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Case Study


Case Study analysis

The case of ABC Inc.


The new recruiter Mr. Carl Robins of ABC. Inc Company faced a challenging situation in the month of April. This is after he successfully managed to recruit fifteen new employees in the past six months yet he is new employee in the firm. This challenge has been attributed by of lack of proper planning and also his inadequate qualification for this post.  The problem can be viewed as a result of the firm's lack of a sufficient program for mentoring. For instance Carl's supervisor has left him to do what he thinks without surprising his steps.

Case background

Mr. Robison Carl has successful employed fifteen new employees to work for Monica Carrolls only within a period of six months in the company. Monica Carrolls is the Operation Supervisor at ABC Inc. He now has to schedule another orientation for the month of June 15th so that the new employees could start their work in July. Monica contacts Carl on 15th May to inform him of issues pertaining to booklets policy, physicals, drug test and the training schedule (University of Phoenix material 2007, pp 215). These are the issues which Carl should coordinate for the new recruits. Confidently Carl tells Monica that all will be fine and ready by the time the new employees are to be oriented.

After Memorial Day weekend, Carl finds that the applications of the new employees are incomplete and that almost all the files lack transcripts. Another realization is that there are missing pages on the orientation manuals and in fact, they are not enough. The third setback was that none of the new employees had undergone a drug screening which was a mandatory requirement for all employees at the company. To add to his misery, the conference room which he planned to hold the orientations had been doubled booked.

Key problems

Many problems can be seen in the ABC Inc. case. First is the problem of planning. Mr. Carl Robin, after recruiting his first staff members realizes later that they have not undergone the mandatory screening for drugs. The firm lacks an adequate planning mechanism that is suitable for all the firm's activities. The conference hall is booked for two activities which means there will be no room for holding the training.

The three main problems are therefore the inadequate numbers of manuals since only three are available yet fifteen are generally required. Second there is no room for perseveration for the June training and finally, the data that is supposed to be filled as a process of employment is incomplete yet the new employees are already working. The root factors are based on the two parties, ABC Inc. and Mr. Robins who has poor working ethics and is therefore incompetent in his job. He is also disorganized and doesn't meet deadline goals. He is not detailed oriented for it is months later that he realizes that some of the required details for the already working new employees are lacking.


Carl has to come up with quick possible short- term solutions to help him fix the most immediate problems. He has to call all the new employees to finish the application process. Their transcripts should be attached to his files as well as all the applicants need to undergo the screening test. This quick solution will enable him achieve his target of having all the newly hired employees working by July. He therefore first has to tell them to come with their transcripts. Then he should book appointments with the clinic personnel for them to be checked. The screening is a mandatory duty for all recruits and should not be left else his recruiting ability will be questionable. The next step Carl must take is to review and make sure that all the application requirements are completed. He then has to ensure that enough copies are available to each employee. He has to coordinate and be sure that that the technology service have provided enough copies and are ready for the training.

Carl has to air his problem of not getting a room for the training with the management. He should help the management in finding alternatives to reduce conflict of resources. Such as if it is a yearly routine for the company to hire new employees before June, then it should be necessary for the company to have a timetable with the venue which each activity is supposed to take place. But as a short term solution, the company can consider hiring a room elsewhere if the training is a very urgent and necessary matter.

Proposed Solution

For ABC to operate efficiently, all the departments should coordinate as a unit. Carl Robins being a new employee in the firm should be guided with the essential requirements of the organization. His supervisor or director should have checked to see what is amiss on the records. Carl Robinson also being a new employee in the firm should have been very keen and particular in this new job. He could have asked what the needed essentials during the recruiting processes are in the firm. This is a two way traffic activity that requires the coordination and participation of all  people and departments.

The coordination could solve problems with the printing department in charge of producing materials for the company. This coordination will strengthen the cooperation with outside departments like the clinical hospitals which usually is where the new employees are screened for drugs. To achieve this Carl must take steps which will see the achievement of the best operating standards that will ensure proper sequel procedures are followed during the recruitment process. This will mainly see that time and money is not wasted. For example the charges of calling back the new employees to bring their transcripts could be saved. Also if hiring a room for the training becomes an alternative solution to the company, then more money goes to waste since proper scheduling of events within an organization reduces and eliminates such unnecessary expenses.

Carl should also learn how to prioritize his work. He should know that the drug check up and transcript attachments of new employees come prior to the actual employment. He therefore should have immediate follow up skills that would see that he has not left out essential details. This will prevent hiring new employees who have not officially and successfully completed their application process as it is the case here.

Lastly the coordination of the whole company should see into better ways of improving its technology. The company could suggest and come up with computerized ways for application processes that would limit resource conflict in the organization. As for this case we see Joe who has already double booked the conference room for other activities. If these activities were done electronically such jams could be eliminated.


Time management is the most important aspect especially in times of crisis as is the case of Carl. He needs to prioritize what he immediately has to do. First is that of calling all the new employees to bring their transcripts. Then he should book appointments with the clinic so that they get screened. Carl should be fully aware of all the recruiting processes and see to it that all the steps are followed accordingly. He should confirm that the entire requirements are provided by each employee. And if not, Carl should consider redoing another recruitment for it will be going against ABC Inc. protocol to employ new staff members who have not met all the requirements.

He then has to ensure that the printing department is fully operational and gets to produce all the training manuals needed for the orientation process. He therefore has to take steps that will ensure proper procedures are followed.

The company has to come up with ways of reducing conflicts within its limited resources. As a long term procedure, the company has to construct new buildings that will be enough for all it activities. Another step is to computerize its activities. For example in Carl's department, it would be easier using a Microsoft program that will automatically detect any inappropriate or unavailable data. Instances like lack of transcripts in the files and unattended drug screening will be avoided. This will also help in minimizing the required space for trainings. They can be done with computer tutorials.


Having seen the real situation of ABC Inc in the background information, possible directions and alternatives have been provided that would change the course of direction that the firm is going in. Carl Robins and the company should undertake the recommendations in order to achieve both short-term and long term solutions.


University of Phoenix material (2007) case study for student analysis," located in Week Two of the COMM pp215
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