How to Deal with a Depressed Family Member
- 1). Do some research into what it is your loved one is going through to better understand the situation. You can begin by searching online or by discussing the symptoms with a family doctor you trust.
- 2). Try to convince your loved one to get some outside help. This will be a challenging step with some people. The thing that you must remember is that you have to be patient but a little pushy. Some people with depression don't feel they have a problem, others are embarrassed and don't want to admit they have a problem. Try explaining what their condition is doing to them as well as the people around them. Sometimes, an outsider's view can help put things in perspective.
- 3). One thing to remember is that this is not your fault. Millions of people suffer from depression for countless reasons. Some have a chemical imbalance in their brain, others are dealing with deeper issues, such as abuse or drug problems. A good thing for those who find dealing with their loved one is too stressful would be to find a counselor or support group of their own. You might find some comfort talking with other families that are going through the same thing.
- 4). It can be hard to deal with someone who'd moods are rapidly changing so it is important to have patience. Remember that your loved one most likely cannot help his/her outbursts or anti-social behaivor. What you can do is try to get them help and to be there for them they need you.