How to Make a Puffer Fish From Paper
- 1). Print a picture of a puffer fish that shows its side profile, then cut the puffer fish out, including the outline of the lips, fins and tail to make a die-cut tracing pattern. Trace the die-cut twice onto dark brown construction paper. Cut both patterns out.
- 2). Draw and color small white circles on both patterns with a crayon or cut small circles out of white paper and glue them onto the patterns to show the puffer fish spots. Glue a black craft pom-pom eye or a black paper circle on each profile pattern to create puffer fish eyes. Outline the lips in black crayon on each pattern.
- 3). Line the patterns up. Staple the top edges of the patterns together. Stuff cotton balls between the patterns to create a puffy body. Staple the patterns together as you stuff to prevent the stuffing from falling out.
- 4). Trace small triangles onto yellow construction paper and cut the triangles out. Fold the base of the triangle back to create a flat surface. Put glue on the bottom of the base and affix the triangles around the exterior of the puffer fish so they appear to be protruding like puffer fish spines. Another option for creating spikes is to cut yellow pipe cleaner into strips and poke the strips into the puffer fish body.