Remedy for Chest Colds
- When it comes to fighting off a cold, what you put into your body matters. The easiest way to give your body the fuel it needs to battle a cold is to drink plenty of fluids. Water, clear broth and juices will help keep your body hydrated. Stay away from caffeinated drinks, like coffee, soda and tea, as they dehydrate the body and can make you feel worse.
As for the best foods to eat, chicken soup really does do the trick. Chicken soup has been proven to have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce aches and pains, and can also speed up the expelling of mucus from the body. While it won't cure you, it can make you feel much better.
If you want something that doesn't just help, but heals, you can use food products in a couple of ways. Most people know that saltwater can relieve the pain of a sore throat. Put one-half teaspoon into an 8-oz. glass of warm water and dissolve, then gargle for a minute or two.
Warm water with a little lemon and honey will hydrate the body and can also help loosen congestion and soothe a sore throat. - Although antibiotics and antihistamines don't help, a few products exist that actually can relieve cold symptoms. Over-the-counter cold medicines and nasal sprays have some beneficial effects on colds. Nasal sprays will help clear sinus congestion and lead to easier breathing, and cold medicines can make you feel better temporarily by offering pain relief. However, cold medicines will not stop or shorten a cold, and most have side effects, including prolonging a cold. Unless you feel so bad you can't stand it, it's better to get lots of rest and fluids and let the cold clear on its own.
- Dry conditions are where cold viruses thrive. Dry air can also increase the feeling of nose congestion and add to sore throats. You can use a humidifier to add moisture to your environment, which can provide some relief from cold symptoms.
What to Eat and Drink