Ideas for Building a New Church
- Modular buildings allow for the church to be built quickly and less expensively than more traditional building projects. The use of modular or steel buildings also allows the structure to be quickly customized. The church may save some money by participating in the build and helping to get things up and open quickly. If the church decides to expand later, the design of the modular buildings makes it easier to add more space to the existing campus.
- Consider the best possible use of your entire building space. Auditoriums without fixed seating allow you to change the configuration during different kinds of events like churchwide banquets and regular Sunday worship services. The more adaptable the space, the more use you will get out of it. You may leave the setup the same most of the time, but you have the freedom to change things around for special services, different kinds of presentations and special activities.
- Adaptability can help you save costs here too. You can use pullout wall dividers between classes to maximize the number of classes you can hold or the number of attendees you can accommodate. Recessed lighting with rheostats in each area allow control on a room-by-room basis. You may also want to install projection screens that can retract into the ceiling or designate one smooth white wall or large whiteboard that can be used when you present slide shows and media productions. In areas where you will house children's ministry, consider installing half doors so teachers can control the entrance and exit of students and parents. For small children, the use of half doors can allow parents to pass children over the door ledge to teachers. This can prevent the escape of young children.
- Your church may want to set aside space for children and youths to play. Play areas close to the church where children can enter and exit from the classroom can make it easier for teachers to use the space. It may also allow the church to accommodate day care programs. You will want to allot one parking space for each two people in attendance on a Sunday. Remote parking areas can handle your overflow on peak Sundays and allow you to use the area for outdoor basketball, volleyball or other sports activities. Encourage your congregants to assist with setting up and maintaining your landscaping. Choose hardy plants that create an attractive and colorful background to your new building.
Convertible Buildings
Adaptable Auditoriums
Classroom Space
Outdoor Space