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History Repeats Itself

Time and time again we can draw parallels from what is happening today, to historical examples of the past.
And although it's impossible for history to repeat itself exactly, there are indeed recurring themes, or more specifically conflicts, in the historical time line of mankind.
We are currently on the edge of a significant era of history That is, the rise and fall of the American Empire.
And as such, we can draw several parallels from early Rome.
Although I will outline a few specific examples, the common recurring theme in both eras is the conflict over the control of money.
And in fact it is this question, of who gets to issue the money, which is the pivotal issue that transcends & prevails virtually every other era of civilization.
There are some interesting facts about the Roman period that are strikingly similar to what is happening today.
It was 200 BC, and Rome was having problems with the elite class.
The elite had control of the money supply.
Two Roman emperors tried to diminish the power of the elites, by installing usery laws (banning the practice of charging interest on interest) and limiting land ownership to 500 acres.
They were both assassinated.
Here an example of history repeating itself; a parallel you can draw here is the assassination of Kennedy.
It is not a speculation that Kennedy (ie- the two Roman Emperors) was trying to eliminate the power of the Federal Reserve (ie- Roman elites).
Kennedy created & signed Executive Order 11110 which effectively would put an end to the Federal Reserve's control over the USA money supply.
The Executive Order was quite brilliant actually, and effectively initiated the creation of a debt free, bank note (dollar bill) backed by not gold, but physical silver reserves in the US Treasury.
They were designed to compete with Federal Reserve bank notes, and would eventually replace them completely.
What's incredible, is that $4 billion of these notes were printed and put into circulation before Kennedy was assassinated.
They started with just $2 and $5 denominations.
And they were in the process of printing $10 and $20 bills but suddenly Kennedy was assassinated and these bills were never circulated.
Kennedy Dollar Bill Executive Order 11110 In Rome, finally in 48 BC, Caesar took back the power to coin money from the elite, and minted coins for the benefit of the people.
He funded massive public works projects.
And the money was made plentiful and Caesar won the love of the common man.
But the elite hated him.
Caesar Rome Coin Needless to say, Caesar was assassinated, and once again corruption, usery and debased currency came into effect.
The taxes increased.
The common people lost their land and homes.
And with the demise of plentiful money, the masses lost confidence in government and refused to support it.
Rome plunged into the Dark Ages.
As America is about to plunge into it's own Dark Ages, we can again see a powerful parallel which connects these two, once dominant nations.
Both at one point had sound money & prosperity in the working class (ie- Rome under Caesar's rule = the Industrial Revolution based on a gold standard in America).
And both of which were again taken over by the elite class (ie- Caesar assassinated = the Federal Reserve established in private).
And then finally, both of the economies of these Empires were ultimately destroyed by usury, taxes, and corruption.
Whether or not America plunges into a Dark Age is still up in the air.
Regardless, the net result will still draw yet another parallel because it will be significant & will mark the end of this nation's dominance on the world.
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