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Do You Have a Broken Heart and an Empty Wallet?

In the time of your life, have you set out on a course for a specific journey and embraced the concepts, the mission, the practices so fully it became part of who you are?

Some broad examples are Six Sigma, on demand no – inventory, self employment, classical music, a successful network marketing concept, triathlons, marathon running, swimming, building schools in Africa, learning from and following a guru without question, and much more…

What do you do? How do you react if the curtain is pulled back, and the realities are not exactly how you thought or anyone thought or were convincingly taught how they would be?

One specific example, which is a hot topic right now in the yoga community, is a specific practice, or style of yoga, Anusara. It's leader and guru who has been held up in high regard, John Friend, has reportedly conducted himself in a way which is against virtually all of the teachings and beliefs. The impacts of the allegations have already been felt across all practices, methods of yoga, from the instructors to the students.

During my yoga practice, vinyasa, this morning it occurred to me, why is this any different from any other transgression or misrepresentation by any company, company leader, role model, super star athlete, preacher, guru of a style of thinking, or anyone who has created a following or a workforce, and then is found to be someone completely different.

Consider for a moment :

Be a lamp unto yourself. It may not always be easy,
but if we can remember to try to look within to find
the light we seek, we may not be so disappointed
when it turns out that someone else didn't have it.

 -Buddhist Teaching

The cases have been well documented in these last ten years or more from Madoff, to Enron to MF Global and the list goes on. These are big companies where one person often earns in one single year what an average person might be fortunate to earn in their entire lifetime. When did the people in charge, PIC, lose their way? How is it that, no one directly under the PIC questioned, or raised issues with the practices?

A PIC becomes a PIC. They are not necessarily a leader. At some point they may have created a following. A following, eventually leading into disappointment, disillusionment, and dismay.

Think this over:

People are like stained glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.

-Elizabeth Kubler Ross

In your leadership role, yes we are all leaders in some way, lead yourself first. Stand by your ethics and what you know is right first. Then look to guide and lead others. When you seek guidance and advice, trust your gut instinct. Do you feel right about this person or this company? Or is there something bothering you, making you feel uncomfortable? Trust this feeling.

In closing read aloud:

Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Consider this when you determine who you choose to work with. On this Valentine's Day, to love, one must love themselves first. Once one loves themselves they may openly and freely love another. Love yourself first. Then give of your love.

For the business types who need to understand on other terms, read on:

Let us not be satisfied with just giving money. Money is not enough, money can be got, but they need your hearts to love them. So, spread your love everywhere you go.

-Mother Teresa

Contact Mitch Tublin today to develop the leadership skills you must have today for your success.
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