North Korea - Return to Animal Farm
George Orwell.
The days of Stalin.
Orwell was not a believer in Christ and in fact thought that Marx and Engels really had something going.
His issue was not with Communism but with the way this new Communist theory was being acted out by Lenin, Stalin, and the rest.
It was obviously not working according to the original script.
Some would argue that the original script came from Christ Himself.
You share with me, I share with you.
But not at the point of a gun.
That was added later.
Anyway, Orwell was an honest man who wanted to say something about the Stalinist regime of his day.
He said it most effectively in his satirical novel, Animal Farm.
There is a film version (1999) which I happened onto last evening.
My wife and I sat in amazement as scene after scene reminded us, not of Stalin, but of the original and present dynastic regimes of North Korea...
and actually the cycle portrayed has been repeated in many places on the planet.
Consider: - the original corruption of society needing to be addressed - the desire to end that corruption and bring justice in its place - the bringing down of the corrupt society - the hero worship, shifting empasis from the genuine needs of the people to the increasingly neurotic needs of the leader - the slow replacement of the old corruption with a new and worse corruption Yes, It's all there, to this day.
And Christians, myself for one, pray, "Lord, stop all this! Bring it all down!" But praying believer, does your mind ever travel beyond the fall of such governments (and they all eventually do fall) to what shall be on the other side of a regime change? We know for one thing, that, one day, Jesus shall be King over all the earth! "Jesus shall reign where'er the sun Doth his successive journeys run, His kingdom stretch from shore to shore, Till moons shall wax and wane no more!" What a glorious day is coming! All those who rejected His rule will themselves be rejected eternally.
The world will be put right side up! But what if Jesus' coming is not the next thing on God's calendar? What if the replacement is another merely human leader? I believe we should pray earnestly for that man to be a righteous man, a man whose relationship to God is real and strong.
Then when the nation turns around, God Himself will receive all the glory!
George Orwell.
The days of Stalin.
Orwell was not a believer in Christ and in fact thought that Marx and Engels really had something going.
His issue was not with Communism but with the way this new Communist theory was being acted out by Lenin, Stalin, and the rest.
It was obviously not working according to the original script.
Some would argue that the original script came from Christ Himself.
You share with me, I share with you.
But not at the point of a gun.
That was added later.
Anyway, Orwell was an honest man who wanted to say something about the Stalinist regime of his day.
He said it most effectively in his satirical novel, Animal Farm.
There is a film version (1999) which I happened onto last evening.
My wife and I sat in amazement as scene after scene reminded us, not of Stalin, but of the original and present dynastic regimes of North Korea...
and actually the cycle portrayed has been repeated in many places on the planet.
Consider: - the original corruption of society needing to be addressed - the desire to end that corruption and bring justice in its place - the bringing down of the corrupt society - the hero worship, shifting empasis from the genuine needs of the people to the increasingly neurotic needs of the leader - the slow replacement of the old corruption with a new and worse corruption Yes, It's all there, to this day.
And Christians, myself for one, pray, "Lord, stop all this! Bring it all down!" But praying believer, does your mind ever travel beyond the fall of such governments (and they all eventually do fall) to what shall be on the other side of a regime change? We know for one thing, that, one day, Jesus shall be King over all the earth! "Jesus shall reign where'er the sun Doth his successive journeys run, His kingdom stretch from shore to shore, Till moons shall wax and wane no more!" What a glorious day is coming! All those who rejected His rule will themselves be rejected eternally.
The world will be put right side up! But what if Jesus' coming is not the next thing on God's calendar? What if the replacement is another merely human leader? I believe we should pray earnestly for that man to be a righteous man, a man whose relationship to God is real and strong.
Then when the nation turns around, God Himself will receive all the glory!