How to Propagate Cherry Trees
- 1). Purchase some cherry seeds from a nursery or gardening supply store. You can also use seeds picked out of fresh cherries purchased from a store, but these will have a reduced chance of fully germinating. The chemicals placed on cherries to eliminate pests can sometimes cause the seeds to die as well.
- 2). Place the seeds in small pots filled with vegetable potting soil. Water the soil until it is moistened. Place the pots inside a large plastic bag. Put the seeds inside a refrigerator set just under 40 degrees for two to three months. Alternatively, you can plant the seeds directly into the ground during the fall in areas where winters routinely get below freezing.
- 3). Check the soil every week and water consistently to ensure the soil stays moist. After three months, remove the seeds from the refrigerator. Move the seeds into small peat pots. Place one seed in each pot. Set in a warm, sunny place. Water regularly, ensuring that the soil stays moist.
- 4). Take the pots outside after the danger of frost is no longer present and shoots have sprouted. When the shoots are 4 to 5 inches high, fertilize with an all-purpose fruit tree fertilizer containing nitrogen for best results. Continue to fertilizer every two months.
- 5). Move the trees into the ground when they have reached 4 feet tall. This can take up to two years. Slit several holes into the peat pots and place the pot directly into a hole in the ground. Water every two weeks for the following year. The tree should produce consumable fruit within three to five years.