Directions for Jabot Curtains
- 1). Spread the decorative drapery fabric on a table and remove any folds. Measure and cut a 34-inch-wide piece for a jabot that measures 10 inches in width and 3 inches longer than one-third of the window height from the floor. Also cut the lining fabric 33 inches wide. Repeat the process for another identical piece of fabric for the second jabot, since one will be used on each side of the window.
- 2). Spread the drapery right-side up and the lining wrong-side up. Stitch along the sides using a 1/2-inch seam allowance. Because the lining fabric is slightly narrower than the drapery fabric, keep the side edges as even as you can while sewing. The excess drapery fabric conceals the lining fabric so it is not visible from the sides.
- 3). Turn the drapery fabric right-side out and iron one seam flat. Iron the second side in such a way that 1 inch of the drapery fabric creases toward the lining. This creased section forms the jabot's long side along the wall.
- 4). Measure the jabot's short side 3 to 4 inches longer than the widest section of the swag. Cut from the short end to the bottom of the creased part.
- 5). Turn the fabric so its wrong side faces out. Make a seam along the curved sides of the lower end. Use sharp scissors to cut corners. Spread the drapery fabric so the right side is up. Iron the lower seam.
- 6). Form the pleats for the jabot, which are usually 3 inches wide. Starting from the shorter side of the jabot, measure 6 inches of drapery, and fold the liner back 3 inches. Measure 6 inches of drapery again and 3 inches of liner until 4 inches remain along the long end. Insert straight pins through the pleats to hold them in place. Adjust the width of the pleats if you like.
- 7). Sew along the upper edge of the jabot with a 1/2-inch seam allowance from the outer edge. Fold the upper edge over the back and sew.