Successful Ways of Getting Out of Credit Card Debt
- Pay your credit card bills on time to avoid late fees, which will prolong your credit card card image by jimcox40 from
Credit card debt can impact your ability to gain employment with certain companies. It can also impact whether or not you're able to secure a home or small business loan. Understandably, it may seem overwhelming to eliminate your credit card debt if you owe $10,000 or more. There are steps, however, that you can take to eliminate all of your credit card debt using sound financial strategies. - Pay more than the monthly minimum payment on your credit card. If you pay only the monthly minimum, you'll be paying more toward the interest than toward the principal each month. Even if you can only pay an additional $25 a month over the monthly minimum, make that payment regularly. Over time, you'll start to notice your credit card balance lowering. Additionally, consider using company bonus checks or/and income tax return money to pay down your credit card debt.
- Transfer balances on credit cards that charge high interest rates over to credit cards that charge lower rates. Banks and other financial institutions often offer low introductory credit card rates---take advantage of these offerings. Lower credit card interest rates could save you more than $100 a month, depending on the amount of debt that you have. Avoid using the new credit card to make new purchases.
- Write down all of your household and personal expenses. Note expenses that are optional versus expenses that you must pay (e.g., mortgage, rent, car note, auto insurance). Consider cutting back on recreation and entertainment expenses. You can also save money by spending $20 less a week on groceries and gas. Over a year, the $20-a-week savings will add up to $1,040.
Exceed Minimum Payments
Consolidate Credit Card Bills
Create a Budget