How to Configure a Test to Record Results
- 1). Design a test that follows a format utilizing scoring criteria of predetermined right or wrong answers. Attribute different score levels to ranges of correct answers possible — i.e., an A for a perfect or almost perfect score, B for above 80-percent correct answers, C for above 70-percent correct answers.
- 2). Deliver the test on a form or through a medium that does not allow the test format to be changed by the examinee. Restrict the entry field so that the only input provided by the examinee must be his answer to the test question. Do not allow any other type of entry — for instance, answer options outside of those provided on the exam.
- 3). Allow the examinee to perform the test within a specified time period. Do not allow the examinee to utilize any outside resources for reference.
- 4). Allow a set number of examinees to take the exam at the same time. Wait for the time period to end after the examinees have been allowed to begin. End the exam and capture the tests immediately, not allowing any further input.
- 5). Score and record the results immediate either using a manual transfer of score data or an automated count, depending on the number of right and wrong answers provided. Print out the performance report as soon as the examinee data is reconciled and compiled.
- 6). Attribute scores based on performance and percentage of correct answers achieved.