How to Head a Personal Letter
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A personal letter may be written on a computer and printed Images
Indent the heading to the middle of the page.The heading is the first of five parts of a personal letter. The heading contains the address of the sender, or return address, and the date. The address usually includes two lines. Skip a line and write the date. - 2
A personal letter may be handwritten.Jupiterimages/Polka Dot/Getty Images
Begin writing the greeting at the left margin of the paper. The greeting usually begins with "Dear" followed by the person's name and a comma. It may also begin with "Hi" or "Hello." - 3
Reading a personal letter can be a pleasure.Jupiterimages/Pixland/Getty Images
Skip a line after the greeting and begin the body of the letter. This is the main part that contains your communication or message. Indent the first line of the body of the letter and each following paragraph. - 4
Handwriting is a personal expression, yet a personal letter may be written on a computer and printed.Jupiterimages/ Images
Skip a line before writing the complimentary close.This is a word such as "Sincerely," "Love," "Yours," or "Fondly." Indent so that the close is in line with the heading of the letter. - 5
A written signature personalizes a letter.BananaStock/BananaStock/Getty Images
Skip two or three lines before typing or writing the signature line, which is the name of the sender. In a very informal letter, this is omitted and only the handwritten name of the sender is included. Otherwise, write the name of the sender in the space between the close and the printed signature line.