How to Request a Letter of Good Conduct
- 1). Gather evidence of good conduct. If you have volunteered in the community, get a certificate. Any good deeds you have done should carry some documentation. Of course, if you help a stranger cross the street, you will not get a certificate. This should not discourage you from doing kind tasks. A helping hand never fully goes unnoticed. Further, gather up proof of payment on your residence or other documents that show you have been responsible.
- 2). Schedule an appointment with the person who will potentially draft your letter of good conduct. This could be a parole officer, employer or other similar person. Make a phone call and ask politely to schedule an appointment. Try to go off the person's schedule, not your own. Your willingness to be flexible will make a positive impression.
- 3). Make yourself presentable. Dress in a professional manner and make sure to take care of hygiene. Dress as you would for a job interview when getting ready to request a letter of good conduct.
- 4). Arrive for the meeting. Show up promptly and on time. Behave in a polite manner and briefly state your case. Kindly ask for a letter of good conduct. Present all evidence of your good conduct. If you behave politely throughout the process, you will optimize your chances.