantly adding superfluous features and moreover risking incompatibilities thus rendering new versions nothing more than lipstick on a pig.
Web based solutions, for businesses that is, are adequate to handle most functions and requirements: managing client-details, articles, stock, orders, documents, invoices, contracts, subscriptions and correspondence.
Of course desktop software is here to stay; who in their right mind is going to shoe-horn huge complex spreadsheets into a browser? The essence however is that core business data, -methods and -logic are easily accessible and maintained centrally regardless of IT infrastructure and environment, basically recycling the thin-client approach (you know those old desk-aquariums).
The benefits boil down mainly in two categories: access and costs.
access Access, connectivity, web 2.
0 (whatever that means) basically relates to the ease with which internet applications can communicate and be employed.
Things that come in mind are linkage with other websites (e.
web based ordering), outsourcing customer-services, facilitating home employment, email listings, merger of business units and online payments.
I'm sure the list goes on a bit but once management starts to realize and appreciate the potential it will unleash ideas of possibilities.
The acquainted trendy internet terminology will by then make more sense and proudly be espoused during office meetings.
A nice showcase example I participated in was to merge various (international) branches into one database system, where the server was (and still is) physically located in one place.
All methodologies and procedures are shared by employees and management, websites have their ordering directly linked to the database, external call-centers is are used for contacting clients and prospects and third party partners can access real-time information online like billing details, order statuses, stock insights etc.
costs The second benefit is the cost aspect.
Web based solutions are durable meaning they do not tend to require a lot of maintenance once they are up and running.
Fossilized websites from 15 year ago still work fine and are not subjected to change in operating system, updated hardware or reliance on deprecated software.
If a company has in-house developers to manage applications, tools and technologies for web-development are available in a various forms, both proprietary and open-source, so costs can be allocated to line up proposed budgets.
Interface, data and business logic are maintained and backed up centrally and help solve bugs and other defects should they occur.
This way the end-user will always have an up to date application available without the need to deploy or distribute these adjustments.
Also online documentation and manuals remain well supervised.
Moving over? Moving to new technologies requires planning and there certainly must be a compelling business case to do so.
Many companies upgrade their software just to join a bandwagon of techie enthusiasts and as such it performs a nice window dressing tool towards others.
If you think that's farfetched try urging a client if they can resend you an attached document in a WP5.
1-format because you couldn't open it.
You can always defend it by stating you're currently involved in a migration to Windows 3.
11 to add more ridicule to the experiment.
For start-ups or companies that require updated software, for more adapted integration, choosing browser-based solutions seem the most fitting and strategic approach that makes businesses in the long run more independent and unconstrained.
Such applications and services are available out-of-the-box, both for free and licensed, or can be developed custom-made of course.