How to Obtain a Birth Certificate From Montana
- 1). Mail an application for a birth record. Mailed applications will be sent directly to the Office of Vital Statistics. Applications will require the name of the person named on the record, his date of birth, place of birth, parents' names (mother's maiden name) and the name and address of the person ordering the record. You must also include a copy of your identification. Acceptable forms of ID include a state-issued driver's license, military ID, tribal ID or U.S. Passport. Mailed applications must also include a check or money order in the amount of $12 for the first copy and $5 for each additional copy (as of 2010) made payable to "Montana Vital Records."
Mail completed applications, copy of your ID and payment to:
Office of Vital Statistics
Department of Public Health and Human Services
111 N Sanders Rm 209
PO BOX 4210
Helena MT 59604 - 2). Fax your request for a Montana birth certificate. Download and complete the application for a birth record. The birth record application may be submitted in the fax application. Copies of your identification must also be faxed. However, faxed applications will required your credit or debit account information as requested on the application. Fax applications will also cost $12 for the first copy and $5 for each additional copy (as of 2010).
Fax your application and copy of your identification to: 866-696-1912 - 3). Call and order the birth record by phone. Phone orders are processed by VitalChek and a total fee of $22.50 is required for the first record as of 2010. Phone orders will require information such as the full name of the person named on the record, your relationship to that person, the date of birth of the person named, the parents' names of the person named and his place of birth. Phone orders will require a debit or credit card.
To request a birth record by phone call: 888-877-1946 - 4). Order a birth record online at VitalChek requires that you enter in the full name of the person named on the record, her date of birth, city of birth, parents' names, and the full name of the person ordering the record. You must include a credit or debit card information to process your order. Total price for one copy of the record, as of 2010, is $22.50. VitalChek will ship the certificate by next day air for an additional $20 as of 2010.