Germination of Rudbeckia Hirta
- Plant seeds in the fall directly in the garden bed. Prepare the soil first by removing any weeds and sticks. Amend poor soil by digging 2 to 4 inches of compost into the top 8 inches of soil. Rake the area flat. Scatter the Rudbeckia hirta seeds evenly over the area, leaving approximately 1 inch between seeds. Rake 1/4 inch of soil over the seeds to protect them from predators and weather. Water the garden bed at least 3 inches deep after sowing the seeds. Look for seedlings in the spring. Thin the plants to 6 inches apart as they emerge.
- Rudbeckia hirta seeds require a period of chilling before they germinate. Seeds purchased from a supplier are usually already treated and ready to germinate. If you collected your own seeds, stratify them before sowing in the spring. Place the seeds in a container with sand or damp peat moss, and keep it in the refrigerator at 40 degrees Fahrenheit for three months before sowing seeds outdoors. Plant Rudbeckia hirta seeds in a prepared garden bed and cover them with 1/4 inch of soil as you would with a fall planting. Look for seedlings in five to 10 days.
- Start Rudbeckia hirta seeds in a greenhouse in the winter or spring. Fill a seed flat with a mix of equal parts sand, peat and perlite, or purchase a soilless seed-starting mix from the nursery. Fill the seed flat with the soil mix. Place the seeds on the mix, and cover them with 1/8 to 1/4 inch of soil. Keep the seed flat damp and in a spot that remains between 68 and 86 degrees F. The seeds will germinate in five to 10 days. Plant the seedlings out when they grow 3 to 4 inches tall.
- You can collect your own seeds from wild plants or cultivated plants. Harvest the seed pods, called nutlets, after they ripen on the plant. Rudbeckia hirta seeds are ready to collect three to four weeks after the flowers die. Clip nutlets from the plant. Break open the seed pods, and empty the seeds into a jar or bucket with a lid. Keep Rudbeckia hirta seeds in the refrigerator until you are ready to plant them.
Sowing Seeds in the Fall
Sowing Seeds in the Spring
Germinating Seeds Indoors
Collecting Seeds for Planting